My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 883: Terrible opponent

Han Dong was not a person who liked reasoning too much.

Originally planned to use the experience of cooperating with Huo Ziping, try to build a relationship to reduce the hostility of the other party.

But the other party didn't say a word, and went straight to death ... Han Dong was too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Sand of Death"

A large amount of black sand was dissociated from the ground around, turning into the head of the high priest of Imerton, swallowing towards the monks on the cliff.

After the experience of the holy city prison, the quality of the left arm improved.

This trick of death magic can reach the level of the third-order and fourth-order knights, coupled with the essence of "myth-level contact" ... can easily defeat, and even kill knights of the same rank.

"... Mythical contact?"

The monk's eyelids jumped slightly, and he felt a trace of danger.

The body that was originally sitting in front of the cliff against the desert was immediately deflected, looking directly at the black sand head that was about to devour him.

For a moment, it seemed to see through the basic structure of this magic.

Hands produce a unique seal of Buddha.

"Fu Ming Ming"

A buddha statue with an angry image appeared in the air, and then converged into the young monk's body.

Let the sand of death impact on the surface of the monk's body, not affected by the slightest point ... Even wearing the monk robe shows no signs of breaking, or perhaps the monk robe itself is a high-level fate equipment.

Just when the black sand's engulfment is about to end, only the last layer of sand.

A mad dog with blood dripping from his mouth, ripped open the last layer of black sand and bited at the monk's body.

The big mouth of the mad dog's blood basin is woven from bright red tentacles, and there is a human-shaped head wearing "conical eye protection" deep in the mouth, staring at the monk.

The young monk stared at the strange monster in the blood dog's mouth, and was shocked psychologically, "Huh !? You really are a knight of the Holy City, and deliberately retained the strange monster's consciousness during the seed break, and stayed in the body to maximize the coordination Alien power ... No wonder Huo Ziping will lose in your hands. "

"Vajra is not bad"

The **** symbol is formed in the back of the hand.

A layer of light like the Holy Light, which can restrain the magic light of the demon, covers the whole body of the ancient Xu, especially the two arms.

He buckled the upper and lower jaws of the blood dog stiffly, blocking the move from the front.

Even ... click!

The power of King Kong is attached to both arms, and the power exceeds the bite force of the blood dog ...

Ka Ka Ka broke the blood dog's mouth up and down, and the blood was scattered, and even the earl deep in the blood dog's mouth was startled.

Of course, Han Dong was equally shocked.

Although there is no "Dark Blood" attached to this trick, but it is used together with the black sand magic, even if it is against the third-level or fourth-level knights.

At present, he was even suppressed by the monk.

"Sure enough ... Moreover, there are several strong breaths in your sleeping cave, I hope we will not meet in advance."

The young monk who broke the black sand and the blood dog in front has no intention of continuing the attack.

The figure gradually faded away from the dream.

Only Han Dong, who was standing on the spot and lost in thought ... The strength shown by this monk forced Han Dong to carefully consider the element of team competition.

Its intensity has exceeded Han Dong's estimate.

"This Oriental is so strong? I can ignore your black sand, but also face the blood dog of Earl Ben."

Earl's consciousness is attached to Han Dong, and dreams are naturally together.

She is covering her upper and lower mouth, showing a toothache expression.

"It's not just skills and strength ... This monk's eyes are not worse than mine. It seems that he is fighting hard against the black sand and blood dogs with a positive face. In fact, he has found the weakness of both.

The "sand" that belongs to the rare magic category seems to be scattered, but in fact there is also a central point that maintains the entire magic.

This monk's breath just hit the black sand's magic center, causing the sand particles to collapse before coming into contact with his body, and the effect was greatly reduced.

As for your blood dog, the same is true.

The Buddha's light radiated from him is similar to the powerful Holy Light of the fighting nuns, and has a strong restraint against the power of the alien ... when the blood dog bites, he is just "broken".

All this is marked a little.

This monk's "eyes" are extremely powerful. I saw through the double combo move I gave in advance. The next meeting will be a big battle. "

Han Dong didn't think much about it. He continued to fall asleep in his dream and entered a deep sleep state.

Sleep for a full twelve hours.

When Han Dong woke up, he found that Mia, who took off her space suit, only wore a bra with a low neckline and stuck to herself, hugging her tightly ... She still had words in her mouth and was talking about Han Dong ’s English. first name.


Han Dong also felt the gaze of the third party.

Lord Maritis is standing at the moment beside the water bed, her curly hair hanging down, her wide eyes wide, and carefully watching Han Dong who just woke up.

"Miss Mary, what are you doing?"

"I want to see how you humans mate, I'm curious ..."

"Not for you, we didn't ... just sleep."

"Strange, I obviously smelled a lot of hormonal breath from this female individual ... If it is placed in the toad, and a lot of hormonal breath is released from one side and the two are in close contact, they have already begun to lay eggs.

You humans are really strange individuals. "

Han Dong is also not very good to explain, after all, the species are different.

Mary Tiss turned to look around the cave. "Oh, did anyone‘ visit ’here yesterday ~ ~ or explored the cave somehow?"

"Huh? Miss Mary, can you feel it?"

"" Sweet Tumor Stone "is an epic treasure bestowed to me by Chanzu, but a certain deviation occurred in its position last night. "

"Yes, yesterday I used a deep sea mark to meet a participant in a real dream."

"Real dreams? No wonder they can infiltrate. Did the other party find us here?"

"I found it, but according to the intention of the other party, I will not take the initiative to find it ... this can be assured."

"It's so good to get them ... just make some jerky to serve as food."

"It is still the primary purpose to find the God Capital."

After finishing a little, the team came to the edge of the cliff again, staring at the gray desert corresponding to a depth of more than a thousand meters.

Han Dong motioned his teammates to step back.

"Let me go and investigate first.

Whether it is the sand magic I am proficient in or the multiple life-saving abilities, this is the most suitable for me to investigate the unknown restricted area.

By the way, Miss Mary ... Next we will walk through the dry desert area, this thing should be useful to you. "

Han Dong took out the "water bead" purchased in advance in the world of Black Tower.

Although it is just a small play, it can work wonders under special circumstances.

With a cautious look and receiving the "water bead avoidance", Maridis instantly felt a large amount of water flowing into her body while still locking in water, reducing the rate of body water loss by 70%.


Before waiting for Mary to speak, Han Dong has jumped off the cliff ...

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