My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 894: Kill the monster

The best way to deal with the extremely regenerative "strange form" is that the dead magic directly destroys the cells of the whole body, causing death.


"Ability Suppression" 95

The black sand used in this state is very bad both in quality and quantity. It is estimated that only one arm can be destroyed... If it cannot be completely annihilated, it will have no meaning.

If you want to win, you must find the "weak spot".

According to the warden, since it is a ‘new product’, it naturally has its instability... Moreover, judging from the “weak appearance” revealed by the ‘human form’, there must be incompleteness.

"Even if there are "weak points", it would cost a lot to find out... Otherwise, this kind of thing will not be allowed to "show on stage".

There are now two options.

1. War avoidance: Avoid war as much as possible in the early stage, carefully observe the battle between other slaves and monsters, and collect information as much as possible (including attack patterns, habits, weaknesses).

2. Leader: Obtain the leadership in advance, organize all the scattered subordinate slaves, and attack the monster.

In the case where the slaves are all black water distorted, the second method is more suitable... everything can be used to increase the possibility of survival. "

Thinking of this, Han Dong opened his voice and shouted in the marked Egyptian language:

"Everyone leaned over and let me arrange the battle plan... I will try my best to keep everyone alive."

Without the establishment of'leadership' in advance, when such a leadership word was spoken, one of them immediately jumped out and said in disdain: "What do you count, why should you listen..."

Not waiting for the subordinate slave to finish.

Han Dong's eyes revealed a fierce light similar to that of a veteran, and a mass of black matter was shot directly from his left hand, penetrating the person's heart.

Although these subordinate slaves can control the black water to a certain extent, it is still human in nature, and the consequences of a broken heart are difficult to bear.

One stroke killed.

For the slaves who are at the lowest level and do not have too much dominance, the most direct and quick way to seize ‘leadership’ is to demonstrate strength.

However, the effect was beyond Han Dong's expectations.

"Priest... The subordinate slaves are actually mixed with "priests"! "

The effect of Han Dong’s move "Hei Sha Chuan Xin" is not only about gaining leadership, but also attracting special attention from the audience and even the warden.

One spectator even got up directly and tried to negotiate with the staff of the Colosseum, wanting to terminate the game and buy Han Dong at a high price.

The warden stared at the subordinate slaves who were unable to stand up to the ground, and the aging blood and flesh that had been gradually eroded in the chest, and whispered: "...the power of Anubis."

At the same time, I ordered the staff beside me to temporarily stop the sale of these slaves and let the game continue.

"Priest? Does it mean that "magic" has a special meaning in the **** capital? Just..."

In this way, all the remaining slaves concentrated towards Han Dong.

"I need a "sturdy net" with a length and width of as much as four meters or more, can you make it with black water? "

"Yes...but I may not be alone."

"I can too……"

"I'm here to help..."

The identity of the priest gave this group of people a ray of hope for survival, and the first order given by Han Dong was not to let them die... and a plan that might sound useful.

The process of weaving the web is similar to the first slave building a black blade on his arm.

Through the black water in the body, it stimulates cell proliferation and keratinization, and slowly weaves a tough black net.

Fortunately, the moving speed of the "strange shape" is slow enough to give everyone enough time to weave the web.

"Miss Mary, you should try not to have too many fighting moves in this game... just give it to me.

If both of us show magical powers at the same time, the follow-up may lead to contention between different slave owners, leading us to be separated. "

"Huh, for this inferior creature, the lord has no intention to do anything...Since you are eager to show it, give you the opportunity. There seem to be many slave owners in the stands who are interested in you.

If you buy them back, it will be more convenient for you to explore the God Capital. "

Han Dong did not reply much.

In fact, there is one more reason for not letting Maristis do it.

Since the cooperation, Han Dong has not really seen her ability, and it is not easy to arrange.

A tough black net with a width of five meters has been completed. After Han Dong gave his battle plan, all the members acted together.

The black net spread out.

Slow-moving targets are easily enveloped in it.

Immediately have the power to suppress the black net and restrain the target's movement.

At this time, according to Han Dong’s instructions, the slaves used the distortion of the black water to build a spear on their arms... as far as possible to attack the target.

Whew wow

Black spears pierce the target's body through the mesh.

These attacks are not a random poke, they all point to the theoretically deadly parts as much as possible.

Han Dong carefully observed from the corner of the black net.

"Heart puncture...ineffective."

"Brain puncture...ineffective."

"Digestive system...ineffective."

"The reproductive system...ineffective."

No matter where the part is damaged, the target is still expressionless, and even there is no decline in vitality.

Moreover, the pierced area also grew a multiplication mouth, biting the black net hard... so that it would not last long.

Even before everyone thinks about how to fix the black net, a worse situation appears.

One arm was cut off by a spear.

When the arm hits the ground, it immediately evolves into an independent life.

Jumping to the nearest slave through an opening where the black net has been bitten... The speed is so outrageous, avoiding the attack of the spear, and jumping to the face of the slave.

The palm fits the face.

In less than a second, complete control of slaves was completed... Instead he waved the spear in his hand and pierced the head of the slave who controlled the black net beside him.

The black network is also slowly showing a tendency to get out of control.

at this time.

A mass of black sand struck, covering the arm like a swarm, and eroding death.

As Han Dong initially estimated, it is still possible to destroy an arm.

As the arm was completely broken, the controlled slave also fell to the ground and died.

Han Dong immediately came to the controlled slave in a short step and performed an ultra-fast autopsy.

"I said, such fast body control is not connected to the brain... but the control of the "secondary nerve center", which is the spine.

Since it is the core of the spine, are the key and weakness of the target also the spine? "

Recalling the situation where the target was punctured and cut open, its "spine" always maintains its integrity, and the bone hardness is stronger than the black water structures of the slaves.

"Everyone stops attacking and closes the net with all their strength!"

Since the black net has not been completely destroyed, everyone grabs the corner and pulls hard... close the net!

Handong hardened his scalp and tried to activate the little magic eye while being suppressed.

As a crack formed on the forehead, and when the eyes opened slightly, Han Dong stumbled to the ground... The opening of the little magic eye consumed too much energy and caused the brain to dizzy.

at this time.

A cold, soft palm is attached to Han Dong's back.

A stream of clean water carrying chaotic energy is injected into the body to recharge Han Dong.

"Thank you Miss Mary."

Han Dong, whose faint feeling disappeared, rushed toward the strange shape of the center of the black net when it was close to a range of about two meters.

The "target" bound in the black net looked at Han Dong with a very weird look, which contained both anger and a kind of begging, as if begging Han Dong to kill him.


Target opened his mouth wide, facing Han Dong.

Similar to the classic monster alien attack.

A dark and toothy columnar structure was instantly ejected from between the mouths... It was fast enough to instantly kill any slave present.

"see through"

Even though Han Dong saw the attack in advance through the small devil's eye, it was difficult for the body to keep up.

The columnar tongue penetrates Han Dong's left shoulder.


Han Dong bears the pain and raises his left index finger!

The black sand turned into a sharp blade, cutting off this disgusting "pillar tongue" longitudinally... This special tongue for hunting seems to be a very important part of the target, causing it to fall into a terrible state of extreme pain.

Seize the opportunity.

All the power hidden in Han Dong’s right arm is activated.

A little galaxy stimulated by g virus...when the iconic g eye was formed, the right arm was completely lost.

Eli claws shred the target's back skin and pinched the black spine.

Clench your teeth and pull hard!

Uh! Boneless!

In front of the whole audience and the warden.

Han Dong forcibly stripped the entire one-meter-long black spine, and the goal was to die on the spot.

However, the black spine caught in Han Dong's hand was dragging like a "centipede"... It seemed to be used as a living prop for Han Dong.

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