My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 930: Transportation and start


There was a sound of water coming out of the bathroom.

Han Dong, dressed in tights, stood in front of the dresser.

Staring at the slightly emaciated self in the mirror, using his hands to remove the hair that was drooping in front of his eyes due to wetness, install the "John's Spine", and then fine-tune the special finger cuffs worn on the left middle finger.

To a certain extent, Han Dong has fully integrated into the Shendu system, adapting to the scientific products and growth methods here.

At this stage, it is very important. Everything that will be done next will determine whether Han Dong will eventually take the position of "Pharaoh".

"The restricted area should be regarded as an area that is relatively close to the original movie plot... If the White Giant's temple can really penetrate into it, it may get high-quality black water or special props.

At present, there may be perfect aliens in this process, and some white giants who want to get revenge.

The danger is very high. Miss Mary will not be separated from me no matter what happens. It will be very troublesome if it gets lost. "

As Han Dong finished this sentence.

A burst of air bubbled up in the bathtub full of hot water, and Maridis' head slowly emerged from the water, grunting and nodding while spitting bubbles.

"It's about time, let's go..."

Come to the wormhole exit half an hour early

Compared to the entrance randomly scattered on the wall of the wormhole.

The setting of the exit is quite secret, and there are professionals responsible for guarding, and only those with permission from the Black Pyramid are allowed to leave.

After showing the pass of the restricted area, a minister with six eyes and a cockroach-like staff received Han Dong.

"Excuse me, how many exits are you going to the restricted area?"

"Is there any choice? Is there a big difference between the different areas of the restricted area?"

"The difference in initial exports is still very large.

If you are going to the restricted area for the first time, it is recommended that you choose Exit 1 or Exit 5. According to statistics, the survival rate of explorers entering the restricted area from these two exits is higher.

of course.

This leads to more explorers entering the restricted area from these two places, and relatively less exploration information in the peripheral area and relatively few props that can be searched... However, when you reach the core area, there will be no difference. "

"OK, then choose Exit 5."

Han Dong is not going to die. Without any experience, he chooses a difficult entrance.

Since the kernel area is the same, it is the best choice to explore in a safe way in the early stage.

"Um...please follow me, the different exits are still far apart."

A hanging transport vehicle set up in the area of ​​the wormhole arrives. Its appearance resembles a kind of "ball", which is attached to the cavity track at the top of the wormhole. It can take up to five passengers.

It was not long before the two left.

Alleles team Professor Novikov came here with three players about 23 times the size of ordinary people and wrapped in a thick rubber jacket.

"Please take us to Exit 3."

"The survival rate of Exit 3 is extremely low. Are you sure you want to enter the restricted area from there?"


"Wish you guys good luck."

It seems that the information about the restricted area has already been gained.

The information in the hands of Professor Novikov told him that Exit 3 was the closest to the inner core of the restricted area.

His goal is the inner temple.

He can withstand the dangers that occur in the outer area. It is the same from where he enters. He only needs to save time.

It is necessary to ensure that every step of the plan is executed perfectly, and arrive at the quaint temple built by the White Giant without any intervention.

"Compared to the initial positions corresponding to other exits, Exit 3 can save me at least one hour... As long as this step can be achieved, my "Great Project" will be more than half successful. Do not disappoint me three of you .

After participating in the promotion competition, I immediately registered for a high-risk area such as a forbidden place. The other participants must not keep up with my progress. "

Novikov's face was confident, and when he stretched and slapped on the surface of his teammate's rubber jacket, a burst of resonance pulse formed.

The three teammates whose faces were covered by their collars also nodded immediately, completely following Novikov's command... What needs to be explained here is that the positioning of "Prometheus" is "fourth order".

The members of the Dragon City team and another Wangdu team are all Tier 4.

Novikov itself is a fifth-tier engineer, which means that the team members he carries are all is more a tool than a member.

Viewpoint switching.

The fifth outlet corresponds to a larger meaty opening, and its structure is similar to the intestinal opening.

Since the essence of God Capital is the giant sandworm hidden in the planet.

The way to enter the God Capital is through the swallowing of sandworms, leaving the God Capital naturally corresponds to...

It has to be said that this method is still more tasteful.

However, Shendu Sandworm is a living city created by human beings, and its structure has long been changed.

The excretory gut of sandworms is completely separated from the transport gut.

Moreover, special workers are arranged to clean the transport intestines every day...the inside is absolutely clean.

Except Han Dong.

There are also several teams waiting in line here, and the number is no more than three... Each one feels that there is a black line in the corner of his eyes, almost entering the forbidden place with the mentality of dying.

After all, many people are forced to come here.

Those who can compete through promotion can hold positions in various organizations, obtain certain rights and have a good salary, and can almost enjoy the life in the gods. Naturally, they do not want to take their own lives to take risks in the restricted area.

However, the slavery of God Capital does not allow slaves to live a life that is too comfortable.

Whether it is a white slave or a black slave, they will obey the control of God Capital, and every once in a while will force a group of people to go to the restricted area to prove their value to the Black Pyramid.

"The next group, come here."

When it was Han Dong's turn.

Use a biological tentacle to evenly apply lubricating fluid to the two The delivery time is about 15 minutes, please do not have extra actions during transportation.

After arriving in the restricted area, please remember the location of the exit and calculate the time... Only when you arrive at the exit at 3:00 in the morning can you return to Shendu.

In addition, if you are chased and killed by living creatures in the forbidden land, be sure to get rid of or kill the living creatures first.

If the living body sensing device at the exit senses the existence of non-God living things within ten meters, it will not be able to open the reverse conveying channel. "

"it is good."

With the two lying on the slippery intestines, the glide speed accelerated to 80km/h in a short time. Apart from the concept of intestines, the feeling of gliding inside was quite cool.

To ensure that the two arrived at the same time, Han Dong also held Armi Tiss tightly in one hand.

As a foul smell entered the nasal cavity, the two were successfully discharged from the sandworm.

The smell in the restricted area is like the boots with smelly feet being completely wet, and then mixed with rotten meat... Even Han Dong can't stand it.

However, Han Dong was not allowed to adapt to this taste at all. A slave with a frightened expression on his face ran head-on. Apparently, the previous batch of explorers who came to the restricted area wanted to return to the capital.

Han Dong also noticed that he was still contaminated with blood.

"Mary, there is something!"

Following Han Dong’s reminder, a dark, damp, strange-looking plant in the cave, a black individual resembling aliens chased out... compared to the ordinary aliens in the original movie, which is initially estimated to be three meters in size.

Non-God living creatures are detected and the transportation channel cannot be opened

Upon hearing such a prompt, the slave collapsed directly to the ground, his eyes occupied by despair.

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