My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 950: Benchmarks

Early the next morning.

All the team members, led by the high priest, came to the open test area on the inner layer of the pyramid.

The so-called benchmark test is divided into

Of the four tests, only those who have achieved comprehensive scores or one of the assessments have reached the s level will be eligible to apply to the Pyramid for "God Selection".

When the team came to the test area.

The director of the Sun Temple came here with another team.

When the visions of the two teams meet, their respective eyes are unbelievable... Most people think that the speed of their team is far above the average level, and it should far exceed the other teams.

Who knows, the progress of the two teams is exactly the same, even at the same time the node hit the front in the test area.

Only Han Dong, Demps, and the opposite ancient monk did not change much.


The following assessment will not involve interest disputes, it does not matter if you meet here in advance.

Through the relationship laid in the promotion game, Han Dong shook hands with Gu Xu to actively express his friendly attitude.

Just as the two reached out, they formed a connection of consciousness.

Gu Xu opened the door and asked, "Is Novikov's death and the all-annihilation of the Allele Squad related to you?"

"Yes... I was killed at a critical moment.

Otherwise, once Novikov's plan is realized, all our teams will be in danger. "

"What is his purpose?"

"Complete yourself with the most perfect alien flesh, that is, the **** of aliens, and complete the final breakthrough of the fifth-order engineer.

Through Novikov's own mythical contact twelve trials, if he is allowed to complete this great plan, we will not be his opponent even if we unite. "

"Thank you very much... After the test passed today, let's talk in private, are you free?"

Gu Xu's monk actually highly praised Han Dong for killing Wangdu's engineer, which surprised the latter.


In this way, the two each smiled in good faith and returned to the team apart.

When Gu Xu told his teammates what he had just said, everyone fell into a deeper state of surprise.

Even the dark-haired little brother who had always been reserved turned his eyes to the European youth who was walking back to the team.

Gu Xu continued to say in the team, "My original idea was just to let them delay Novikov's progress as much as possible.

Who knows, Novikov, which I regard as the biggest hidden danger, was solved by this group of people in advance.

That being the case, it is normal for them to keep up with us in progress.

No wonder Huo Ziping will lose... This knight team is extremely powerful, and the secrets hidden in the team should also be very amazing, we have to dig as much as possible. "

"Captain, do you want to change the plan?"

"Wait until the test here is over and talk to them privately...if their purpose does not conflict with us, think again."

Since the two teams came to the test area at the same time, they were put together for testing.

Strength is the comprehensive evaluation of individual strength.

An obese creature with a big belly is standing in the muscle strength test area.

The whole is like an infinitely proliferating meat ball, fat and huge, but the whole can barely fall into the category of humans.

The whole body was covered with black lines, and the black eyes were staring at the testers.

Such obesity is obviously caused by high-order black water.

"The meat chief priest Gute is responsible for your strength evaluation.

Enter the test area one by one, and use pure power to make the strongest blow against the priest of Gout.

He will give an evaluation based on your striking level. "

The Dragon City team was a little hesitant.

The first one is always a loss, and once his test results are exceeded by many people in the back, it can't pass the face.

Just then, a man in the Holy City team walked out.

It was Brother Dumps who had always enjoyed life in the Holy City.

"Well, is this person strong? Actually the first one?"

Just when the Dragon City team focused on Demps, they thought something strange would happen.

The fat on the surface of the meat chief priest didn't even show much floating signs.

Demps seemed serious, but the actual punch he felt was soft, and he directly collapsed.

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With the collapse of Demps, everyone no longer cares about anything, and the test kicks off.

These tests for basic attributes are not considered hole cards, nor do they need to be deliberately concealed.

Seeing Demps' performance is so rubbish, Longcheng also wanted to take the opportunity to write down Ma Wei for the other side.

"Captain, here I come."

Demanding to be listed is the Dragon City team, holding a heavy three-pointed rifle Xuanyuanyu.

She also has a status as Valkyrie in Dragon City.

Special organizations like night watchmen and fighting nuns in the Holy City, only women with excellent melee abilities have the opportunity to win the title of Valkyrie.

The heavy gun was behind his back.

A white arm with a suitable muscle contour is shown.

During the charge, a cyan dragon pattern appeared between the arms... a punch came out.

As if a green dragon hit the surface of the fat, the air waves rolled in the test area, and the fat of the meat chief priest Gute caused a layer of ripples, and even took a step back.

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"Is it so powerful? There is still a limit of 50. UU reading can actually throw such a punch with bare hands.

Moreover, the real strength of this woman is not strength, but a kind of "green dragon power" entrenched in the body and a delicate grasp of skills. "

Han Dong stared at the fat body of the priest, and a spiral fist pit was drawn in the center of the body. It took a lot of events to fill up the surrounding fat meat.

"I come."

Immediately followed, Abel started.

It also activates the dragon bloodline in the body... A different dragon clan attribute is revealed.

Xuanyuan Yu, who had just returned, was immediately interested, "Huh? The evil dragon in the West... I didn't expect there was such a guy in this group of knights. It was quite cute."

Although Xuanyuanyu hated the ranks of knights who had an affair with strange monsters, he felt a little excited when he looked at Abel's white fluff and animal ears.

This Abel gave a flying kick.

When he was about to hit the target, Abel's body surface was enveloped by a black shadow, even covering the dragon's bloodline.

This point was also captured by the ancient virtual monk.

"Well? There is such a knight... such a physique and talent, enough to develop into a leader?

This team is really not simple, if this group of people really have an affair with the monster, it is enough to show that the Holy City has opened the gate to the monster. "

Abel's test results give the strength a.

Due to the gap in knight ranks (fourth order vs. first order), Abel still lost the opponent because of lack of talent... The result is already quite good.

When Abel, with his ears pulled down and head down, returned to the team, one arm immediately covered his shoulder.

"give it to me……"

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