My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 954: Temple of Osiris

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When a kobold like a mythical creature appeared.

Han Dong was quite surprised. After all, even his left arm had a certain homology.

You can even feel a [divineness] from this kobold.

"Divine creation...Although the divinity is far less than the [Alien God] in the White Giant's temple, this is already terrible.

No wonder that the pharaohs and priests in the Black Pyramid pretended to be above God... It turned out that they could already be "made gods".

This technology, I estimate that the humans in the gods are far from mastering, just touching the skin.

Moreover, most of the god-making technology should come from the temple of the White Giant... This is why the gods will actively "transport" explorers to the restricted area.

Deliberately transport individuals into the restricted area. After a period of time, a strong team should be dispatched to perform a'harvest' in the restricted area.

Bring back some good-quality aliens, even some with a little divinity, for further study.

The establishment of Jiuzhushen Company is to conquer the god-making technology.

Once a true **** is created on a certain day, the gods will rise to a whole new level, just like the real world upgrade of [Ridley Town].

Leaving aside these for the time being, I am still very interested in such ‘God-making technology’.

Since the messenger who led me was a kobold with a little divinity.

I believe that there should be more interesting things in the [Nine Gate Journey]... I hope that my left arm can be more perfect, or I can deepen the "mythical contact".

Later, if you want to take the position of Pharaoh, you must also highlight this. "

The kobold made a gesture of asking, "Your assessment site is not inside the pyramid... Please follow me to the Temple of Osiris."

"But I heard that the assessments are all set in the pyramid? How was it temporarily changed?"

Han Dong is still more cautious, in case this is a conspiracy planned by the Tesla team, or someone who is deliberately targeting him will be in trouble.

"[Journey of the Nine Gates] belongs to a special assessment, you need to go to the "the only way" in the Osiris **** capital...Your person in charge is the high priest Tutramon?

Anyway, there is still time. Let's go to the Horror Factory together. I will explain the situation to the high priest myself. "

"it is good."

During the trip to the Terror Source Factory, the kobolds sometimes looked at Han Dong’s left arm, saying nothing more.

Unfortunately, it is.

Because of Han Dong's'matchmaking' some time ago.

[Osiris Agri-Industry Heavy Industry]'s former chief manufacturing engineer, Kurosawa Peier, has reached a cooperative relationship with the high priest, and it happened to be in the office today to discuss some project issues.

Boom Boom Boom~

"Come in~ There is also a kobold of Osiris. Does the assessment seem to be ready?"

The high priest hooked gently, and the closed biomass door slowly lowered.

When individuals inside and outside the door look at each other.

The kobold who was just to explain the situation was stunned, and agitated emotions poured into his heart, kneeling on one knee.

"Mr. Kurosawa, I didn't expect to see you here!"

" don't need to be so polite, I have nothing to do with the Temple of Osiris now, you don't have to kneel to me."

"It is the body you and I have created. No matter what identity you are, I will pay the highest respect.

I only came to explain the situation of [Nine Gate Tour] to the person in charge of the appraiser this time.

He will go to the Temple of Osiris and enter the assessment area with ‘the only entrance’, hoping to get your permission. "

The high priest nodded immediately and confirmed that there was no problem.

However, the Kurosawa boss who stood aside immediately added: "Nicholas is a particularly optimistic young man with a unique gift... I hope he can be treated [fairly]."

"for sure."

Since the confirmation is correct.

Han Dong followed the kobolds to the Pyramid, the Osiris company area around the God Capital.

The composite index ranks second in Jiuzhushen Company.

Osiris is responsible for all the crop production in Shendu. All the food industry in Shendu is related to Osiris. For example, the raw meat restaurant that the high priest went to last time, the raw materials also come from here.

At the same time, it also involves the development of some large-scale engineering projects. The large-scale machinery put into various areas of Shendu are also produced in the workshop of Osiris.

It covers a huge area.

Just bypassing the agricultural production area, walking through rows of giant workshops took half an hour in Han Dong.

Just before reaching the most central Temple of Osiris, the leading kobold asked:

"The finger trousers worn on your left hand should be Mr. Kurosawa's masterpieces?"


"I can be favored by Mr. Kurosawa, and I look forward to your performance in [Nine Gate Tour]."

After a while, the Temple of Osiris appeared in front of Han Dong.

"Two temples?"

The structure of the temple in the central area is rather strange.

The left side of the shrine is constructed of marble with bright colors, and it adopts an atmosphere and a column of ‘harvest murals’ painted on the surface as a support for the building.

The right side of the temple is a dark and worn stone, and the pillars used for support are also incomplete. Some of the pillars have even broken, and the whole has fallen to the ground.

The left and right styles are very different, and they look like two temples.

"God Osiris not only taught people to grow crops and make food, but also in charge of everything in the underworld...the temple is therefore set up in two areas. UU Reading

The underworld area we are going to. "

When stepping on the dark temple area on the right, some of the breath of death entrenched on the surface of the stone wrapped around Han Dong's left arm like a centipede.

The temple was empty.

Precisely speaking, the names of the gods with black water as the main variation are difficult to live in this deadly gathering area, and only a few individuals with death characteristics can be unaffected here.

Under the leadership of the kobold messenger, Han Dong has been to the deepest part of the temple.

"[Appraisal Entrance] is here, you need to open the entrance with [Key]."

The so-called entrance corresponds to a stone coffin with a mural painting in the depths of the temple, which is ten meters long.

As for the key, it was a priest's dagger set in front of the coffin inlaid with soul diamonds.

It's already obvious.

The so-called [Nine Gates Journey] requires Han Dong to proceed in a state of death.

"Piercing Osiris' dagger into the heart will temporarily take away your soul.

Only in the true "death state" can the coffin be used to travel to the world of the dead.

You will be there [Nine Gate Tour].

As long as you can pass through the nine gates, your soul will return to the flesh... The coffin will ensure the freshness of your flesh, without worrying about corruption. "

"Okay, come on."

After getting permission.

The kobold messenger picked up the dagger and poked it directly into the heart of Han Dong.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

When the kobold reached out to move Han Dong’s body into the coffin, he found that the flesh was still warm, and Han Dong was not dead at all...the soul failed to be extracted.

"Huh? What happened?"

"Otherwise, I'll come by myself?" Han Dong stared at the dagger stuck in his chest, his face embarrassed.

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