My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 966: Joint bombing

Super thick blood, super power, super hyperplasia

The characteristics of the fallen high priest are here.

In the absence of weaknesses, a "protracted war" is inevitable.

The battle has lasted "one hour and forty minutes".

Tick ​​Tick... A drop of blood dripped out from between the dragon scales.

Up to now, it is Abel who made the greatest contribution to this battle...Although he and Xuanyuan Jade are both close combat members, the damage they have suffered is almost twice that of Xuanyuan Jade.

Beast characteristics

In the "second life" experienced by God, the fierce beasts in Abel were not completely suppressed by the black water chain cuffs for special reasons, and even attempted to seize sovereignty by weakening Abel.

Abel, who first came to the **** capital, was almost indistinguishable from the beast.

This also prompted Abel to have a special experience... In addition to the experience in God's capital, there was also an experience of contending with fierce beasts and finally winning sovereignty.

If Abel’s former beast utilization rate was 15, it is now at least doubled.

Now, Abel can easily achieve the level of "beast gasification", so that the breath of the beast forms an entity on the body surface, and the overall quality is comprehensively improved.

Coupled with the dragon blood, the anti-strike ability is also first-class.

On the contrary, during the "buff", Abel's personal character became fierce and violent, so that the fighting method was quite radical... Even when facing the high priest, there was no cowardice.

As long as there is no fatal trauma, it will rush to the forefront of the team.

Just when Abel repaired the broken bone, stabilized the turbulent blood, and prepared to continue to attack.

A palm fell gently on his shoulder.

With the infusion of a refreshing magic power, it immediately suppressed the influence of the beast's emotion on Abel.

"Abel, you don't have to go on anymore... there is no need to run out of physical energy here, and then you can fall back on an injury that is difficult to repair. There are many things to do afterwards, and you will have a good time to repair the injury.

Leave the next battle to us, and that's it! "

With the help of Demps, a layer of black mist disappeared between Abel's eyes.

When Abel looked back at the target with clear eyes...

The high priest, who was difficult to defeat, has already shown a "running state".

To know.

After many layers of hard work, the people gradually released from the suppression of the **** capital, have achieved full growth, and cherish their own strength...Before coming to the Black Pillar Prison, they are ready for the final battle.

In the case where Abel and Xuanyuanyu attacked head-on, attracting attention as much as possible.

All members of the squad took out the new abilities learned in "Prometheus", combined with their own biological equipment, to do all the damage to the high priest.

More than one hundred legs were scattered in the round hall area, most of them were cut by Mia.

There are many "burning dents" on the surface of the high priest's fat body, and there are many fully carbonized scars on the deeply burned parts.

These carbonized wounds all originated from the meteorite fireballs condensed by Zhou Miaoyu, which caused irreparable wounds caused by repeated bombing.

Seriously affected the internal flow of black water.

Xiao Qing, the black-haired brother, has even more extreme combat methods.

Once he found a chance, he cut the body of the high priest with a knife edge and threw an explosive type of hidden weapon into the interior, causing damage directly from the body.

Now the action of the high priest has slowed down significantly, and the rate of regeneration has also decreased.

Taking into account the issue of chasing soldiers, the situation can not be delayed.

Gu Xu privately contacted Demps, who was mainly in observation in this battle, to propose a plan to end, and obtained Demps's consent.

When the fallen high priest dragged the broken body and continued to attack Abel, the main target.

Suddenly a bald monk was blocked in the middle of the road.

This approach naturally attracted the hyperplastic attack of the high priest, with five arms of different sizes coming from different directions.

Faced with this situation.

Gu Xu didn't use the "Dang Ming Ming" to resist hard.

Instead, he used his heart and eyes to see the path of these hyperplastic arms... find one of them that is straight and can lead to the upper body of the high priest.


With the power of the opponent's punching, Gu Xu tossed through the air several times, steady on the thickest arm.

Taking the arm as the path, the human upper body toward the high priest went straight away.

Spiked hyperplasia

The high priest immediately grew a large number of spikes on the surface of this arm, trying to penetrate the ancient void running on the arm.

The latter did not mean to change the route at all.

"Vajra is not bad"

A light golden outline appeared on the surface of the ancient incorporeal body, directly hitting the newborn spikes growing along the way with the flesh, and approaching the high priest's upper human figure at the fastest speed.

It was just a moment close to the fat body of the high priest.

The large mouth on the surface of the abdominal cavity is fully open, and a large number of black arms grow from the inside of the mouth... trying to pull Gu Xu into it, chew it and swallow it.


These arms that came to pull, inadvertently pulled the ancient monk's robe, forcing it to be exposed.

The lines are clear, the contours are clear, and the bronze-colored muscle structure overflows, which directly startled the pedestrians in the lower holy city...

In the initial ability positioning, everyone belonged to the "Auxiliary Investigator" with the ancient hypothesis capable of "dream penetration".

Moreover, the most exaggerated is not these bronze muscles.

It is full of exaggerated tattoos on Togu’s back:

Furious, with fangs exposed, muscles muscular, left hand palm lights to control the flames, right hand holding sword to kill the immortal King Ming.

Not to mention energy or level issues.

Tattoo style alone can bring tremendous pressure.

"Ming Wang Faxiang Three Heads and Six Arms"

For a time, six muscular arms wrapped in golden light, in the shape of Vajra, were firmly grasping the sides of the big mouth... forcibly stopping the frontal swallowing of the high priest.

not only.

The phase of the Ming King is fully revealed, giving the ancient virtual instantaneous power to explode.

With this big mouth, he directly tore the high priest's abdomen... In the most violent way, UU read a book to tear out a fleshy opening that can peep into the core of his body.

At this time.

A flash of white flashed.

The demonized Demps pointed his right arm at the opening.

Already completed all the singing of high-level lightning magic in secret!

The magic lines leaping thunderously flickered on the surface of the right arm.

Demps may even need to use his other hand to stabilize the irritable magical energy, and the entire right arm may be blown if it is not handled carefully.

Instantly drain half of Demps' body energy.

The right arm is transformed into a super-electromagnetic gun, which shoots high-level lightning into the target.

Even the Black Pillar Prison was trembling slightly.

Demps was also directly flew by the high-level Leifa he released... When he was about to hit the wall, a fluffy thing suddenly came to the point of impact, holding Demps firmly.

So far.

In one hour and 57 minutes, the two teams jointly killed the fallen high priest guarding the Black Pillar Prison.

Gu Xu picked up the key arm of the high priest at the fastest speed and inserted it into the central hole of the last door.

At the same moment.

The chasing came.

Twenty thin and long priests and a black sickle-shaped execution priest arrived...

Everyone has exhausted too much physical energy in the battle just now, it is impossible to stay here to fight, so they have to open the last door and go to the core area.

It is also Black Pillar Prison, the only prison area.

It is also a secret hiding place for the gods.

caveat! caveat! You have arrived in the critical area of ​​the "Prometheus" incident, please leave as soon as possible!

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