My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 977: 3-horned head and girl


When Han Dong first came to Shendu, the organization he relied on when establishing the bottom relationship.

In terms of scale, the Colosseum is also considered a small and medium-sized organization, and it also has a certain influence in civilian areas.

When "Silent Hill" comes down.

The Colosseum immediately blocked the entire organization area, and at the same time dispatched security personnel above the level of "white slaves" in the stadium to closely guard each exit of the Colosseum.

The neural network is completely paralyzed, the Colosseum cannot contact other organizations, and there is no way to obtain instructions from the pyramid.

During this period, I also tried to send some slaves who were good at investigation to explore the situation in the mist.


Because there is a certain connection between the Colosseum and the pyramid, it will be recognized by the Silent Hill monster... less than half of the five exploration teams sent out can return safely.

The top of the Colosseum therefore decided not to conduct outside exploration.

There is such a big thing in the civilian area, the pyramid will definitely send a strong priest group to solve, they only need to ensure their own safety.


Before the fog came, they also received notifications from the pyramids about "node wars".

The head of the Colosseum, who once brought Han Dong from the bottom of the slave, step by step, was shocked by the news that Han Dong was an aggressor.

However, the shock was not hostile to Han Dong.

On the contrary, there was some hope that the slave he had brought with him now could really win the war and replace the current pharaoh.

Of course, such a "reactionary mentality" cannot be expressed intuitively.

After all, the Colosseum is an organization established by the authorization of the pyramid. One of the high-level priests is even a priest in the pyramid... If it is not possible, the entire Bazaar will be directly erased.

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door, and a scout responsible for the communication during the interruption of the neural network immediately broke into the door after knocking.

"Supervisor Basha!"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Basa was surprised, thinking that Nicholas had come to the door...

"Supervisor Basha, two urgent matters need to be reported to you immediately!

1 A different kind of monster appeared in the streets nearby, which made us creepy at first glance.

2. A total of three high priests suddenly came to us from the secret road, wanting us to arrange manpower to lead this monster to the Colosseum 1, and then they will solve it. "

"What? Three high priests!? Quickly take me to..."

Although Bassa belongs to the supervisor in the Colosseum, he is actually a black slave. The highest rank among the slaves has not yet passed the test of the gods...

Even if it passed the assessment, it was only the lowest level of the priest, and it was a thousand miles away from the high priest.

In the pyramid, the total number of high priests does not exceed 20, and each can scream in the gods... A high priest who came to the civilian area is enough to attract the people to kneel, let alone three directly.


The upper floors of the Colosseum are all assembled in the lobby area.

Head Bazaar had just arrived at the lobby from the elevator. Before he could see the appearance of the high priest, he was affected by a breath of heavy pressure. He knelt on one knee and could not lift his head.

However, Basha still strengthened his neck and raised his head slightly to see the three high priests who came to the Colosseum.

Execution of the high priest Saip, the head showed a scimitar shape, the exposed skin was black, and the figure was even thinner than the average person.

Glorious high priest Menis, a man with a healthy smile and a height of about two and five meters, a bald man wearing gold jewelry all over his body, floating cross-legged in the air, exuding a warm luster around his body.

Gute, the chief priest of the meat, is like an infinitely multiplying meat ball. It is four meters in height and horizontal. The whole body is covered with black regular lines. The dark eyes are overlooking the kneeling Colosseum personnel.

The pressure that caused all the people to kneel came from the President.

In these scenes, the manager of Bazaar saw it for the first time...sweat ran down his cheek.

At this time, the voice of the high priest shining echoed in the hall, "Pharaoh has identified the origin monster that caused the mist to cover the civilian area, and it is about to pass by you.

You need to play good acting skills to introduce this monster.

Just now, we have inspected the biggest colosseum here, which can be used to solve this monster.

This incident involved the stability of the entire God.

If you can cooperate smoothly, the Colosseum will receive a direct gift from the Pharaoh... And, when you pass the assessment of the God Selector in the future, you can come directly to us to serve as an official priest. "

"Yes! Let's do it!"

At this time, a superintendent Miga with the same level of hair as Basha showed a smile, and it seemed that the goddess of luck came to him.

He took two high-level beasts personally cultivated by him with an iron chain, and hurriedly went out to lure the monster.

Luring missions instead of fighting head-on with monsters.

Such a simple task can win the favor of the high priest. In the eyes of Director Miga, this is a rare opportunity for a hundred years.


When he came to the street where the ‘monster’ was, the whole person froze.

Squeaking... The rubbing sound of the heavy sword dragging on the ground disturbed him.

In a blink of an eye, the distance between the monster and the monster was ten meters. The high-level beast in his hand had turned into mud, and it seemed that he had walked through the regular process in the meat grinder.

"Haha... Someone took the initiative to come to the door."

A little girl in a blue dress is sitting on the shoulder of the triangle head, reaching for the director Miga.


"Good and Evil"

The evil word appeared on Miga's shoulder.

For a time, a large amount of iron wire was drilled from the font, penetrating every inch of his skin and every organ, and forcing it into a steel ball, it was better to die.

Everyone else in the Colosseum witnessed such a horrible scene. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

In the eyes of ordinary employees of the Colosseum, the powerful Miga Supervisor, in front of these monsters, has no resistance at all...

Seeing the failure of the first temptation, the high priest ordered it directly.

"Few of you, go and introduce the monster."

Not waiting to answer.

The meat president threw out four people, including the head of Barsha... accepted the mandatory order of the high priest, and they must be executed as slaves, otherwise they will be dead.

Since they are all dead, it is better to fight together.

Maybe there is...

Courage and conviction will not help in the face of absolute terror, and three people have died in the blink of an eye.

Click sound of shredded meat!

A black hardened arm flew in the air.

The Bazaar Director sacrificed all the black water to strengthen the right arm, and at the cost of abolishing the right arm, he blocked the triangle head's slash...

However, the next second, the other hand of the triangular head had lifted him into the air, ready to be executed individually.

At a critical moment, Alyssa, who was sitting on her shoulders, seemed to smell something, " can you smell him?"


For a time, the thick fog that could not be seen overshadowed the two, and Alyssa secretly communicated with the head of Barsha.

About two minutes passed.

Head Bazaar kicked off the restraint of the triangular head and ran back to the Colosseum as quickly as possible.

After getting some information about the Colosseum, the sixth devil Alyssa had no fear at all, and let the triangle head take the initiative to chase in...

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