My Cell Prison

Vol 4 Chapter 988: 9 Pillars

Chapter 988 The Nine Pillar God

The real key to this war is not at Jiuzhushen Company.

It lies in the pyramid that controls the **** capital.

If you only attack nine companies, the pyramid located in the center can provide them with a continuous supply of energy.

At the same time, the "Eye of Horus" can also report the intruder's intelligence to nine companies in real time through the fog of war, making the offense extremely difficult.

No matter how strong Ridley Town is, it is difficult to win by simply attacking, and it will pay a huge price.

There must be a team of people who have to go inside the pyramid to create large-scale civil unrest, so that the pyramid has no time to take care of the wars that occurred in the nine companies, and it cannot even provide any assistance.

The pyramid's invasion task naturally fell on Han Dong, who once served as a trainee priest in the pyramid.

At the same time, as the mobile power source, the [return to the ancestral body] Lord Maritese and Miss Jane will accompany Han Dong’s invasion throughout the journey.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Meat applied for a separate dialogue with Han Dong.

"The Black Pyramid belongs to the wisdom crystals of the "High Wisdom White Giant" and the "Peak Human Wise Man". It can be counted as an independent living entity.

And after each Pharaoh came to power, the Black Pyramid will be optimized and transformed to a certain extent.

The most profound transformation is the current pharaoh. "

Speaking of which, Han Dong recalled the exaggerated scene of [Pharaoh's Arrival] when he rescued his mother in the Black Pillar Prison... Ed Luis had hundreds of billions of cables connected to his back, each cable inside the pyramid Can find the corresponding node.

"To what extent can he do it?"

The fat piled up on the face of the meat made a bitter face, "As far as I know, the pyramid and the pharaoh are one... The internal structure of the pyramid will change with the consciousness of the pharaoh.

In addition to the high priest's private area, Pharaoh can also monitor the situation in any corner of the pyramid.

The stone used to build the pyramid is derived from the obsidian produced by the white giant, which has its own magnetic field and the characteristics of the material itself.

Your friend's [Space Ability] cannot be used normally. You used to be a trainee priest under [Fear Source], and you should know how strong the energy barrier of the pyramid is. "

Han Dong replied with a smile on his face: "Well, it was because I used to live in the pyramid as a trainee priest for a period of time. I chose to do this... According to my observation, the pyramid is not absolutely perfect.

Although it is almost integrated with the current Pharaoh, there are still ways to crack it.

If I can't break through the pyramid from the inside, it will be difficult for you to win victory against the Nine Pillar God. "

The meat nodded,

"Individually diving into the pyramid is indeed better than entering in groups...but the difficulty is still unimaginable for me and others.

If you can really do a system that disrupts the pyramid internally, so that the pyramid cannot provide reinforcement and assistance to the company, I will always be willing to follow you for life, and there will never be any rebellious heart. "


[Node War: The 18th Hour]

The mists scattered in the civilian area are all dispersed, or all recovered into the body of the devil-Alesa.

Different exits in civilian areas (second ring road).

Teams with different styles are heading towards their respective target areas.

Except for the Dragon City Squad that attacked the Sun Temple, and the army led by the two high priests who attacked the Temple of Nature, the scale was too large.

The rest of the teams are of small and medium scale, all of them are under 100 people.

Seeing that the vanguard forces are about to enter a ring area, they will set foot on the territory of the Jiuzhushen Company.


A beam of light emerged from the top of the pyramid, leading straight to the sky.

At the same time, the central shrine of the Nine Pillar Company also emits corresponding beams to connect with it, constructing a powerful [Glare Enchantment] to completely cover an area of ​​the ring.

When the Vanguard forces attempted to cross the enchantment, they were immediately burned by a soul.

An evil resident of Lili was directly burned with an arm and could not heal.

Such a glorious enchantment can restrain the ghosts, monsters and monsters from [Ridry Town] to a certain extent.

The army had to slow down the speed of the attack and temporarily stop outside the border.

Dean Richard, Gu Xu, Demps, Clerk, etc. have enough knowledge about the enchantment, and immediately decipher this radiant enchantment emitted by the pyramid.

Ed Louis sitting in the [God's Eye Room] sneered.

It seems to have been freed from the dark fear of Derry Township...

It was also because of the darkness in Derry Town that he chose to use half of the energy of the pyramid to drive [Glory Enchantment].

According to Ed Lewis's development plan for God Capital.

When the gods have grown to a certain level, the sandworm city of goddu will break out of the shell and abandon the original planet... By then, [Glory Enchantment] will wrap the entire **** capital, that is, the whole sandworm, open the universe journey of.

"It is impossible to close the light enchantment from the periphery... If you want to attack, you must withstand the burning of the light.

You group of demons and monsters from the dark world should be uncomfortable under such light... The light of God will crush all darkness, if I am not enough, I will crush you personally. "

There was a certain amount of anger in Ed Louis's heart.

It does not lie in the removal of Han Dong from the mother body, nor the initiation of a plane war.

Rather, he was humiliated by someone in Derry Town.

"Start the war mode and let this group of intruders see the strength of the **** capital."

Ed ordered.

The ground in the entire area of ​​the ring trembles with an intensity equivalent to a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Corresponding to the nine temples began to shake violently, gradually separated from the ground, and floated on their own... 100 meters away from the ground, it gradually stopped.


Nine individuals exuding a strong divinity slowly came out of the temple gate, standing on the platform, overlooking the intruders outside the enchantment.

Their figure is one size larger than that of ordinary people, they wear "golden decorations" that match their attributes, and they also have bright tattoos on their skin.

【Sun God-La】

A white-haired old man with a crown of corona above his head and a sun scepter printed with a rather exaggerated sun mark on his back. The radiance released by him was stronger than that of [High Priest-Menice].

[God of the Earth-Gabe]

A strong man with black skin and muscles like rock formations spread all over his body.

A handle far exceeding his size, about ten meters in length, a shocking hammer fell behind him,

The rock layered his hands on his chest and looked down at the intruder with disdain.

【God of the sky-Nute】

A woman with stars all over her body and blue crystal blood vessels flowing all over her body, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com held a sky blue water bottle in his hand.

When observing the lower-end invader, she felt a certain heretic cosmic energy, which made her show a slightly troubled expression.

【God of Underworld-Osiris】

A special mummy characterized by "green corruption", green is vitality, and corruption is death.

Carrying a crank stick, he carefully observed the intruder at the bottom, and seemed to be looking for the murderer who destroyed the underworld.

[God of War-Seth]

An Egyptian **** of war dressed in gold armor and carrying an arsenal with his bald head and black skin.

He followed him out of the temple, and there were a hundred brave and warrior desert warriors, each with superb combat skills. It is easy to jump from the temple platform suspended 100 meters above the ground and participate in this war.

[God of Wind-Shu]

As mentioned earlier, the handsome man with blue hair is staring at Dean Richard with an indifferent gaze.

[God of Rain-Tefnut]

The rainstorm enveloped the temple alone, and a female with a lioness tail was bathed in the rainstorm, revealing a fierce look... Holding a living snake scepter in her hands, it seemed she could not wait to participate in this battle.

【The God of Breeding-Lefes】

The face is good, with his pink meat wings as a bed, lying on the side of the platform.

The rich vitality continues to spread outwards, so that the surrounding ground grows a plant shaped like a baby.

【God of Nature-Isis】

A green bud grows on the front section of the shrine covered with rich vegetation. A middle-aged woman is kneeling down and begging nature to be one with her to drive out the group of dirty intruders.

Nine Pillars appeared.

This is the strongest subordinate of the current Pharaoh-Ed. Louis, and a leader in the future to explore the frontier of the universe.

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