My Cells Are So Arrogant That They Will Evolve On Their Own

Chapter 18 The Strongest Creature On The Surface! 【For Collection】

"Brother, this white and silver tracker, I will accept it first."

Li Xiaoyu said.

"Take it."

"Anyway, there are other intermediate-level beasts. I really want to go to the Thunder Martial Arts Museum and hunt down another intermediate-level beast."

Li Kunlun said casually, flipped his palm and took out a delicate flip lighter.

The five fingers turned like a pen, and the lighter went from the little finger to the index finger, and then the thumb pressed the lighter lid.


The lighter burst into flames.

Li Kunlun swung it casually, and the flame turned into a line of fire, which immediately ignited the firewood.

"Big brother, what a trick!"

Li Xiaoyu's clear eyes lit up.

Just now, Li Kunlun was so handsome and handsome that he was very attractive to little girls.

Li Kunlun smiled and used a dagger to cut the plump meat from the iron armored bear, smeared it with salt, and roasted it on the fire.

"This is your brother's trick, keep it a secret for now."

Li Kunlun's two trump cards.

One is a hundredfold increase in strength.

Another is his hard-trained fire control trick.

Use the fire control ability to control the flame of a butane lighter up to more than 1,000 degrees.

Then use the royal energy to instantly detonate the temperature of the flame, which surged to two or three thousand degrees.

You can even further increase the fire with the help of wind control capabilities.

Li Kunlun hasn't come up with a name for this move, but its power is definitely not lower than the 100-fold increase in strength.

It's strong and cool!

Li Kunlun didn't even use a lighter when he was hunting the Iron Armored Bear.

For him, there is absolutely no need to use a trump card to kill an intermediate-level beast.


Roasted by the high-temperature flame, the fat bear meat oozes shiny grease.

The drops fell on the fire, making a mouth-watering sound of "呲呲".

With the addition of seasonings such as salt, the barbecue becomes brown and golden, and the flavor is more full.


Li Xiaoyu, a beautiful girl, was so greedy that she swallowed her saliva.

Li Kunlun flipped the barbecue and said with a smile, "big brother said to invite you to eat barbecue, didn't he lie to you!"

"We haven't eaten the meat of intermediate-level beasts yet, so it's a good time to eat."

Li Xiaoyu's face was slightly red.

Before I wanted to take the exam, I was still angry that Li Kunlun was too rambunctious. What pots and pans, firewood, rice, oil, and salt were brought to hunt down beasts.

Now it seems……

Mmm, it smells so good!

The high-temperature flames quickly roasted the bear meat of the Iron Armored Bear.

Li Kunlun directly pulled the meat off the dagger, packed it on a plate, and pushed it in front of his sister.

"Eat it, the meat of an intermediate-level beast. Eating more is good for the body."

Li Xiaoyu was so hungry that he devoured it regardless of his hot mouth.

Li Kunlun baked himself another big piece.

When I beat the Iron Armored Bear just now, the cells had already evolved.

Now, Li Kunlun eats meat purely for physical energy.

He does not rely on blue bars or infuriating battles to fight, but consumes his own energy.

How can you fight without food.

While Li Kunlun and Li Xiaoyu were enjoying the barbecue dinner, the examiners were in a hurry.

The battle between Li Kunlun and the Iron Armored Bear destroyed all the cameras in the factory area.

As a result, the monitoring of the control center lost the picture of the plant.

"I don't know how the battle ended."

Sun Zhenyue scratched his cheeks anxiously.

A fierce man who can be hardened and armored against bears has aroused strong interest in Martian hunters.

Qian Lin'er said: "I bet one million Yan national currency, it must be that Dengtu... Li Kunlun won."

Major Zhang said to the operator of the control center: "Quick, call up the camera near the factory building, we will see the picture of the factory building now."

"Major, we are calling now."

A few operatives quickly tapped the console.

Finally, the camera of a six-story staff dormitory next to the factory building was mobilized.

The camera rotated 90 degrees, aimed at the workshop, and captured the image of the workshop.

Several chief examiners came together.

"Quick, zoom in on the picture!"

The surveillance camera zoomed in and out, and the plant image zoomed in again.

It can be seen that the factory building that has turned into ruins is filled with smoke from cooking.

A vague pair of men and women, sitting in front of the fire, don't know what to do, they look relish.

Beside them, a hill-like black bear corpse also fell.

"What are they doing?" Qian Lin'er asked curiously.

Chairman Zhou said with a laugh and tears: "Eighty percent of them... are eating barbecue."


Several Lord Wuzong looked at each other.

The bloody and cruel official martial artist exam turned into a barbecue party?

President Zhou turned his head and asked, "Did you guys feel so relaxed when you took the official martial artist exam?"

They shook their heads.

It would be good not to be treated as the next dish by the beasts, who would dare to struttingly eat barbecue.

That will only provoke more beasts to come!

The bloody smell emanating from the corpse of the Iron Armored Bear really welcomed the nearby rotten dogs.

They approached slowly and surrounded Li Kunlun and Li Xiaoyu.

"big brother..."

Li Xiaoyu grabbed the dagger in one hand and reached behind his back with the other, holding the Vulcan shotgun.

Li Kunlun gorged on meat without caring.

"Continue to eat, continue to drink, it's just a few chickens, don't worry about it."

Li Xiaoyu completely believed in his big brother.

Put down the short sword and the Vulcan shotgun and continue eating meat.


Five or six rotting dogs approached, bared their teeth, and the stench of saliva kept dripping.

Just when the hunger overcame them and the rotting dogs rushed forward desperately, Li Kunlun raised his head sharply.


Li Kunlun was furious, and ejaculated from both eyes.

A thunderous roar exploded from Li Kunlun's mouth, and the sound waves spread in bursts.

Intimidation + hunting instinct!

In a trance, like a huge blood-colored death character, branded in the mind of the rotten dog.

At this moment, they seem to have seen the strongest creature on the surface!

As a hunter's rotten dog, he suddenly returned to the ancient times, turned into a weak prey, and burst out with an unprecedented desire to survive.

What hunger, what greed, all conquered by fear!

Five or six rotten dogs whimpered, pinched their tails, and fled in confusion and panic.

Seeing his sister staring at him in a daze, Li Kunlun swallowed a piece of bear meat and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Keep eating."

Li Xiaoyu said in a daze: "Big brother... You are too fierce, aren't you?"

"With a loud shout, the beast was scared away."

"Why didn't I know that you are so powerful, big brother?"


ps: What is the name of the lighter trick?

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