My Cells Are So Arrogant That They Will Evolve On Their Own

Chapter 59 The dragon has no regrets, the sea is boundless! 【For collection】

Li Xiaoyu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Although it is said that the Warrior Association expressly stipulates that private fights and killings between warriors are prohibited.

But this is a hunting area, a barren area beyond the reach of human civilization.

In the hunting zone, there are only the most primitive laws!

The so-called people die for wealth, and birds die for food.

In the era of chaotic beasts, money can make a warrior grow rapidly and become stronger.

Therefore, it is not unheard of in the hunting area to kill people and steal goods.

Anyway, there is no monitoring here, and no evidence can be provided.

Ten million is enough to make Qiao Tianlong and the others excited.

Li Xiaoyu glanced at them.

This is the hunting team of Jiangcheng Base City's Jianglong Martial Arts Hall.

A Qiao Tianlong is fearless.

But in this dragon subduing hunting team, there are still seven official warriors, three warriors, and a large number of hot weapons.

Two armored pickup trucks, the main driver, the co-pilot, the back row, and the topless cargo box of the pickup truck, were all standing.

Li Xiaoyu's face turned pale when he saw the tall and thin middle-aged man sitting beside Qiao Tianlong.

The other party wears a golden medal, which means that he is a Wuzong!

Wuzong, the meaning of the master of martial arts!

On behalf of the opponent, whether it is martial skills, experience, or even the qi in the body, there is a considerable accumulation.

Far from being comparable to martial artists and martial artists!

"Brother, let's go, life is important. 99

Li Xiaoyu tugged at Li Kunlun's arm.

Like no one else, Li Kunlun is still dissecting the scales of the mimetic giant lizards.

Qiao Tianlong smiled, lowered his head and rubbed his fingers, and said disdainfully, "You don't eat and drink for a toast, right?"

He suddenly took out a gun and shot at Li Kunlun's feet.

"Hey, don't think that you will be proud of yourself in the official martial artist exam, and you will be proud of yourself if you get the first place! 39

"Qiao Tianlong, you are going too far!!"

Li Xiaoyuxing glared angrily, clenched his fists, and pulled out the Thunder Thunder Heavenly Horn Sword at once.

Li Xiaoyu was angry, her heart was burning with anger, and she didn't have the sobriety she had before.

You can bully her, but you can't bully her brother!


Qiao Tianlong twitched the corner of his mouth, stretched his hand out of the car window, and slapped the roof of the car.

"Come on, brothers, tell this little girl what is too much! 95"

With a flirtatious whistle, the team standing on the topless crate pointed Vulcan Gatling at Li Kunlun.

One of the yellow-haired team members said with a wicked smile, "Master, why don't we kill the man and keep the woman, and have a good time?"

"That's right, I think this woman looks really watery, it's a pity she doesn't sleep.

"The little hooves of the Dragon Subduing Martial Arts Hall are not as good-looking, not as good as a single hair of hers.

Facing the foul language of the warriors of the Dragon Subduing Hunting Team, Li Xiaoyu gritted his teeth, and his eyes were about to burst into flames.

But seeing Gatlin, the god of fire, who was aiming at her brother, Li Xiaoyu swallowed her anger and said, "Qiao Tianlong, we have nothing to do with you, right? Why be aggressive."

"It's not a good idea to break up the enemy. This mimetic colorful monitor lizard belongs to you. My brother and I will leave now, and nothing happened."

"By the way, I'm from the Thunder Martial Arts Academy, I believe you don't want to offend the Thunder Martial Arts Academy, right?

Li Xiaoyu had no choice but to move out the Thunder Martial Arts Hall.

"Thunder martial arts?"

Qiao Tianlong turned his head to look at the tall and thin middle-aged Wu Zong, and asked, "Uncle Pan, is the Thunder Martial Arts Hall useful in the hunting area?

Uncle Pan shook his head.

"No matter how powerful the Thunder Martial Arts Center is, you still can't reach the hunting area. You should not use the Thunder Martial Arts Hall to press me."

"If you have the ability, call the Thunder Martial Arts Hall to see if anyone comes to rescue you!"

The expression on Qiao Tianlong's face was full of arrogance and arrogance.


Li Xiaoyu bit blood from the corner of his mouth.

She never thought that Qiao Tianlong was such a person.

Compared with the official martial artist exam, when they were in the town of beasts, they were completely different!

Qiao Tianlong showed a wicked smile and said, "Let your brother kneel beside me and beg me, so you can serve me.

"If I am comfortable and satisfied, I will naturally let you go.

"Qiao Tianlong, you are too much..."

Li Xiaoyu was so embarrassed that she was about to scold Li Kunlun, who had been lowering her head to dissect the mimetic colorful monitor lizard, and finally finished her work.

He stood up, suddenly turned around and threw a Kro metal flying knife in his hand.

The flying knife shot out, turned into a cold light that cut through the space, and stabbed into the cab at once.

In the cab, blood splatters.

The mighty, arrogant and domineering Qiao Tianlong let out a shrill scream.

Li Kunlun's Crow metal flying knife just stabbed Qiao Tianlong's shoulder blade and nailed it to the driver's seat.


Uncle Pan was startled and quickly checked Qiao Tianlong's wound.

The flying knife just now was too fast and too sudden.

Coupled with the angle of view, Uncle Pan didn't see the arrival of the flying knife at all.

"you wanna die!"

Uncle Pan was furious, and the infuriating energy in his body exploded, shattering the glass of the cab, and all cobweb cracks appeared.

Li Kunlun scratched his ears, and said with a look of disgust: "It's really noisy just beside me.

Qiao Tianlong leaned against the seat, the blue veins on his forehead jumped violently, and roared angrily: "Kill both men and women, and leave no one behind!!""

"Damn it! Dare to attack the young master and kill them for me!

"Fuck him, eat my Vulcan Gatling!

"Fire and sieve them all!"

The warrior standing on the armored pickup truck immediately controlled Gatling, the god of fire, and started furious firepower.


Under the rotation of the barrel of Vulcan Gatling, he began to frantically shoot bullets, and the muzzle spit out a fierce blue fire.

"Bang bang bang! 9

The six-barreled machine gun fired a hail of bullets and shot directly at it.

This is Vulcan Gatling, a terrifyingly hot weapon capable of pouring three thousand rounds per minute.

Under normal circumstances, even if there is a martial artist, facing a Vulcan Gatling will be frightened, and there is no way to deal with it.

Not to mention martial arts, Wu Zong is a bit boring!

Of course, Vulcan Gatling also consumes too much ammo.

Every bullet is money.

The Dragon Subduing Hunting Team brought a Vulcan Gatling, just the ammo chain, in the topless cargo box of the armored pickup truck, a small pile!

Such firepower makes them not afraid even if they encounter a dozen or twenty low-level vicious beasts.

Unfortunately, they met Li Kunlun.

Li Kunlun who can control metal!

Li Kunlun raised a palm when hundreds of bullets swept in front of him and his sister.


All the yellow and orange bullets stopped in front of Li Kunlun.

The bullets at the back were shot one after the other.

But when they got to Li Kunlun, the bullets, without exception, were suspended in mid-air.

In the blink of an eye, Li Kunlun was full of bullets, forming a dense barrage.

"How is this going?"

"Is there still such a practice in the world!"

"Protecting body qi? No, it's not like, and a formal martial artist, why does he have body shielding qi?"5

The team members who rode Gatling, the god of fire, were dumbfounded.

The other warriors of the Dragon Subduing Martial Arts Hall also reacted similarly.

What firepower does Vulcan Gatling have?

It was blocked just like that!

The scene in front of them was somewhat beyond their knowledge.


Li Kunlun flicked his finger, and in the dense barrage of bullets suspended in front of him, a bullet shot out immediately, piercing the eyebrows of the team members who rode Vulcan Gatling.

The official martial artist fell with his head up and died directly.

Li Kunlun said indifferently: "`"In the hunting area, people who want to make money often kill people.

"You can't be merciful when faced with such a thing, understand?"

He turned his head to look at the arrogant Dragon Subduing Hunting Team, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"In the hunting area, we have to deal not only with beasts, but also with this group of scumbags. 99

Li Xiaoyu understood, immediately drew out his sword, and rushed towards the warriors on the armored pickup truck.

Another warrior drew a gun and wanted to shoot Li Xiaoyu, but Li Xiaoyu stepped on his feet and changed his body to avoid it.

Some hot weapons such as pistols, as long as they are not machine guns, Vulcan Gatling and the like, are much less threatening to the martial artist.

Not a martial artist is faster than a bullet.

Instead, they can make predictions based on the posture and angle of the person holding the gun.

Dodge the bullet in advance when you pull the trigger.

"Autumn Wind Sword Qi!

Li Xiaoyu raised his hand and waved his sword, and a sword qi flew out, cutting off the opponent's arm.

The arm fell to the ground, and the martial artist who shot the gun let out a scream, while Li Xiaoyu held back the discomfort and stabbed with a sword.


Lightning and thunder, a sword seals the throat!

"Kill, destroy this mother-in-law!"

"Let's do it together."

Some people took out the shotguns behind their backs, while others drew their swords.

"Don't use a gun in front of me, okay?

Li Kunlun walked forward, and the dense bullets suspended in the air automatically separated to both sides, forming a road.

With one move in his palm, all guns, such as pistols, shotguns, and machine guns, broke free from the hands of the warriors and flew behind Li Kunlun.

"Evil Sect, why did my gun fly away? (Qian Hao Zhao)"

"My gun flew away too!"

"What kind of martial arts does this person practice? It's too weird. 99

The warriors of the Dragon Subduing Hunting Team were shocked and angry.

And Li Xiaoyu, whose movement was like a dragon, took advantage of the distraction of everyone, and stabbed them with sword after sword, reaping their lives.

"Could it be Yuan Magnetic Divine Art!?"

Uncle Pan got out of the car with a solemn expression.

"Magnetic power?

Li Kunlun smiled.

"Take it as Yuan Magnetic Magic. 99

Uncle Pan stretched out his hands and began to mobilize the strong infuriating energy in his body, rushing out like a rushing ocean.

"I don't care what kind of weird martial arts you practice, anyway, against the Dragon Subduing Martial Arts Center, you have no choice but to die!

Uncle Pan gave a loud shout, clasped his claws with both hands, grabbed left and right up and down, then folded them together, and slammed his palms forward.

"Seventeen palms to subdue the dragon, the dragon has no regrets! 35

Just listening to the "Ang" sound of a dragon, Uncle Pan's palm was strong and surging, and his true energy was condensed, forming small golden dragons that sprout from Uncle Pan's palm.

In an instant, flying sand and stone, slamming the wind, and slamming into Li Kunlun with overwhelming force.

Uncle Pan closed his palm confidently.

He is extremely confident in the magic of the Dragon Subduing Martial Arts Hall.

"You are also worthy of being called the Dragon Subduing Seventeen Palms, Shenlong Wuhui? Then my palm is called Boundless Sea! 35

Li Kunlun raised his hand and slapped it, but it was pure power without any real energy.

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