My Cells Are So Arrogant That They Will Evolve On Their Own

Chapter 76 The worldly giant python gives birth, Taiji Martial Emperor 【For Collection】

"At least you were seriously injured, didn't you?"

"However, since I know the information about the birth of the mortal giant python, why don't a few Martial Emperors come to join forces to kill the weak mortal giant python.

"Even if Emperor Wu can't escape, King Wu will do. 99

Li Kunlun expressed his doubts.

Today, if he hadn't strayed into the restricted area of ​​life, he bumped into the injured female Martial Emperor.

Otherwise, the female Martial Emperor who was seriously injured and passed out in a coma would definitely be attacked by the monarch-level beasts who came after him.

The fall of a Martial Emperor is absolutely unbearable for the Yan Kingdom!

The girl was silent for a moment.

After a long while, her cheeks were slightly red and she said, "The power of the beast is greater than that of the human camp after all."

"Almost all Wudi have their own guards, or have other tasks. 39

"As for King Ziwu, he can't kill a king-level beast at all, and it's hard to even intervene.

"Furthermore, it is useless to have one or two Martial Kings, and will only be besieged by other monarch-level beasts in the restricted area of ​​life. 35

At that time, the emperor-level beasts were not killed, but the human king of Zhenjiang died several times, which was a huge loss.

Therefore, the female Martial Emperor was alone, breaking into the restricted area of ​​life, and wanted to kill the earthly python in the weak period.

"How is your injury, and what are your plans next?"

Li Kunlun asked.


The girl groaned, as if she was used to being in Li Kunlun's arms.

She slightly adjusted her delicate body, changed to a more comfortable posture, and checked her own injuries.

"Hey, the poison of the Panshan God-killing Spider has been detoxified. Did you detoxify it for me?"

The girl raised her chin and glanced at Li Kunlun in surprise.

How did Li Kunlun get rid of the poison that she couldn't get rid of?

"It's nothing, it will lose medical skills."

Li Kunlun laughed dryly and said perfunctorily.

After all, he couldn't tell the girl the truth, that he had kissed her, and then...

It is estimated that the girl will be so embarrassed that she will slash Li Kunlun with a knife!

"I didn't expect you to be so skilled in medicine.

The girl believed it to be true, and her eyes lit up immediately.

Li Kunlun added: "I'm just good at detoxification, curing diseases, etc. I don't know anything about it.

"It's good at detoxification, and it's amazing.

The girl's eyes dimmed for a moment, then recovered and said with a smile: "I still have a lot of injuries left, so let's heal them first.

"First stabilize the injury, and then we will find a way to escape from the restricted area of ​​life and return to the human survival base city.

"When we arrive at the human survival base city, we are temporarily safe.

"By the way, my name is Zhang Ruoxian, what's your name?"

"Li Kunlun. 35

Li Kunlun replied.

"Kunlun? I will laugh at the sky from the horizontal knife, and save the two Kunluns!"

"Kunlun is the mountain of the gods, the ancestor of the dragon veins, a good name!"

The girl named Zhang Ruoxian struggled to get up again, sat down with her knees crossed, and began to exercise to heal her injuries.

After a while, the damp water vapor in the cave gathered towards her, condensed into crystal water droplets, and floated around her.

If there is or not, the qi machine pulls all things in the world, and it grows endlessly.

Immediately afterwards, a black-and-white Tai Chi picture appeared from under Zhang Ruoxian, and spread out, covering the entire cave floor.

"Tai Chi? 35

Li Kunlun glanced at the Tai Chi map on the ground in surprise.

Really Tai Chi!

Two yin and yang fish are chasing each other, and the most simple graphics expound the supreme Tao and reason.

The Tai Chi map was expanded again and extended to the outside of the waterfall.

In an instant, the fast-flowing waterfall stopped flowing.

The grass and trees around the water pool grow wildly, and then die quickly, withering every year.

Li Kunlun walked in the cave, came to the stagnant waterfall, reached out and grabbed a handful, and fished out a round water polo.

"Is this... the realm!?

Li Kunlun heard that the realm of Emperor Wu involves the more advanced power of martial arts - the realm.

Zhang Ruoxian's Tai Chi map is very similar to the field described in the martial artist forum.

As the realm unfolds, Emperor Wu is like an absolute king in his own realm.

You can explode with 200% of your strength and display all your martial arts and martial arts!

Because of this, no matter how many King Wu is, he is not the opponent of Emperor Wu.

However, it is too difficult to carve out a field of your own.

There were quite a few Zhenjiang Martial Kings in the Yan Kingdom, but the Zhenguo Martial Emperor had only three on the bright side.

With Zhang Ruoxian, there are four!

"Among the three martial emperors, there is a Taiji Martial Emperor.

"Could it be that Zhang Ruoxian is the Taiji Martial Emperor?

"No no no, no!

"The Taiji Martial Emperor is highly respected, and is the Big Dipper of Mount Tai in the entire martial arts. How could he be a beautiful girl at such an age?"

Li Kunlun had seen the appearance of Taiji Martial Emperor on TV reports. He was an old man with immortal style, a childlike appearance, and an old robe.

It could never be Zhang Ruoxian.

It can only be inferred that Zhang Ruoxian has something to do with Taiji Wudi.

Zhang Ruoxian used Tai Chi Hun Yuan Gong to continue healing.

The infuriating energy of Zhongzheng and peace surged in her limbs, nourishing and repairing the terrifying wounds everywhere.


Zhang Ruoxian opened his mouth and spat out a black blood that fell to the ground.

The black blood corroded the rocks on the ground, making a "chichi" sound.

Li Kunlun asked nervously, "Are you all right? 35

Zhang Ruoxian's pale face recovered a little bit of blood, and she waved her hand: "It's okay.

"I just expelled the remaining blood and poison in my body."

0.... Flowers 0

"Any residual poison?"

Li Kunlun's expression changed. Could it be that he used less saliva.

Zhang Ruoxian raised her hands and put them down, calmed her qi, slowly closed her power, and opened her eyes.

The Tai Chi field she had opened was also retracted.

"For the time being, the injury can only be stabilized like this.

"If you want to fully recover, you still need to return to the base city and concentrate on retreating and practicing." Zhang Ruoxian said to Li Kunlun.

Zhang Ruoxian coughed twice, but the injury has not healed, but has stabilized.

"Okay, let's go back to the base city."

Li Kunlun was about to help Zhang Ruoxian up when his face suddenly changed.

"not good!"

Li Kunlun's strong arms immediately hugged Zhang Ruoxian and rushed out of the waterfall with a stride.


A wind bomb comparable to the size of a football field rolled over and hit the waterfall heavily.

The wind bomb exploded, and countless powerful wind blades swept away, flattening the woods in all directions.

As for the waterfalls and pools, a giant ball-shaped pit the size of a football field was dug out by wind bombs.

Li Kunlun hugged Zhang Ruoxian, hid on the side of the cliff, and looked ahead.

A giant tiger with dark hair was in the distance, staring at Li Kunlun and Zhang Ruoxian.

Monarch-level beast! Remind the black tiger!!

Li Kunlun put his arms around Zhang Ruoxian's small waist and asked in a deep voice, "Is there a fighting force?"

Zhang Ruoxian blushed and shook her head.

"That's the only way to escape."

"Quick, get on my back! 99

Li Kunlun carried Zhang Ruoxian behind him.

Zhang Ruoxian's slender lotus arms tightly hugged Li Kunlun's neck, her pale face flushed.

It was the first time she had intimate contact with a boy when she grew up so much.

"Hold tight!! 9

Li Kunlun's eyes widened, his legs kicked violently.

With a loud bang, Li Kunlun, carrying Zhang Ruoxian on his back, smashed the cliff and rose into the air.

After jumping into the sky, Li Kunlun controlled the gang wind, steered the air, and flew towards the direction of Jiangcheng base city.

The Chongming black tiger below, how could Li Kunlun and Zhang Ruoxian escape, and immediately chased on the ground.

While running, Zhongming Black Tiger spit out huge wind bullets from time to time, attacking Li Kunlun in the air.

"Little tiger, don't be too arrogant! 35

Li Kunlun held Zhang Ruoxian's buttocks with one hand, and gathered a super-sized Fengyu with the other, and smashed it down.

Fengdan vs Fengyu!

The two collided in mid-air, swelled in an instant, and then exploded, turning into a raging wind, sweeping in all directions!

Zhang Ruoxian saw Fengyu's great power, and asked curiously, "Kunlun, what kind of martial arts did you use just now?"

Li Kunlun said perfunctorily: "Oh, that's the palm of the wind! Seven

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