The next morning, Herot came out of the room stretching. The snow outside has stopped

It's a rare sunny day in the freezing season.

"Master, good morning!" The slave stood by the door, holding the folded blanket in his hands.

"Here you go..." Helot took a deep breath of cool air, walked toward the dining hall, and asked the slave who followed him, "What's your name?"

The slave put the velvet blanket on his shoulders: "My name is York Red, Master."

Herot strode forward, stretched out his hand to greet the watchmen he met, and continued to ask the slave: "I have clearly given you freedom, why are you still following me? And you are shackled again?"

"I want to find my wife. So I want to live and live well."

Helot looked at York Red. According to his current physical condition, it would be difficult for him to survive this freezing season alone. If you wander around in Snow City, you will most likely be beaten up and sold to a slave merchant.

What will the next owner be like?

is an unknown quantity.

"Some sense." Helot continued walking and asked again: "Is your wife still alive?"

"I don't know!" York Hong said frustratedly: "Our village was attacked, and she and I were separated. I was sold as a slave, and she should...should be another person's woman."

Herod held a moment of silence for York Red.

In northern Xinjiang, women are resources and can breed the next generation for the village, so that the village can remain strong.

"Why are you still looking for her? Can you give her a better life?"

"I..." York Hong didn't know how to answer, so she could only say: "I just want to see her again and know that she is still alive."

Helot smiled and said, "I'll help you find her."

York Hong asked in disbelief: "Really? Master! Do you have a way to find her?"

Hailot said confidently: "It's the freezing season now, and most of the population in Northern Xinjiang is concentrated around Snow City. After breakfast, I will take you to the slave merchant and ask who sold you to him." Him. And I also know another businessman who does business with many northern Xinjiang villages."

Just now, Helot was thinking about some excuse to find Usman and find out the source of the mechanical parts in his hands.

Now the excuse is in front of you.

"Thank you, Master. As long as I can see her, I will die immediately without any regrets."

"If you follow me, there is a high probability that you won't survive this freezing season..."

Helot suddenly stopped because a group of watchmen wearing exquisite fur coats stopped him: "Are you the Bonebreaker Mage?"

Helot replied: "It's me. Who are you? What's the matter?"

The other party saluted and replied: "We are the entourage of Master Panil Skovo. The master felt very sorry for not seeing you last night, so he sent us early in the morning to invite the master to enjoy the morning with him."

Herot did not reply first, but gave York Hong a silver coin: "Go to the canteen and buy whatever you like to eat."

"Yes, Master!" York Hong took the coins and ran to the dining hall.

Then Helot said to the captain of Panier's entourage: "I apologize to your young master for me. I have something important to do this morning, and I can't share breakfast with him.

But I have time at noon. If your young master also has time at noon, we can have lunch together. "

The captain of the entourage did not expect that his young master's request would be rejected again, so his movements and expressions lost the politeness they had just now.

"Mage Bone Crusher, what could be more important than my young master's summons?"

Helot said with a smile: "It was a 'please' just now, how can it become a 'summon' now? I think you'd better go back and ask clearly, don't let me misunderstand what Master Panier wants to express."

The captain of the entourage was stunned on the spot.

Master Panier sent himself to invite the Bone Crusher Master, but he changed it to "summon" without authorization, and the meaning was completely different.

But if it's a "please", the other party can indeed refuse.

Just when the captain of the entourage was at a loss, York Red came back with a big bag and said happily: "Master, I bought a lot of meat and sausages."

"Eat them all to make your body stronger." Helot ordered: "When I go to the polar plateau, there are a lot of things that you need to carry."

"Yes, Master." York Hong grabbed a sausage and took a big bite.

Herot ignored the captain and walked toward the castle gate.

In the restaurant of the main castle, Panier, dressed in formal attire, sat at the head table waiting for the guests to arrive. The food on the table was even richer than the usual lunch. The waiter next to you is always watching the temperature of the dishes, and if they get cold, they will take them out and make them again.

After a while, the attendant captain walked in in a hurry and said angrily: "Master, that wild mage rejected your invitation again. This is an extremely arrogant guy, and he should pay the price for humiliating you!"

Panier, who was rejected twice, showed no change in his expression. He was silent for a while before asking: "Did he say why he didn't come?"

"He didn't say anything. He just said he had something to do and left the castle." The captain of the entourage paused and added: "He said he had time at noon and could share lunch with you."

A smile appeared on Panil's face: "Look, Bonebreaker Mage didn't reject me, just because he did have more important things to do. Didn't he make an appointment to meet at noon? Let's wait until noon.

Let everyone outside come in and let us eat all this food together. It is shameful to waste food during the freezing season. "

"Master, you are a man of noble character. Thank you for your gift."

The attendant called everyone else in, and Panier ate heartily around the table.

Hailuot left the Snow Castle and found the slave trader from yesterday. The slave trader was so scared that he thought he was coming to return the goods.

After Hailuot explained the reason, the slave trader breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have never met anyone who would ask about the origin of slaves... I am a principled businessman and cannot disclose the identity of the owner at will."

Hailuot took out a silver coin: "I also have my principles. If a silver coin cannot get this information, I will ask somewhere else. I think someone is willing to tell me which northern border villages your goods come from."

The slave trader reached out and snatched the silver coin: "It's the Tribulus Wild Boar Village! They sold this slave to me in the last freezing season. Whenever the freezing season is about to begin, the Tribulus Wild Boar Village will attack some small villages to rob supplies, and then migrate to the Snow City. "If they want to spend the winter nearby, they will sell the slaves they have robbed to me."

"Where is the winter camp of the thorn boar village?"

"I don't know... I really don't know. They have always escorted the slaves to me."

Hailuot took out another silver coin: "Let me ask you another question. Where is the underground fire in Snow City or near Snow City?"

The slave trader asked curiously: "Why do you ask this question?"

Hailuot casually released a fire attribute trick: "I am a fire magician, and I want to find a place where the fire element is active to absorb elemental energy. Once you reach the polar plateau, it will not be easy to find a place where the fire element is active. "

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