Duke Erwin smiled sarcastically.

He sat back in the chair, looked at the nervous Emmalu Bailey, and then at Helot, and said arrogantly: "I've been confused these days. My daughter is so honest, and she is still obediently being raped." The Skovo family sent an iceberg and snow peak. This is not the Snow Princess I know, so I came here specially. Now it seems that my guess is correct. You have a complete plan to escape.

Southerners, name your name and I'll put you on the list to be executed after the wedding. "

Herot arranged his clothes and then saluted Duke Erwin: "My name is Herot Claulund. It's a pleasure to meet you, Uncle Erwin..."

The smile on Duke Erwin's face immediately tightened. He looked at Emmalu Bailey again and stood up immediately after receiving a look of affirmation. He tidied his clothes first, and then returned the favor to Hailot: "I am very happy to hear that the Claude family has returned to the Covenant City. I just didn't expect that you would visit the icebergs and snow peaks in this way. Welcome you, in Egypt. Since the Irvine family returned to the iceberg and snowy peaks, they have never entertained such a distinguished guest as you.”

Duke Erwin is very conservative. When facing the visit of the Claude family, he gives himself equal courtesy.

Helot learned from Melis that her father was a very traditional nobleman, and meeting him for the first time was indeed like walking out of a history book. No wonder Northern Xinjiang was like a living history under his rule.

"Coming to Northern Xinjiang this time is a temporary decision of mine. Because Her Royal Highness Princess Emmalu Bailey is my assistant officer, and no news has been sent back to the Covenant City after she returned to Northern Xinjiang, so I came to visit her and see if she is It’s not like we’ve encountered insurmountable difficulties.”

Helot's words were tactful, but you could hear the thorns in them.

Isn’t the dilemma facing Princess Emmalu Bailey that she is under house arrest?

Duke Erwin motioned to Emmalu Bailey to bring a chair for Herot. The princess's room was very simple, far less luxurious than living in a snow castle, and the chairs were just ordinary wooden chairs.

The fireplace was also an ordinary fireplace. Although the fire inside was burning brightly, the room was still very cold.

Duke Erwin sat down. He could give Claude the courtesy he deserved, but that didn't mean he would let Herot accuse him.

"This is a family matter for our Erwin family. I welcome you to attend my daughter's wedding to Paniel, but please do not do anything that will bring shame to the Erwin family."

Helot assumed the posture of the head of the Claude family: "Princess Emmalu Bailey is the Snow Princess canonized by His Majesty, and he personally appointed her as my assistant. Her Highness the Princess's marriage is not just a matter for the Erwin family. , and I don’t want to see my subordinates reduced to a fertility machine with a lifespan of only one year!”

Duke Erwin frowned: "You know everything?"

Helot replied: "When Priest Sander used witch doctor skills to summon the polar fire-marked fox to save His Highness, I happened to be standing next to him."

Duke Erwin looked at Emmalu Bailey again, and then said to Herot: "This is her fate. Since life has to end, it is better to give birth to a child and add a highly talented warrior to the polar plateau. "

"Father..." Emmalu Bailey was about to speak for herself, but she felt her father's stern gaze and closed her mouth.

Herot said on behalf of Emma Lubeli: "This is just the fate you gave her!"

"No, this is her responsibility as a member of the Erwin family. Even the emperor has no right to interfere. And you..." Duke Erwin stared at Herot: "Why did you take her away from the icebergs and snow peaks? Why should I change her fate?"

Emmalu Bailey also looked at Herot, waiting for his answer.

Helot straightened his back and was about to answer, when suddenly the door was pushed open, and the guard who came in shouted: "Your Majesty, a large number of unidentified armed men are approaching from the south side of the castle, many of them driving war machines. …”

South side of the castle!

Isn't it under the iceberg and snow peaks?

How come there are unknown armed men approaching from that direction!

Bresini has been trapped in the earth's fire magma for three days, and all the exits she can find are closely guarded. All these northern Xinjiang people distributed weapons. Judging from the number, it was obvious that they were going to launch a large-scale war.

Moreover, Bresini also saw a lot of military war machinery, and most of the people driving the war machinery were southerners.

Bresini followed Helot and had some knowledge of machinery. She could tell that these war machines were all new, not even painted, and the shiny metal was exposed to the air. Most war machines are equipped with barrels and gun barrels that exceed the standard, which obviously abandons some of the melee functions and comprehensively enhances long-range firepower output, especially the ability to attack difficult targets.

It can be judged from this that there is a large arsenal somewhere in the earth's fire magma.

It's just that Bresini didn't find the location of the arsenal. The fire element inside the earth's fire magma is very active, which is a very harsh environment for vampires. Moreover, she has to hide herself well and cannot easily hunt and suck blood, causing her body to become weaker and weaker.

Therefore, Bresini spent most of her time turning into a bat and hiding in the slightly cooler rock crevices, waiting for a chance to escape.

Three days later, the army stationed in the geothermal magma finally moved.

Someone moved boxes to distribute magic scrolls, and each soldier could be assigned an offensive magic and a defensive magic. Then it was time to fill the war machine with ammunition, and the additional auxiliary ammunition boxes were also filled.

As the command was given, all the troops entered the passage and marched upward.

Bressney found an opportunity to fly behind a war machine and hid her body in the gap of the gun case. The hot metal made her feel like she was about to be roasted.

Fortunately, the temperature was getting colder as she moved, and the wind blew snowflakes in.

The war machine became cold again, and Brisney was shivering from the cold. She kept moving her body to prevent herself from sticking to the metal.

The army came out of the cave and then marched up the mountain.

Brisney quietly stuck her head out to observe the surroundings, and was immediately shocked by the size of the army.

This mountain was full of densely packed heads, and there were hundreds of war machines. In addition, people and war machines kept coming out of the cave and joined the army marching up the mountain.

Whose army are they?

What do they want to do?

Brisney looked down the mountain and saw the snow city and the bonfires outside the snow city. She didn't know what she should do now, whether to follow this army to find out their purpose, or return to the snow castle to report to the master.

After repeated consideration, Brisney decided to continue to lurk and investigate. After all, the army's target is the ice castle on the top of the iceberg, not the snow castle where the master is.

Only by figuring out what this army is can the master make a correct judgment based on complete intelligence.

As the altitude increases, the snow peak becomes colder and colder, and Brisney's body becomes stiff, but she dare not use spells to relieve it. This is the center of the army, and any strange magic fluctuations may expose herself.

She moved her body with difficulty, crawling on the war machine body, approaching the cockpit little by little.

Then she put her ear close to the bone-chilling shell and listened carefully to every sound coming from it.

The driver in the cockpit was using the same-frequency communication cochlea to communicate with the nearby war machine, but it was difficult to distinguish what was said inside due to the interference of the wheel rotation and the body movement.

But one of the words instantly made Brisney's spirit tense.

The prisoner!

Could it be that this army was formed by the prisoner?

Brisney looked up and could vaguely see the ice castle on the top of the mountain. Then she noticed that the light inside the ice castle was very bright, which was not a normal phenomenon.

All the materials in the ice castle need to be transported from the bottom of the mountain to the top, so the Elvin family is very frugal and will not waste. Such a strong light inside the ice castle represents a huge consumption of fuel, and the Elvin family must have lit so many fires, so something big must have happened.

The recent big event of the Elvin family...isn't it the wedding of Princess Emma Lu Bailey and Panier?

Looking at the fire outside the snow city at the bottom of the mountain, it means that the northern border village is also celebrating with precious fuel.

Princess Emma Lu Bailey is in the ice castle, and the master must be in the ice castle too!

Brisney made a judgment that made her a little scared. The army organized by the prisoner is going to sneak attack the ice castle, and the master is in danger!

Brisney immediately changed into a human form, threw a flying knife to shoot all the northern border guards around to the ground, and then drew out the sword and stabbed into the cockpit of the war machine.

The driver was pierced through the chest by a sword, and then died instantly due to the magic implosion, and the war machine stopped on the spot.

Brisney opened the hatch of the cockpit from the outside, pulled out the driver's body and threw it out, and sat inside.

There was no time to close the hatch, so Brisney directly opened it.

At this time, the nearby soldiers noticed the situation here, and saw someone fall down, so they rushed over to see what happened.

Brisney activated all the weapon systems of the war machine, the barrels and gun barrels were flat, and the body rotated on the spot.

Flames sprayed out from the barrels and gun barrels.

"Da da da da da da..."

"Boom boom boom..."

In order to break through the defense of the snow castle as soon as possible, the executioner abandoned many of the war machine's performance and stacked the firepower indicators to the maximum. To fire more bullets and shells at one time, rush into the ice castle in one wave.

Therefore, the firepower of the war machine that Brisney robbed was extremely fierce, and it hit a metal storm for a while.

The unsuspecting soldiers of the northern frontier were cut in half by bullets and then blasted to pieces by machine guns.

A snow wall was raised on the snow.

In just a dozen seconds, Brisney fired all the ammunition in the machine gun, and the sound reached the ice castle.

For the ice castle, the north side faces the polar plateau, which is the direction of the cold demon's attack. Even the princess' wedding is heavily guarded. The south side is the rear, where there are no enemies. Usually there are only a few watchmen to manage the transportation of materials and the entry and exit of personnel.

It is night now, and tomorrow is the princess' wedding. Everyone is busy, and there are no guards on the south side. Even if there are, they are pulled to drink by the people of the Skovo family.

Therefore, the army of the executioner is very close to the ice castle, and it is still not noticed by the people in the castle.

But the sound of guns and cannons broke the tranquility on the south side of the ice castle.

Someone followed the sound and climbed the south wall, and saw a magic firework rising and exploding. Under the light of the fireworks, he saw the dark army on the snow rushing towards the ice castle.

"Alarm! Ring the alarm! Report to the Duke that unknown armed personnel are approaching the south side of the ice castle."

Even if they saw the army, the watchmen did not dare to judge that the other side was the enemy.

The alarm bell rang in the ice castle!

The first direction everyone looked at was the north. Was it the cold demon attacking?

In the princess's bedroom, Duke Elvin heard that unknown armed personnel were approaching the south side of the castle, and he couldn't believe it.

"Is someone playing a prank? Those kids are getting more and more lawless!"

The guard answered with certainty: "My Lord Duke! They are indeed armed men with unclear intentions, and they are obviously hostile..."

Duke Elvin frowned, he couldn't understand why the enemy came from the south.

Is it an attack by the Imperial Army?


It is the freezing season now. The Imperial Army is not able to pass through the snowfields of the northern border silently, let alone bypass the Snow City and go straight to the Ice Castle.

Duke Elvin stood up: "Let's go and see who it is!"

Heroth stopped Duke Elvin and said to the guard: "You go out first."

The guard did not move, waiting for Duke Elvin's instructions.

Princess Emma Lubeli said to the guard: "You go out with me and wait."

Duke Elvin nodded, and the guard followed Emma Lubeli out of the room and closed the door.

"Do you know what happened?" Duke Elvin asked.

Helot knew that time was running out, so he said quickly: "On my way to the Northern Frontier, I found someone selling high-end machine tool parts. During the few days in the Snow Castle, I found that the number of bandits in the Northern Frontier has suddenly increased in recent years. They raided many villages, and strong men became slaves, but the number of slaves in the market has not increased much.

My subordinates found a large number of Northern Frontier people and armored bears being enslaved to mine ore in a place of underground fire magma."

This information made Duke Elvin tense, and he asked: "What do you want to tell me?"

"I can't make an accurate judgment yet. Is the mastermind behind these things, You?"

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course it is true." Helot said: "And... I think you can also notice the changes in the Skovo family over the years."

Duke Elvin did not dare to stay here. He walked quickly to the door, opened it and walked out, shouting: "The enemy is coming up from the south side of the castle! The watchers of the Ice Castle are gathering to fight! All knights of the Ice Knights, the only task I give you is to keep an eye on the people of the Skovo family around you and don't let them move.

If they move... they will be killed!"

Duke Elvin walked towards the main hall of the main castle, and a thick layer of ice formed wherever he passed. In his hand, a broad-bladed ice sword condensed, and layers of ice armor covered his whole body.

Emma Lu Bailey followed behind her father, her hair turned into ice crystal color, holding an ice sword.

Turning to Helot, she said: "Don't stop me. This is my responsibility as the daughter of Duke Elvin..."

The explosion came from the direction of the main hall, and the castle shook.

The war has begun!

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