My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 322: Victory of Bluffing (4000)

The explosions from the direction of the Ice Castle became more frequent, and the flames shot up into the sky. The executioner's stranglehold on the Elvin family entered the most critical period. As long as the cold demon army attacked the Ice Castle in time, they could easily occupy this important place.

Destroy the Ice and Snow Family and drive the executioner down the mountain.

Madam Kaishiya stood up, and the ice chair behind her turned into a pile of ice chips and fell. She twisted her waist, her legs showed strong and well-proportioned muscles, and she walked to the front of the boulder with a charming gait, looking at the human who blocked her with contempt.

"How can a wall made of dry bones stop the rolling ice! Even the Ice and Snow Family dare not fight the cold demon in the polar regions, and the undead want to change the rules? This is the polar regions, the home of the cold demons, and no one... no, nothing can defeat the cold demons.

Young human, I see through your tricks, you can't scare me."

After speaking, Madam Kaishiya raised her hand high, and the intensity of the north wind was fierce. The wind and snow howled, the army of the cold demons roared, the white extreme cold air spread outward from the cold demon array, and the sky fell fist-sized hailstones covering the undead in the dark.

Helot also issued a battle order.

Standing beside him, Belon raised his sword of authority, and the sea of ​​skeletons moved forward as a whole. The falling hailstones smashed many skeletons.

It was indeed not a wise move to fight a field battle with the cold demons on the polar plateau. Skeletons will become more fragile in such a cold environment, and once frozen, they cannot escape.

In order to weaken the impact of the cold on the skeletons, the burning cavalry had to give up their own advantages, mix them in the sea of ​​skeletons, and use their sea of ​​fire offensive to resist freezing for the skeletons.

What is the effect?

It is not known yet.

Helot looked back at the ice castle: I will do my best to delay time for you, you must quickly wipe out the rebellion of the Skovo family.

A large number of black shadows flew over and fell towards the array of the cold demons.

On the ground, all the burning cavalry ignited together, and the sea of ​​fire spread to illuminate the thick and long sea of ​​skeletons, and the fire covered the entire skeleton army array in front of the cold demon array.

The sea of ​​skeletons advanced, and the two wings exceeded the horizontal line of the cold demon army by an unknown distance, and were stretching out to implement the outflanking tactics.

Mistress Kaishiya looked at the army pressing in front in shock. The skeletons that had just appeared and disappeared were already enough, how could there be so many more in such a short time!

The polar plateau environment is harsh, and the creatures are generally strong but not numerous. Where have you seen such an army of tens of thousands? Even if most of the opponents are low-level skeletons, the oppression of this magnitude is still suffocating.

What's more, there seem to be flying beasts in the sky that continue to emit pressure.

The creatures that can fly freely in the strong winds of the polar regions are definitely extremely powerful.

Something fell from the sky...

It's a huge ice cone!

It fell like a waterfall into the cold demon's army array. The cold demon can use defensive skills to resist this attack, but many weak polar beasts were pierced and died.

Along with the ice cone waterfall, there are many crawling undead and zombies. As soon as they landed, they attacked the nearest cold monsters and polar beasts, causing serious chaos in the cold monster army that was preparing to launch an attack.

The skeletons continued to approach in the firelight, and there was no other sound except the sound of bones colliding.

The hail continued to fall, and the skeletons suffered great losses, but still advanced silently.

It was as if death was approaching, no matter how you blocked it, it would get closer and closer to you.

Above the cold monster army, the ice cone waterfall washed the ground again and again. The polar beasts were not like the undead who could ignore death. The pressure from the sky made them feel afraid, and the corpses and blood made them restless. Some beasts took advantage of the cold monsters' inattention and began to escape.

Both sides suffered huge casualties in each other's long-range attacks.

The morale of the cold monsters dropped rapidly.

No living creature could remain calm in the attack of the undead, especially when facing the undead's characteristic skeleton sea push. Obviously, the skeletons are so weak that an ice spell can sweep away a large number of them, but you will find that no matter how many skeletons you kill, it has no effect on the number of skeletons. At this time, you can feel the sense of powerlessness.

Strength and magic will eventually run out, but it seems that the skeletons can never be killed.

The cold demons who faced the army of undead for the first time gradually gathered their formations. This was not to obey the orders of the mistress Keshiya, but their instinctive reaction. The cold demons who survived in groups had not undergone formal military training and were far from being able to obey orders. This was also the reason why they could not break through the ice castle for hundreds of years.

At this time, Helot was also "a straw hitting a wolf on both ends".

He knew very well that his sea of ​​undead was just an illusion. The scorched earth city was expanding outward, and Howl took away most of the undead. There were not many undead that could be used for war in the old cemetery and the old territory. Most of them were low-level skeletons and zombies.

If the cold demons dared to fight, they would find that their opponents were not as strong as they imagined.

Fortunately, it was late at night, and the skeleton array illuminated by the burning cavalry was very thick, making the cold demon think that there were a huge number of skeletons in the dark. Now the cold demon huddled together, and after the skeletons on both wings completed the encirclement, it would be even more difficult for them to find out the true and false of the sea of ​​skeletons.

Increase the speed!

Force the cold demon to continue to shrink!

The crawling ice figurines in the back increased the speed of throwing, and the ice cone waterfall continuously washed the cold demon's army. The polar beast was quickly killed, and the cold demon had to continue to retreat.

Approaching the cold demon, entering the frozen area, the feet of the skeleton in front were frozen on the ice.

The burning cavalry's sea of ​​fire offensive swept forward, pushing back the white ice mist. The ice melted, and the skeleton moved forward again, wielding the bone sword at the cold demon in front of it.

The bone sword hit the rising ice wall, cutting out large shards of flying ice.

The cold demon used ice magic to smash all the skeletons in front of him, and the skeletons behind him immediately filled in and continued to chop the ice wall. The cold demons keep attacking. I wonder if they can kill all the skeletons before their power is exhausted...

He clearly had an absolute advantage in strength, but his heart was filled with despair.

Mother Keshia stood on the boulder and could use the summoned ice wheel to cut off a large piece of skeleton with a single wave of her hand. But she couldn't feel the pleasure of "opening unparalleled". The skeletons continued to attack. They were endless, as if they could never be finished.

Fallen skeletons and ice blocks have piled up into a high wall, enclosing the cold demons in the middle.

The great creature in the sky lowered its height, and Mother Keshia immediately felt that her body was being attacked by some kind of attack, and an unknown force was weakening her.

Other cold demons are obviously suffering from this attack.

What exactly is that?

When Mistress Keshia looked up, she could only see a faint shadow. It has a huge body and long wingspan.

On the back of Mistress Keshiya, smoke-like white cold mist gathered, and then a pair of transparent ice wings spread out. The ice wings vibrated at high speed, and her body quickly rushed towards the creature in the air.

The creatures in the air noticed the approach of Mother Keshia and quickly increased their altitude.

Mother Keshia rushed to catch up, believing that this creature was the key to the war. She didn't believe that a human necromancer could summon so many undead. All the undead belonged to that great creature, because its pressure belonged to death.

The wind gets stronger as you go up, and the ice and snow in the wind are like bone-scraping blades, continuously causing damage to the body.

The great creature is slower because it is larger and takes more damage!

And just when Mistress Keshiya was about to see the creature's appearance clearly, the huge size shrank rapidly. When Mistress Keshia caught up, a human girl stopped in the wind and snow waiting for her.

"If you don't command your soldiers to fight, why are you chasing me?"

Mother Keshia asked the girl warily: "What kind of undead are you?"

"My name is Firoro, a cute human girl." Firoro showed a self-loving smile, but even if judged by Han Yao's aesthetic standards, her appearance is more cautious than cute.

"No, you are an undead." Keshia pointed at Firollo and condensed an ice spear in her hand: "What kind of undead are you?"

Firoro stretched out his two fingers and pointed to both sides: "First guess what kind of undead they are."

Two figures emerged from the wind and snow, one was Veron, who was riding a black spirit horse of frost mist, and the other was Frank, who was invited by Helot to help in the battle.

Three undead surrounded Keshiya in the middle.

Veron showed his sword: "A very strong cold demon. I may be able to compete with her in my best state. Now I can only besiege her. I will attack mainly, Frank will use magic to support, and Ferolo will provide support..."

Frank didn't say much, and divided eight clones into preparing magic at the same time.

Firoro stepped back and distanced himself: "You try to hold her back and give me some time. Alas... If the master hadn't pulled me out of the quagmire too early, I wouldn't have been chased by her in such an embarrassing situation."

"Hahaha..." Veron laughed: "You will become the strongest undead under the master. I am going to charge!"

The frost-mist black spirit horse galloped, and Bella raised her sword, and the ice and snow adhered to it to form a ten-meter-long blade.

The blade slashed down and was shot to pieces by Mistress Keshia. Veron was also hit by the powerful force and rolled in the air.

One of Frank's clones used a spell to protect Veron, and the other clones cast attack spells at Keshia, blocking her pursuit of Veron. The main body releases status magic, putting layers of buff status on Veron's body.

Veron stabilized his figure in the air and charged at Keshiya again.

Firollo distanced himself, hid behind Frank's protective circle, and cast a spell on Keshia with a broken thought.

Veron's current strength is at the top level of Extraordinary Level 2; Ferolo has reached Extraordinary Level 2; Frank has reached Extraordinary Level 3. The three undead each have their own strengths, but they did not gain any obvious advantage by besieging Keshiya.

However, being able to hold off Mother Keshiya is the greatest contribution to the entire battle.

The war on the ground continues.

Helot did not participate in the aerial battle, but focused on the deployment of the undead army.

The polar beasts have been wiped out, and the remaining cold monsters all have extraordinary strength, and several of them have obviously reached the second level of extraordinary.

If they cooperated better, had a higher awareness of fighting, and had a better understanding of each other, they wouldn't be in the current situation of being besieged by skeletons.

Now that Mother Keshia is being restrained, the cold demons have no command, and they have to fight individually as a group, and they have lost their enterprising spirit. The Han Demon was divided into more than a dozen small defense groups from a large defensive formation. Casualties began to appear after being broken through at a certain critical point.

At the beginning of the war, Helot intentionally retained the Burning Cavalry. They were only used as tools to provide heat sources and did not participate in the impact of skeletons. There is also an elite group of armored Burning Cavalry, all hero-level, lurking in the darkness.

The cold demon divided itself, allowing Helot to see the opportunity for a small assault.

It happened that one of the cold demons in one of the small defense groups suffered casualties, indicating that the overall strength of this group of cold demons was somewhat weak.

Pick the persimmons soft and pinch them.

Heroth used magic to mark the price of this cold demon, and ordered the crawling ice figurines in the rear to concentrate their bombardment.

The ice speculator immediately projected ten groups of crawling ice figurines to the designated location, and then projected a hundred zombies together.

For a while, the ice cones were poured continuously, and the zombies were sandwiched in them and smashed down on this cold demon. How could a small defense group composed of more than a dozen cold demons withstand such a level of bombardment? They dodged in a hurry, the formation was scattered, and the skeletons filled the gaps between them.

The bombardment from above continued, and they didn't care that most of the skeletons were hit.

The cold demons were divided farther and farther, and more and more scattered.

At this time, the Burning Cavalry Reserve rushed to the front of the cold demons, and the sea of ​​fire offensive was launched at this moment. The cavalry line pushed the fire wave and rushed to attack, and the skeletons in front were trampled into pieces.

The Burning Cavalry waved the fire whip to lash at the isolated cold demons, the zombies hugged their legs, and the skeletons stabbed out the bone swords.

Facing such an attack, the cold demons no longer had any meaning to resist. The ice armor on their bodies was broken layer by layer, the fire whips left burn marks on them, and the bone swords pierced their bodies. They were pressed to the ground, their bodies were roasted in the flames, trampled by horses' hooves, and torn by zombies.

Blood mixed with ice water spread.

It didn't take too long before more than a dozen cold demons were slaughtered, and at the same time deterred other cold demons who were still fighting on their own.

The mistress disappeared, and the enemies were endless.

If such a battle continued, even if they were not defeated by the undead one by one, they would die of exhaustion.

The last fighting will of the cold demons finally collapsed, and they broke out to the north collectively.

The skeletons could not stop them, and the fleeing cold demons soon disappeared into the night.

"All skeletons chase."

This was the order that Helot gave to the skeletons. There was no stop order, no return order, and the cold demons were chased until they died.

The skeletons moved forward, advancing deep into the polar plateau.

Although the cold demons have escaped, their fighting power is still there. We cannot give them time to think and must keep driving them away. They don't know how many skeletons are chasing them. They will definitely keep running away when they see the skeletons behind them.

So for a long time, a strange scene appeared on the polar plateau. The powerful cold demons would hide when they saw the skeletons, and some cold demon groups were even scared and migrated.

The battle against the cold demons is over, and the ice field has returned to silence, and it has returned to darkness as the burning cavalry extinguished the fire.

The battle on the ice castle side is not as fierce as it was at the beginning.

I don't know who will win!

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