My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 337 You can’t have your cake and eat it too

The original world, the rotten royal court, the immortal tower.

Xingkong continuously receives information from Helot, and then brings the information into the bloodline discussion group. So much first-hand information greatly promotes the progress of this research.

The expanded field also created staffing shortages.

But this difficulty is not a difficulty at all for Ashelia. She is a council member of the Immortal Tower, an old woman who is afraid of ghosts. Ethelia doesn't care what you are doing when it comes to catching young men. Her sharp and mean words will make you understand how superficial and ridiculous what you are doing is.

"There is an academic field that has never appeared before, and it is in our discussion group. I think your knowledge is barely useful to our discussion group, so I reluctantly invite you to come in, otherwise you would not be able to enter such a high-level discussion. Group. Put down the childish enlightenment book in your hands, and I will show you what real scholarship is."

More than twenty immortal mages were brought into the discussion group by Ashelia, and all of them looked terrified and excited.

It seems that although Aisilia has a terrible personality, her academic attainments are recognized by all immortal mages. Being qualified to discuss with her is definitely a rare academic exchange.

Usually...she doesn't bother to talk to you.

The discussion group has expanded, and the immortal mages who can be favored by Aisilia are the top scholars in the entire Immortal Society.

Then Xingkong was responsible for delivering the materials and data obtained from the Executioner Polar Base; Eselia was responsible for constructing the model of the Northern Lights bloodline; and Harry Kalang was responsible for the coordination and task arrangement of the discussion group.

The secrets of the Northern Lights bloodline are revealed layer by layer.

During the period when Herot devoted all his energy to saving Melis, the game world entered an extremely important stage.

The fifth "No. 1 in the World" has entered the preparatory period.

The World's No. 1 Tournament is a grand event exclusively for players. A month of intensive "1v1" competition will attract the attention of all players. During the competition, a large number of rewards will be given to players with outstanding performance. The qualification to win is also the goal that major player organizations compete for, because a powerful prop can increase the overall strength of a player guild to a higher level.

Of course, no one dares to dream of being "No. 1 in the world". The Soul Eaters have the strength to win the championship four times in a row, and have the level advantage to dominate the rankings. They have already won the title of "No. 1 in the world" for the fifth time before the start of the competition. In the bag.

The rewards for the second to tenth places are high-end golden equipment. Considering that the top players have reached level 70, the metal equipment rewarded in this competition must also be level 70. Being able to get one will definitely leave players of the same level behind.

Strong player organizations will pool all their resources to prepare the seed players selected by the guild for the competition, and they will also try every means to take advantage of threatening opponents. In such a high-level competition, the decrease in attributes caused by a level difference of one or two levels still has a great impact on the outcome.

It's just that this "No. 1 in the World" competition happened to encounter the initial stage of the world-class task "The Decay of the Sorrowful King".

The initial stage of a world-class mission has a great impact on subsequent harvests. Getting a good position is far more important than the resource cost.

Now the King of Sorrow has entered a period of decay, and is not completely decayed yet. His dominance over the decaying wasteland diminished, but his intimidation remained. This is a very delicate period. Players are completely unaware of the direction of the plot, and there is no way to predict it. It is necessary to invest a lot of manpower and cost in developing the plot as much as possible to obtain important intelligence.

High-end players have to invest in fierce guild confrontation and plot development.

It’s difficult to have both. Even super guilds can’t take care of world-class plots and prepare for “the best in the world” at the same time.

The ten super guilds all chose to focus on developing world-class plots. All top players continued to lead teams in in-depth missions to improve their status among important NPC forces.

Even if you encounter a high-risk mission, you will not give up because of the risk of death and grade drop.

Super guilds continue to advance in world-class plots, and other player guilds that think they can't compete focus on the track of "number one in the world".

A well-known player predicted that this "No. 1 in the World" event will be more exciting and suspenseful than the previous ones.

In the rotting tower, on top of the throne.

The body of the Sorrowful King has been integrated with the Skeleton Throne. He sits there, his body is weathered bones, and only the gorgeous executive robe still shows his noble identity.

In the open and empty hall, the soul eaters respectfully accepted the inquiries from the supreme ruler of this land.

"Who do you think has the qualifications and strength to sit here after I decay?"

This question is really hard to answer.

The soul eater thought for a while and said, "I think you have made arrangements, Your Majesty. When the new ruler you choose comes to the throne, I will assist him just like I assisted you."

"Hahaha..." The Sorrowful King laughed, shaking off the decaying dust: "You are very capable, but you are still too young. If I can still exist for a hundred years, you will be the one to succeed me.

pity! What a pity! "

The soul eater said: "Even after a hundred years, I am still too young to protect this vast land."

"I don't think so." The Sorrowful King stopped laughing and filled the hall with coercion: "You are very special, so I took you from Dorothea's hands. Facts have also proved my judgment. You have grown up It’s faster than I expected.”

"My growth depends entirely on your trust in me."

"Yes, I trust you and give you all my bone dragons to tame. I order you to seal all the bone dragons and then execute the promise you just made to me. When my successor ascends the throne, continue to be loyal to him."

The Soul Eater saluted and replied: "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Go out! I have no new instructions for you."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The Soul Eater left the hall.

The Sorrowful King was left sitting alone on the throne, with powder falling from his body from time to time.

After a while, the Sorrowful King seemed to be talking to himself: "The collision of planes, the creatures coming from the loopholes in the laws are really fascinating. Especially when you see him in a decayed state, the aura on him is full of divinity."

A voice responded to the Sorrowful King's sigh: "The loopholes in the laws will eventually be repaired by the power of the origin, and at that time, the gods will also fall."

"Fallen, but also a god. I have sat here for how long, even I have forgotten myself. This is a completely boring world for me. Even if I cut the soul fire to create you to collect knowledge from all planes, I can no longer raise my hopes.

Immortality is just my ignorance in the past, and becoming a god is the only thing I want to do now."

"But loopholes in the laws are also rules. We know what will happen when loopholes appear in the laws, and your desire to plunder divinity will cause unpredictable changes."

"If divinity can be plundered, it is a kind of rule, and unpredictable changes are what I want to see. The collision of planes is not easy to encounter, and I will experience this great chaos in the best state..."

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