My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 345 Bloodline Mutation (4000)

Haylot left the castle, opened the gate of the cemetery in the open space, and took off wearing silver armor and spreading his silver wings, diving down along the ridge of the iceberg and snow peak.

There are very strong storms and turbulence along the polar high wall. Even if flying within the range of the iceberg and snow peak, it is still subject to the interference of the ice and snow storm. Haylot had to lower the altitude and almost touch the ground.

He dived through the sky of the snow city at low altitude and entered the boundless snowfield of the northern border.

Behind Haylot, Kaishiya changed back to the form of a cold demon, and followed closely with the ice wings behind her. This was the first time she had arrived in the world outside the polar region since she was born. The difference in air pressure and temperature made her a little uncomfortable, and as she continued to fly south, this feeling of discomfort became stronger and stronger.

After a period of flight, a big tree growing in the open land attracted Kaishiya's attention. This was the first time she saw a tree, and she thought it was some special monster. The branches that had fallen leaves swayed in the wind, as if they were arrogantly provoking.

Soon Kaishiya saw grasslands, rivers, and mountains that were completely different from polar icebergs.

She saw bridges across rivers, railways running through mountains, and trains running on the railways.

Villages covered with smoke from cooking, and large cities built by humans.

Every picture she saw overturned Kaishiya's previous worldview, and she realized how monotonous life in the polar regions was. Snow-eating animals eat pink snow, carnivores eat snow-eating things, and the cold demons stand at the top of the food chain... It's so simple.

She thought the ice castle was what the human world looked like, but now it seems not!

Continuing to fly south, some green came into Kaishiya's eyes. There are more and more human cities, and the buildings in the cities are getting taller and taller, like quiet giant beasts, making her suddenly feel her insignificance.

She couldn't help but ask Helot: "What kind of greatness created your world?"

"It's us humans!"

Kaishiya didn't ask any more questions, and then there was a long silence.

Until a city larger than all human cities appeared in front of her, the shock made Kaishiya stop in the air.

There were floating airships in the sky, and high-rise buildings seemed to be pillars supporting the sky. There were well-arranged streets between cities, and all kinds of cars were running on the streets. The chimneys in the factory area were like forests, and the smoke and dust covered large areas of the city under the clouds.

There was also the vast and endless ocean in the east, which was connected to the sky at the end.

Helot also stopped.

Not to mention a cold demon who had never left the polar region, even residents in other parts of the empire would not perform better than Kaishiya when they first saw the Covenant City.

"This is the Covenant City!"

Helot was no longer anxious when he arrived at his destination, because he saw campaign ads run by his mother everywhere in the city.

Even in the air, there were airships hovering with banners.

"For a better life in the future, please cast your precious vote for Lord Irina!"

Calculating the time, it is now the election period for members of the Imperial Congress. Tomorrow Group has put out so many advertisements, and my mother should not be safe.

Therefore, Helot did not rush to Tomorrow Group, but took Kaishiya to land behind a highway billboard outside the city. Then he released Brisney and asked her to fly to the Golden Pinewood Apartment, and notified the Iron Cavalry to drive to pick her up.

Brisney turned into a bat and flew away.

Helot took off his silver armor and walked to the roadside, where large trucks kept coming and going.

Kaishiya turned back into human form, and she also walked to the roadside, squatting down curiously and touching the smooth road surface.

"Is this also made by you humans?"

"This is a highway, connecting towns and villages to the highway network. We also built cars, which are the machines running on wheels. They can send people and materials to every point on the highway, and can also gather people and materials at every point in one place."

While explaining to Kaishiya, Helot took off his clothes from the northern border, and then released a cloud of black mist to wrap himself in it.

A set of men's clothes was thrown out from the black mist.

Kaishiya took it and asked, "What is this?"

Heroth answered in the black fog, "That's my spare clothes. Your outfit is not suitable for appearing in the Covenant City. Wear my clothes first, and let Brisni buy some women's clothes for you after entering the city."

Kaishiya looked at her coat, then at the clothes in her hand. Some white mist rose from under her feet, followed by the four ice walls.

Hairoth, who had changed his clothes, removed the black fog. He was dressed in formal clothes, brand new and shiny leather shoes, leaning on a cane in his hand, and took out a top hat and put it on his head.

The ice wall collapsed, and Kaishiya, who had changed into new clothes, stood in the broken ice.

Heroth gave her a men's casual suit, a gray windbreaker on the outside, and a felt hat on her.

Since Kaishiya was very tall, she was very fit in this men's suit. Moreover, as the former mistress of the cold demon, Kaishiya had a strong sense of oppression, coupled with the unique charm of the cold demon, this outfit made her present a very unique temperament.

Kaishiya asked Helot who was staring at her: "Why are you looking at me like that? Am I wearing it wrong?"

Helot said: "Yes, this is how you wear this outfit. It's a windbreaker... that is, you don't need to button up all the buttons on the coat, you can just unbutton them all. Yes, yes, very good! I don't think you need women's clothes, it will only lower your mistress's aura."

"I'm not a mistress anymore!"

Keshiya corrected Herot's mistake with a bad look on her face, followed the suggestion and unbuttoned all the buttons of her trench coat.

"You will definitely regain your tribe!" Helot took out his pocket watch to check the time, then took out a certificate and handed it to Keshiya: "While the people who pick us up haven't arrived yet, let me tell you what we are facing now. status.

My name is Helot Claurund, and I serve as the leader of the 13th Investigation Team of the Imperial Military Police in the Oath of Honor Empire. From now on, don't call me master. You can call me team leader or chief. "

"That's a good suggestion. Calling you master makes me uncomfortable! Sir, what is this?"

Helot had gotten used to Keshia's attitude towards him. He replied: "This is the Imperial Military Police ID. When you open it, your appearance will be automatically recorded and a magic identification photo will be generated. Don't ask any more questions. Listen to what I want first. After all is said and done…”

Helot then briefly explained the current situation of the empire to Keysia.

Then he focused on explaining to her the origins of the torturers and what they were doing, as well as the overt and covert competition between various forces such as the Tomorrow Group, the Black Gold Group, and the Deep Prison.

Keshiya was puzzled: "Why is it so complicated? Who has a grudge against whom? Wouldn't it be settled by having a fight?"

Helot said: "The battles between you cold demons can be solved by war. That's because you are small in number and your fists can solve most problems. But when a society reaches a certain level, violence can be used to solve the problem." Executing one's own will will only lead to self-destruction.

Keshiya, since you have entered the human world, you must abide by human rules. "

Keshiya couldn't help but fell into deep thought after listening to Helot's words.

Recalling what she saw along the way from the icebergs to here, she suddenly had a feeling that the great beings in the polar regions sent themselves to the human world, perhaps not just to destroy the research materials that were harmful to the polar regions.

She looked at her human hands again, her expression became very complicated.

At this time, a black car stopped on the side of the road. The cavalryman came out of the cab and said excitedly to Hailot: "Master, you are finally back!"

Breshni fell from the air, turned back into human form and opened the back door for Helot.

Helot said: "Breshini, you and Keshiya sit in the back. I'm in the passenger seat. I have many questions to ask the cavalryman."

Bresini took Keshiya, who looked curious, into the back seat of the car.

Hailot got into the passenger seat, and the cavalryman started the car and sped toward the Covenant City area.

"Tell me the attack on the Tomorrow Group Building in detail!"

While driving, the cavalryman told Hailot the story of what happened on that rainy night.

The Black Gold Group teamed up with the Deep Prison to raid the Tomorrow Group Building, which can be said to have exceeded everyone's expectations. Although the 13th Investigation Team received information in advance, it was still a step too late when support arrived at the Tomorrow Group Building.

The mechanical transformation of the Black Gold Group and the corpse stitchers of the Deep Prison have already invaded the building.

Reinham could only lead most of the watchmen to defend the perimeter of the building, allowing Anthony to bring a small number of watchmen in for support.

The third prince Terenas and a group of imperial officials were blocked from the building by Reinham, during which the second princess Bremelo also appeared briefly.

"The mechanical modifications of the Black Gold Group were almost wiped out, and even the third generation of mechanical modifications were killed by the third generation of mechanical modifications of the Tomorrow Group. Then the third generation of the mechanical modifications of the Tomorrow Group led a team to fight back the Shenzhen. Prison, the Sinking King of Deep Prison was also seriously injured in that battle."

Aunt Angelica's strength is still trustworthy.

Helot asked: "I saw Lord Irina's campaign advertisements everywhere in the city. She should not have been injured in this conflict."

"Lord Irina is safe and sound. After the intruders were repulsed, she immediately came forward to organize a rescue... I just heard that the third-generation mechanical transformation person of the Tomorrow Group died in the battle. She was a very strong woman."

The cavalryman couldn't help but look at Keshiya in the back seat from the rearview mirror. This strange woman who appeared with his master also gave him a great sense of oppression.

Helot clenched his hands and said after a while: "Go to the Imperial Military Police Headquarters immediately! Find Terenas!"

The cavalryman turned the steering wheel sharply and turned the car into another lane. The imperial flag and the Imperial Gendarmerie flag popped up from the front of the car. Press the accelerator to the bottom and drive wildly on the road full of cars.

Soon we arrived in front of the Imperial Military Police Headquarters building.

Herot took the cavalry, Breshni, and Keysia up the stairs of the building and rushed into the hall.

The imperial military police on duty stopped them: "Please show your documents and indicate your intention."

The cavalryman took out his ID and handed it over: "This is Mr. Claude Lund, the leader of the Thirteenth Investigation Team..."

Herot walked straight in and left a message: "You negotiate with them, I will go find Terenas."

The military policeman on duty wanted to stop him, but the cavalryman grabbed his wrist: "Our team leader has something important to do with the third prince. If we are delayed, you will be responsible!"

Breshni and Keshiya followed Helot inside.

The military policeman on duty then remembered who Claude Claude was, and immediately returned the certificate to the cavalryman: "I'm sorry. Please apologize to Mr. Claude Lund on my behalf!"

Helot walked up the stairs and found Terenas' office on the fourth floor, where he happened to be handling official business.

Seeing Herot walk in, Terenas was startled at first, then stood up with a smile to greet him: "You finally showed up. What big events have you caused in these days? Can you tell me something?" information?"

Herod took off his hat and handed it to Bresseny along with his cane.

"It's true that some big things have been done, but they have nothing to do with you." Helot sat down in the chair in front of the desk: "I want to talk to you about some confidential matters. Is it safe here?"

"Of course it's safe!" Terenas closed the door and turned on all the security restrictions in the office. He returned to his seat and sat down, saying to the communicator on the desk: "Send someone to protect outside the door, don't let anyone disturb me."

Some faint halos swayed in the office.

Helot asked Terenas: "Have you seen Aleister's body?"

Terenas looked solemn: "You really started to investigate this case! But why are you asking me this question?"

"Answer me first!"

According to the analysis of the Immortal Society Bloodline Discussion Group, although some mighty bloodlines are also sealed in the tungsten needles, the amount is very rare. And the tungsten needles in his hand are probably only one-tenth of the total number, and the mighty bloodlines that can be extracted are even less.

And it was this severely diluted mighty bloodline that pulled Melissa, whose body collapsed, back from the side of death to the side of life, and her recovery speed was far beyond expectations.

After the Immortal Society Bloodline Discussion Group received some parameters provided by Helot, they made some adjustments to the large model.

Then a new inference was drawn.

Those who wanted to extract Aresta's bloodline did not know that Aresta had dual bloodline. All his methods were to extract the golden bloodline, but the dual bloodline made Aresta's golden blood and mighty bloodline closely related. Therefore, the extraction of the golden bloodline brought out some mighty bloodline, and the mighty bloodline mutated because of the break in balance.

It has stronger protection and recovery capabilities for the body.

Let Aresta, who has this mutated mighty bloodline, obtain... immortality.

Of course, these are all inferences, and the results of the model are not necessarily true.

Terenas replied: "Of course I have seen Aresta's body. His whole body is covered with fine needles piercing from his body. The palace physician dissected his body, and his blood vessels were full of fine needles. I heard that his brain is also..."

"I heard?" Helot asked.

"Of course I didn't see the autopsy. Besides the doctor, only my father was present."

Herod asked again: "Did the royal doctor die after the autopsy?"

"Yes, and the cause of death is unknown."

What is Emperor Bradley hiding?

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