In the following days, Helot often went to the residence of the Third Prince. They went hunting together and attended various high-end cocktail parties together. As long as the Third Prince was there, Helot could go directly to his door without notifying him.

The Third Prince bought the Golden Pinewood Apartment and gave it to Helot. He also paid for its renovation and used it as the office building of the 13th Investigation Team. He also transferred a group of operators from the Imperial Military Police General Office to the 13th Investigation Team, gave them vehicles, and also gave them a group of Sagittarius light war machines.

On a less important occasion, he said after getting drunk: The Empire should restore the Duke's title of the Claulund family.

"Although the Duke's crown was handed over by the Claulund family on their own initiative, Bradley III should not accept it. It's time to correct this mistake..."

Such words were said by the Third Prince, which undoubtedly informed everyone that the Claulund family was on his side.

At the same time, the Claulund family was one step closer to regaining the family honor.

However, the Claulund family's influence on the empire is still only on paper, and there is no real power that matches the family's status. The only thing that can be shown off is the deep cooperative relationship with Tomorrow Group.

But since the attack on the Tomorrow Group Building, this huge consortium has been in decline. If it were not for the third prince Terenas's efforts to protect it, it would be unknown whether Tomorrow Group would still exist, not to mention the seats of the members of Congress.

The support that Terenas could get from the Claulund family was very limited.

And everything changed significantly after the list of the new members of Congress was announced.

After the congressional election, Irina finally became a member of Congress after going through many difficulties and obstacles.

On the day she received the congressional ribbon, Irina gave a speech in front of the Tomorrow Group Building.

One of the explosive news spread throughout the Covenant City in a very short time.

The Claulund family and the Elvin family reached an agreement to cooperate in the development of geothermal magma resources in the northern polar region.

Tomorrow Group accepted the commission of Mr. Helot Claulund and sent a technical team and a negotiation team to the Iceberg Snow Peak. I believe that good news will come soon.

The Claulund family, Tomorrow Group, and His Royal Highness Terenas, the third prince, will jointly invest in the establishment of an energy company called Trident, which is responsible for the development of geothermal resources in the northern polar regions.

This is news that can shock the entire empire.

Not to mention how much wealth the geothermal resources in the northern polar regions can bring, just the sudden change in the attitude of the Duke of Ice and Snow is enough for every intelligence analyst to write an essay of tens of thousands of words.

After the Blood Rebellion, the Ice and Snow family all returned to the Iceberg Snow Peak, and the Empire tacitly agreed that the entire northern region was under the rule of Duke Elvin.

For hundreds of years, the successive generations of the Duke of Ice and Snow never interfered with the decision-making of the empire, and even did not leave the northern region. They stayed alone in the ice castle on the iceberg snow peak, receiving the criminals sent by the empire.

If the information said by Senator Irina is true.

It means that the Ice and Snow family broke the tacit understanding that had been maintained with the empire for hundreds of years. They not only participated in the politics of the empire, but also directly intervened in the struggle within the royal family.

And this was facilitated by the Claulund family!

Some people have noticed that Helot disappeared for a while. It turned out that he went to the Iceberg Snow Peak. The person who helped him meet Duke Elvin should be Princess Emma Lubeli who returned to the Iceberg Snow Peak earlier.

Now Helot's status has been raised again. The two existing founding dukes of the empire have publicly supported him. With the support of another prince, he is one step closer to wearing the duke's crown for the Claulund family again.

Tomorrow Group has obtained the development rights of the northern frontier polar geothermal resources, and it is an exclusive development right protected by Duke Elvin. This blood transfusion can not only make up for all the losses of Tomorrow Group, but also get involved in the high-end energy market.

In the past, Tomorrow Group's energy industry was mostly low-end thermal power stations. Now high-end energy will make up for the shortcomings of Tomorrow Group. The two complete wings of energy and machinery will surely allow it to reach new heights again.

The third prince Terenas is undoubtedly the biggest winner.

Although the influence of the Ice Duke in the court is not as good as that of the Violet Duke, he used to not speak, but now everyone has to listen carefully whenever he speaks, including the emperor of the empire. Legally, you are all brothers, and the royal family was chosen by the brothers.

The brothers also include the Claulund family.

It can be said that Terenas has almost won the support of two founding dukes.

Irina became a member of Congress, representing the emerging merchant consortium headed by the Tomorrow Group. The support of the Tomorrow Group means that Terenas not only has a private treasury, but also has a certain influence in Congress.

In addition to the Imperial Gendarmerie General Administration that he actually controls and the Rust Nobles who are superficially attached.

Terenas' hard power and soft power suddenly expanded significantly!

The light of other princes and princesses dimmed a little, and also made them feel a strong sense of crisis.

Terenas was summoned by Emperor Bradley, and was praised by his father repeatedly. He was also asked a lot of things about Helot.

After reclaiming the family tomb door opened in the Ice Castle, Helot devoted most of his energy to the origin world.

The "World's No. 1" competition is about to start.

Helot, who hadn't played the game for a while, had just appeared in the old cemetery when he saw the mailbox and messages flashing wildly.

He first opened the message his father sent him, and sent a message to report that he was safe while checking it.

The Soul Eater replied quickly: "Have you dealt with everything?"

"Basically, everything is done. Mother was successfully elected as a member of Congress, and I cured Melissa."

"Is Irina a member of Congress now? Although I know she will definitely be elected, I am still very happy to hear this news! Melissa's recovery is also good news. Yes... she should be called Princess Emma Lubeli."

"I just get used to calling her Melissa. The world's number one competition is about to start. How are you preparing for it?"

The Soul Eater said confidently: "If nothing unexpected happens, the world's number one this time will also be mine. There is a strange thing to tell you. Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian told me."

Hailuot asked: "What is it?"

The Soul Eater repeated what Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian said about the player world being able to release magic: "In the past, the player world was different from our world. Like, there is no magic there. Now more than one player has told me that magic has quietly appeared in their world.

I went to the Immortal Tower to check some information, which seems to be very similar to the collision of planes. ”

Herot: "I heard Jiuzui Qianzhan say that it seems that someone in the player world can cast magic, but it was not confirmed at the time. Since you have obtained accurate information, it should be a collision of planes, and it is only a matter of time before the player's world is incorporated."

Soul Eater: "This seems to have nothing to do with us. Do you have time to come to the Rotten King's Court? Qiushui Yaoyuexian is worried that the chat channel will leak secrets within the scope of the Rotten King's Court. I think it makes sense. I will return to the King's Court to prepare for the game after I finish this batch of monsters. It is better for us to talk face to face about some things. ”

"I will go to the Rotten King's Court after I get ready."

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