My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 355: Meeting Qiu Shui and inviting Yue Xian

Helot waved his hand to disperse the surrounding fog, and said to Drunken Qianzhan: "This is the end of my guidance for you today. If you find any clues about the Master of the Azure Society, you must tell me immediately."

"It's the legion commander!" Drunken Qianzhan put the hood of his smock on his head: "Is there anything else I need to do? Your teachings to me will bring unimaginable changes to my future life. I I just want to do my best to repay you.”

Zui Qianzhan is extremely respectful to Hailot. She knows very well what this short lesson can bring to her life, and it is definitely not equivalent to gathering information. And she is not satisfied with this lesson. She hopes to learn more until one day she can truly control her own path.

Helot said with a smile: "Whatever you get is what you deserve. If you work hard for me, you will definitely be rewarded. Do this well first, and you can ask me any questions about magic in the future."

"Thank you, legion commander."

I left this haunted house drunk.

After thinking for a moment, Herot decided to contact Qiu Shui to invite Yuexian.

"Sister Yuexian, are you free?"

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to reply quickly: "You are finally online. If the soul eaters hadn't said that you were delayed by something, I would have thought you had quit playing. If you come to me, I will definitely be free. Do you need to fight any BOSS? May I help?”

Herot: "The soul eaters told me the strange things that happened in the Royal Court of Decay, and I am in the Royal Court of Decay!"

"I'm not sure if the chat channel is safe right now. Where are you? I'm going to find you."

Hailot sent the address to Qiushui Yaoyuexian.

Qiushui invited Yuexian: "Wait a moment, we will be there soon."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to come very quickly, also wearing a cloak that concealed people's eyes.

The hood was lifted, revealing a heroic appearance.

Seeing Hailot, Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to smile involuntarily: "When I met with the Soul Eaters, I was so nervous that I didn't dare to breathe. It's better for you to get along with me. What are you doing in the Royal Court of Decay? If there is anyone who needs my help... Just tell me ”

Helot said: "I'm here to investigate the release of magic outside the game."

Qiushui Yuexian's expression immediately became serious and asked, "Do you have any clues?"

Helot replied: "No, that's why I came to you to understand the situation."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to say: "I have been preparing for the World's No. 1 Competition recently. Other people in the Shanhai Conferred God Guild are responsible for this matter. What I know is that... some players who can cast magic outside the game have been Found and now all managed together.

As far as I know, other large guilds do the same, and study how they cast spells through testing.

This power must be controlled. "

Herot asked: "Can this power be controlled?"

Qiu Shuiyu Yuexian said helplessly: "It must be difficult. Especially after some people discover that they can cast spells, they do not reveal it publicly, but study it secretly on their own, which has caused many accidents so far.

And some people have made tutorials and posted them on the Internet, which will definitely become more and more difficult in the future. "

Helot asked again: "Can you cast spells outside the game?"

"Me?" Qiushui Yuexian pointed at himself: "I can't do it now. If I can cast spells outside the game, I won't have any spare time to prepare for war.

What about you, can you cast spells outside of the game? "

Although Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to deny it, Hailot thought that she was not telling the truth to him. Faced with Qiu Shui Yue Xian's temptation, he said: "Of course you can. Especially within the scope of the Rotting Royal Court, the casting process will be smoother. In the past, the energy transmission during casting was like a small ditch, but here it is like changing to a larger one." The water channel is so comfortable! ”

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to reveal such an expression.

"I really want to meet you and the Soul Eaters."

"You don't need to think about meeting." Helot decisively refused the request to meet, and then asked: "Have you collected the particles above the Rotten Royal Court?"

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian: "Do you also suspect that it is related to those particles?"

"I just have a bold suspicion, and there is no evidence to prove anything. Those particles are not easy to collect. I tried several collection methods, but they all failed!"

"We have also tried to collect them, but all failed. However, I heard that the Yaqi Orochi Guild collected some, and now the guild is asking for some from them through diplomatic channels."

Helot couldn't help but ask: "Will they give it to me?"

Qiushui Yuexian smiled and said: "From the moment the game interferes with reality, it is no longer a game. In the past, when there was fair competition in the game, the Yamata Orochi Guild could still compete with our Shanhai Fengshen Guild. Now. … There will still be fair competition when it’s time to compete fairly, but if you want fair competition, you need to pay something.

The Yamata no Orochi Guild should provide some particles to powerful guilds, but it will not provide a method to collect particles. "


When the magic in the game appears in the real world, national-level forces will definitely take control of the overall situation. No matter how powerful the Yamata no Orochi Guild is in the game, most of its members live on a small island where they can only look at other people's faces.

What's more, the mainland countries next to it account for two of the top ten super guilds.

One is the Fengshen of the Mountains and Seas where Qiu Shui invites Yuexian to live, and the other is Jiuding Guiyi.

Holding these two guilds with one big hand is equivalent to holding two chopsticks. The Yamata no Orochi guild must be feeling uncomfortable inside and out now that it is being pinched.

Of course, these are not things that Helot needs to consider.

"Can you give me some of those particles?"

Haylote didn't know if he could collect it. It would be great if he could get some from the Shanhai Fengshen Guild.

Qiushui Yaoyuexian couldn't help but widen his eyes: "You really dare to ask for it!"

Haylote smiled and said: "It depends on whether you dare to give it."

"Difficult!" Qiushui Yaoyuexian shook his head and added: "Very difficult!"

"Don't refuse so quickly. Think about it carefully. If the Soul Eater and I can research any results, you will definitely benefit first."

Qiushui Yaoyuexian stared at Hailuot and asked: "Is this what the Soul Eater meant?"

"Of course!" Hailuot made the decision for his father: "I think no one should know the spells and operating rules of this world better than him. Professional things must be done by professionals.

Isn't it?"

Qiushui Yaoyuexian nodded.

The Soul Eater's understanding of the game is much higher than other players. All the high-level players of the game are imitating him, but the more they imitate, the more they can recognize how big the gap is.

If you give him some particles, he will definitely see more things.

But the Soul Eaters and Broken Bones are not considered our own people, and we don't even know where they are from.

"This is not something I can decide." Qiushui Yaoyuexian thought for a moment and said, "I will report your and the Soul Eaters' requests, but I can't guarantee that the people above will agree."


Qiushui Yaoyuexian asked again, "Anything else?"

Heluot thought about it, and out of the emotions of his previous life, he said to Qiushui Yaoyuexian, "Don't be optimistic, and be prepared for the worst. All phenomena in the future are warnings. Don't wait until the disaster is imminent before thinking about building a shelter."

Heluot suddenly said these words, which made Qiushui Yaoyuexian stunned: "Are you trying to tell me that there will be more terrible things in the future? Will it happen? Will it not only be magic, but also powerful magical creatures appear in our world? "

"It seems that some people still have a sense of crisis."

"The so-called sense of crisis is just a pessimistic guess of some people." Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian asked nervously: "Do you know anything? Can you tell me!"

"Sorry! We are friends now, but it is not certain whether we will be friends in the future. In short, don't be lucky. If you can cast spells outside the game, practice more!"

Qiu Shui Yao Yuexian wanted to ask again, but after feeling Helot's attitude, he had to stop.

Instead, he said: "Okay, thank you for your advice. But... I think we will be friends in the future, and I look forward to the moment when I really get to know you."

"I am looking forward to it too."

Helot is indeed looking forward to it. When the planes collide and reach the stage of material exchange, can he go back to his hometown?

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