Starry Sky and Harry Carang have been reading "The Travels of Candide". Harry Carang, who had read this book before, read it very quickly and discovered some strange places.

"Has this book been revised?" Harry Kalang came to a decisive conclusion after reading three books in a row.

Xingkong asked: "Where has it been modified?"

"Here..." Harikalan pointed out a passage in the book for the starry sky: "The name of the tribe here should be 'Skull', but now it is called 'Broken Foot'. The location is the Moratuo Cave, which has been changed to ' Hunting Deer Swamp'. There are many modifications like this, how could Chic do such a thing?"

Harikarang then pointed out many things that needed to be changed for Herot, most of which were various names.

Xingkong asked: "Are you sure these are all changed names?"

Harikarang said firmly: "I'm sure! After Chik finished writing this book, I read it again. These names were not the first time he wrote them at all."

Strange, why did Chike change these names?

Once the name is changed, there is no way to verify it!

Chike changed so much, he must have discovered that these names would reveal important information.

Herot asked Harikarang: "Do these changed names have anything in common?"

Harikarang flipped through the book, shook his head and said: "I don't see what they have in common, if they don't exist now."

"They don't exist anymore!"

"Yes!" Harikarang said, pointing to the modifications in the book: "A country that perished two thousand years ago was originally recorded here: the river recorded here was from fifteen hundred years ago, and has now dried up: This once recorded mountain is now an island..."

All modified records are "changes in the sea".

Helot grasped the key point: "That is to say... Chike began to travel across the entire plane at least two thousand years ago."

"That's right!" Harry Kalang also realized something was wrong with Chike after being reminded: "He doesn't look like an undead that has existed for two thousand years."

Helot said: "Two thousand years ago, Chike had the ability to travel across all planes, and his existence will only be longer!"

The time from birth to decay of the undead is not a fixed value, but generally the undead exist for a relatively long time, and five hundred to one thousand years is considered a normal range.

There are not many undead souls in the entire land of death who have lived for two thousand years or even longer, right?

Chike turned out to be one of them.

Another layer of mystery has been added to this old ghost.

Xingkong suddenly asked Harry Kalang: "You once introduced the Immortal Tower to me. It is the tallest undead tower in the Rotten Royal Court. 'Immortal' is named after the Sorrow King. The Sorrow King believes that knowledge is immortal and ordered an undead to establish the Immortal Society. , the mission is to collect all-dimensional knowledge.”

"This is indeed the origin of the Immortal Society."

Xingkong: "The Immortal Society was established two thousand years ago. And you said that the directors of the Immortal Society have changed many realms due to corruption, but the first director has always been there!"

"Yes, the First Director has always been there. He is in the First Director's study at the top of the tower. He has not come out for a long time. At least neither I nor Ashelia have seen him."

Xingkong asked curiously: "Ashelia is a member of the Immortal Society's board of directors, and she has never met the first director?"

"No!" Harry Kalang shook his skull: "Ashelia's director status was directly appointed by the first director. She only spoke a few words with the first director through the door."

Xingkong asked again: "You and Ashelia joined the Immortal Society not too early. According to Ashelia's qualifications... she shouldn't be able to join the council."

Harry Kalang replied: "The directors of the Immortal Society never look at seniority and are directly appointed by the first director."

Xingkong lowered his head and thought for a while, then put the book in his hand back on the bookshelf and said to Harry Kalang: "Let's go find the First Director."

Harry Kalang was shocked: "What should I do with the First Director?"

"Although the first director never goes out, he knows every member of the Immortal Society and can accurately select the right director. Maybe he knows where Chike is. After all, Chike was also a member of the Immortal Society before."

Harry Kalang was a little scared: "Are we going to disturb the First Director just to find Chike? I'm afraid this is very rude!"

Xingkong: "Just asking, what's rude? The first director said that if you disturb him, do you have to be punished?"

Harikarang: "No!"

Xingkong said easily: "Then what's there to worry about? Just look at the relaxed academic environment of the Immortal Society and you'll know what kind of character the first director is. He won't be angry with us.

Let's go... is it the top of the tower? "

Starry Sky has already taken the lead in flying towards the top of the tower.

Harikarang couldn't stop him, so he could only keep up with his skull.

There is only one room at the top of the Immortal Tower, which is the First Director's study.

A door that exuded an ancient atmosphere was closed tightly, and wisps of black death energy emanated from it. Before you even get close, you can feel a strong pressure coming from the door.

"We'd better go back." Harry Kalang was a little scared, as if he was more scared than being slapped in the face by Ashelia.

"You're here, you can ask without breaking a sweat." The starry sky fell on a platform outside the door.

Harry Kalang didn't dare to give up: "Go ahead and ask."

"Coward, no wonder Ashelia likes to bully you."

Although Xingkong mocked Harry Carang, he did not dare to show the slightest disrespect to the First Director. He first bowed to the mage inside the house, then walked forward and knocked on the door three times.

"First Director, I am Xingkong, who has just joined the Immortal Society. I have a question to ask you."

Xingkong stood respectfully and waited for a while, but no response came from the room.

Xingkong had to say: "In order to find the honest man Chik, Harry Karan and I just read the "Honest Man's Travel Notes" written by him. Harry Karan has a good memory and found many changes in it.

Honest man Chik borrowed several books about the Undead Dragon Soul Fire and has not returned them yet. Director Aisheliya ordered Harry Karan and me to find these books. You know Aisheliya, if we can't find the books... we will be punished.

Of course, as long as we find the books, it doesn't matter whether we find Chik or not."

The room was still quiet.

It made Xingkong doubt that he had made a wrong judgment.

Just when Xingkong was about to give up, the door opened a gap with a "creaking" sound, and a lot of black fog poured out. Then the black fog shrank back again, and the door closed tightly.

At this time, some books appeared out of thin air in front of the door.

Xingkong went forward and picked it up to check. Sure enough, there were the books he was looking for. There were other books that he couldn't use now, but he thought he would definitely use them in the future.

Xingkong bowed to the room again: "Thank you... I wonder if I can still ride Chick's ghost flying boat in the future?"

There was still no answer in the room.

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