My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 369: Introduce an angel to me

Hailuot reminded Jiuzui Qianzhan: "Recently you have been working with me to do cross-world energy conduction experiments, and you know the dangers better than Sister Yuexian. This is the soul fire particle of the undead dragon. I really don't know what it will bring to you after fusing it." Jiuzui Qianzhan asked: "Will you die immediately after fusing?" Hailuote recalled the result of his discussion with Frank: "No." Jiuzui Qianzhan smiled and said: "That's no problem! Teacher... I am different from you. You have talent and a brother who is the best in the world. You are also different from Miss Qiushui Yaoyuexian. I am not born noble. I am just an ordinary girl with a little cleverness and more beautiful appearance with a short shelf life. I want to break through the shackles. I am unwilling to be mediocre. All I can do is exchange what I have. This kind of undead dragon particle is very precious. It is impossible for me to own it except as an experimental product. Teacher, please choose me!" Jiuzui Qianzhan bowed to Hailuote. Hailuot was not too moved by Jiuzui Qianzhan's inspirational words. He replied: "You have a strong gambling nature! Although you have done risk assessment before going all-in, you will sooner or later be backlashed by this all-in bet."

Jiuzui Qianzhan looked up at Hailuot: "I trust you, teacher!"

Hailot smiled: "I am not rejecting you, I am just reminding you. You go offline now, use the method I taught you to enter meditation, strengthen your soul as much as possible, and start the fusion of undead dragon particles tomorrow."

Jiuzui Qianzhan happily saluted Hailuot again: "Thank you, teacher, thank you!"

Jiuzui Qianzhan went offline to receive the undead dragon soul fire particles.

Qiushui Yaoyuexian couldn't help but sigh: "In fact, I used to look down on women like Qianzhan who are very scheming. They would do anything to get to the top. But then I think... except for having a good family, I don't seem to be better than her. If we exchange identities, maybe I will always be an ordinary person."

"But I prefer to make friends with ordinary people like you. You have principles, bottom lines, and higher moral standards. The price I need for you to backstab me is much higher than that of drunk Qianzhan."

Qiushui Yaoyuexian laughed at Heluo Te's praise: "It seems that I am meddling in other people's business. I wanted to remind you not to trust Qianzhan too much. When she needs you, she is an impeccable assistant; when another person who can bring her more benefits, she is your perfect assistant. Appear, she will leave you without the slightest hesitation.

And I... will be your true partner.

How about taking me with you on the story mission you and Soul Eater are doing? "

Hailuot asked: "The 'World's No. 1' competition is about to enter the final stage. Soul Eater is sure to take the first place. I am not pursuing the victory, so I am doing the mission. Do you have the confidence to win the 'World's No. 2' again?"

"No!" Qiushui Yaoyuexian is no longer bothered by the competition: "I just think that the gains from doing the mission with you may be greater than the gains from the competition. Especially following Soul Eater, I can always learn a lot. He is a gentleman with great cultivation and knowledge."

It must be said that Qiushui Yaoyuexian has a good nose.

Since these black particles above the Rotten King's Court are all Undead Dragon Soul Fire particles, then... where do these Undead Dragon Soul Fires come from?

The black particles are all obtained from the Rotten Tower where the Sorrowful King is, and the Sorrowful King has an army of Undead Dragons.

Is it the Sorrowful King who manipulates the energy of the game world to penetrate into the real world?

He can identify players, sense the world where players are, and is trying to invade?

He is an NPC!

He should not be the only NPC who can detect the existence of the player world, right?

Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian knew all these questions, and as long as she followed Broken Bones and the Soul Eater, she would definitely find the answers.

But her final compliment to the Soul Eater made Helot immediately alert.

Careless! Neglectful!

Being too familiar with Qiu Shui Yao Yue Xian, her vigilance actually dropped!

No wonder she comes here on time every day, like she is on time for work, it turns out that her purpose is not pure.

Now she still wants to do tasks with us, will I become the one who gets in the way while doing it?

Helot said: "We are doing the task of the Azure Society, so it is not convenient for you to participate now. But I need your help with another thing..."

"What is it?"

"You know I am teaching Drunk Thousand Lights the sacred spells, but I am a necromancer, and I need to teach her while learning the sacred spells by myself. As a result, I have accumulated some problems that cannot be solved, and the Soul Eaters can't help me.

Can you introduce me to the angels worshipped by your Shanhai Fengshen Guild..."

The world-class plot in the game world is [Angel's Sorrow] which takes place in the Holy Continent.

Ten super guilds were born in this plot, and their gains in this world-class plot include recruiting angels. It is precisely because of the existence of this ultimate force that the ten super guilds have achieved their transcendent status so far.

The number of angels disclosed by Shanhai Fengshen Guild so far is four.

Helot guessed that in order to deal with the sudden situation of the decaying plot of the Sorrowful King, Shanhai Fengshen Guild must have arranged an angel to sit in the Rotten King's Court.

The reason why he wanted to meet this angel was indeed to ask questions related to the sacred spells.

Teaching Jiuzui Qianlan was one of the reasons.

Another reason was that when he was learning divine magic by himself, he had the idea of ​​applying it to the field of energy mechanics.

The holy energy is rich and holy, and is highly compatible with other energies. And once it is added to other energies, it becomes a special form. Holy fire, holy water, holy thunder... After these energies are added to the holy energy, their own properties not only do not change, but also will not be extremely stable.

Ordinary fire and water will react violently when put together, but there is no change when holy fire and holy water are put together.

It's like the holy energy adds a protective layer to them.

This can't help but remind Helot of the biggest problem encountered in the application of chaos crystals, that is, chaos crystals are easily disturbed by the external environment when releasing energy. The laboratory led by Dr. Di Connor made a stabilizer for chaos crystals, but it is too large and can only be used in a laboratory environment.

The sacred knowledge of the backstage world is monopolized by the Mass Church. Tomorrow Group can't get the relevant technology and naturally will not consider the possible role of holy energy in it.

Helot didn't think of it at first. After all, his main job is a necromancer, and the knowledge of the sacred system is the basis learned from Master Laem. Now because he has to teach Jiuzui Qianzhan, he asked Xingkong to read more sacred books, and the result is like discovering a new world.

If the energy of the Chaos Crystal can be transformed and protected with divine energy, will the external environment not be able to interfere with the Chaos Crystal?

Helot received a lot of knowledge related to the Divine System from the Starry Sky, and the accumulated questions became more and more, and these questions were difficult for the Immortal Mages to answer.

Finding an angel to answer is the most convenient solution.

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