Helot came out of the hiding place of Angel Dulaye with satisfaction. Many questions had been answered, and he felt more comfortable than winning a game. What's even more gratifying is that it is feasible for sacred energy to transform and protect chaotic crystal energy, and he already has a set of experimental plans in his mind.

There are still some problems that need to be solved. Helot gives Xingkong a knowledge list in his heart and asks him to search for relevant books in the Immortal Tower.

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to accompany Hailot on the road. Although the city of the undead was large, there were not many undead who liked to wander outside. Due to the poisonous death incident of players and the first season of the world, there are few people online and even fewer people running around.

This is in sharp contrast to the confrontations between players that were everywhere a while ago.

Neither of them spoke as they walked between the undead buildings standing like finger bones. Even though she was wearing a blouse, Qiushui Yuexian could still feel Broken Bone's good mood at this moment.

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to break the silence between the two of them first: "Do you want to go back to the Peeling Pagoda now?"

Helot was still contemplating what was in his mind, and at the same time he replied casually: "Back to Peeta, tomorrow I need to make some preparations for the fusion of undead dragon soul fire particles for Zui Qianzhan."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to ask again: "Do you have any thoughts about the future of our world?"

"The future of our world?" Helot changed his mind and realized which world Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to talk about: "I didn't think about it. What should happen will always happen, and it will end when it should end."

Plane collision has its own process. When the plane fusion period is over, the crystal wall between the planes is stable, the flow of energy and material will be stable, and the creatures between the planes will also know how to get along with each other.

For Helot, the catastrophe of extinction caused by the collision of planes is just the pain caused by the original world accepting a new plane.

He didn't think too much about the damage this labor pain would cause to the player world.

After all, the experience of another life was just an old memory that seemed like a dream but not a dream to him, and most of the people he cared about now were in the background world.

Qiushui Yaoyuexian said with some seriousness: "Experts have assessed what would be the worst result if our world was fully invaded by the game world. Our army can only protect a few important cities, and residents in most areas can only Able to deal with danger on one's own.

In fact, it is still unknown whether we can protect important cities. Once top powers like the Consul King or the Supreme Angel enter the city, we have no effective means to deal with them. All our weapons are developed to deal with the fragility of our own bodies, including the most powerful nuclear weapons.

Our civilization will become extinct in a very short period of time. "

Helot replied: "You are right to think so. Civilizations that cannot withstand the test of catastrophes will naturally be eliminated, but new civilizations will be reborn. I think you must have a plan to deal with catastrophes. People can always survive. Shining light shines in critical moments.”

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to lead the topic to the direction she wanted to talk: "Yes, we have a plan to deal with catastrophes. Every country has its own evacuation plan. Our name is 'Tiangong Project'."

"Tiangong Project?" Helot asked: "Do you want to build a shelter on the moon? According to your country's technology, this is a feasible solution, but the lunar shelter cannot hold many people."

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to answer: "The lunar shelter is only a component of the 'Tiangong Project'. The lunar base is mainly to store gene banks and civilization achievements to facilitate the reconstruction of civilization that may be needed in the future.

The main body of the 'Tiangong Project' is to combine our existing scientific research, add elemental power in the game world, and create magical technology that can turn ordinary people into powerful warriors. "

Hailot became interested in talking about technology.

The post-sequence powers such as mechanical transformation technology and genetic mutant technology in the backstage world are essentially a combination of technology and magic.

It's just that the backstage world was the first to have pre-sequence magic, and only later developed technology.

The world where the player is located has always followed the technological route. The technology tree has the same features as the background world, but it belongs to another type of branch and is more advanced.

The most remarkable feature of magic is that it can make individuals stronger. If the player world wants to save itself from a catastrophe, it must first make its body stronger.

"Magic is the application of elemental energy. Different elemental energies constitute different elemental branches. Energy penetration will allow you...the elemental energy in our world is becoming more and more abundant. To use some popular sayings in your country, you can probably use spiritual power Resuscitation explained.

Some people with special physiques can sense and control elemental energy, and can release spells after training. If technology can be used to allow more people to gain elemental affinities, overall evolution can be achieved. You have named your shelter plan ‘Tiangong Project’, which can be regarded as a thorough understanding of what elemental energy is. "

Qiu Shui invited Yuexian to say: "Our 'Tiangong Project' is not only to achieve the evolution of all people, but the most important thing is to use artificial intelligence training and hardware processing technology to create our strongest warriors.

The AI ​​responsible for our Shanhai Fengshen Guild is ‘Wukong’.

The AI ​​responsible for the Jiuding Guiyi Guild is the ‘Overlord’. "

Helot has long heard that some people have been trying to bring artificial intelligence into the game world, but they just can't get through the step of creating a character.

So Helot asked: "Can your AI create characters in the game?"

"It wasn't possible before, but since the game world interfered with reality, we have two artificial intelligences that have experienced unexplainable mutations. They don't have very powerful data input and reading capabilities like other AIs, but their thinking is infinitely close to humans, and they can Create a character in the game.

It’s just that the characters created are a bit special. "

"Why is it special?"

"They are an energy light group with no attributes and no attack power. They must gain experience with other teams to upgrade. However, their learning ability is so fast that some of their questions cannot be answered by our most knowledgeable players.

So we hope you can help us train them. "

"Wukong! Overlord! You guys are good at naming!" But Helot still refused: "I don't have time to teach them."

"You don't need to spend time teaching them. You just need to add a friend and be able to answer their questions when you are free."

Helot thought about it. If he didn't devote time to training the AI, this would be a good opportunity to get in touch with the "Tiangong Project". He was still very curious about what kind of technological magic could be created in the player world.

"If you just teach me when you have free time, I can help. But I can only train one, just 'Wukong'. 'Overlord' can be given to the soul eater, and I will talk to him and let him pass the 'Overlord' Friend request.”

"Great!" Qiushui Yuexian was very happy.

Helot's friend request flashed.

[Player "Wukong" applies to add you as a friend]

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