My cemetery is connected to the game world

Chapter 390 The Fifth Generation of Supernatural (4000)

Today, there are no signs of attacks on the Tomorrow Group Building. People come in and out of the gate to handle business, and the staff in the building are busier than before.

All this is because of the establishment of Trident Energy Company and the development of the geothermal resources of Iceberg Snow Peak has entered the formal operation stage. This is a cake that contains huge wealth and status, and everyone wants to have a bite of it.

Irina knows that the Tomorrow Group must not enjoy the benefits alone, so she subdivided the entire development project and subcontracted the projects with low technical content.

Many people are jealous of the wealth that the Tomorrow Group can make in this development project, but they can only suppress their thoughts and try their best to meet Senator Irina.

When Helot walked into the lobby of the Tomorrow Group Building, a girl jumped in front of him excitedly and greeted him enthusiastically: "Is it really you? Helot... No, no, no, you should be called Mr. Clauland."

The girl is the front desk of the engineering department where Helot used to work. She is very lively and often brings Helot food she made by herself.

The girl performed a traditional curtsy to Helot, and was so clumsy that she almost tripped herself.

Helot quickly reached out and steady her: "Kelifanni, have you been transferred to the lobby?"

Kelifanni complained and kicked her high heels: "The building was attacked, and many departments were merged and reorganized. The reception in the lobby was short of people, so I was transferred here. I really miss the leisurely days in the engineering department, where I only needed to do some very easy records and didn't have to wear such uncomfortable shoes.

By the way, are you here to find Ms. Irina in the Tomorrow Group Building?

I'll take you there, so you can take a break."

Kelifanni smiled and was full of energy.

Helot said: "I am indeed here to find Ms. Irina, please take me to the president's office."

"Okay, please follow me, Mr. Claulund." Kelifanni made a standard invitation and led Helot.

Irina knew that Helot was back, and immediately turned down all her work.

The moment she saw Helot, she seemed to have put down a heavy burden.

"Why did you take so long this time? I'm really afraid that you'll be like your father, trapped in there and have no news."

"I'm back, aren't I?" Helot stretched out his arms to let his mother see that he was safe and sound: "Something happened in the family cemetery, which delayed me for some time."

"Is your father okay?"

Helot smiled and said, "My father is fine, you don't have to worry about him."

Irina: "Your safety is the greatest comfort to me. Let me tell you one thing. Luna, whom you introduced, is upgrading to the second generation of mechanical cyborgs. She is an excellent veteran. Her body and body have been trained by you to fit very well. You have a talent in this area."

Irina took out an upgrade plan from the drawer and gave it to Helot.

After the attack, Tomorrow Group immediately invested resources in the manufacture and upgrade of mechanical cyborgs. Luna was put on the upgrade list by Helot under this circumstance.

After Irina knew about it, she personally tested and inspected Luna, and the upgrade plan was also made under her guidance.

The second generation of mechanical cyborgs is not only about upgrading the body, but also about forming a dedicated maintenance team for it. These are all provided free of charge by the Tomorrow Group and will eventually be handed over to Helot's Weasel Machinery Factory.

Soon the Weasel Machinery Factory will have its own top mechanical cyborgs.

Helot looked at Luna's upgrade plan, which used the best second-generation mechanical cyborg technology and reserved space for further upgrades. The overall design is very complex, but it feels very simple. It is worthy of being the work of my mother and is definitely the best in the industry.

"Just upgrade according to this plan." Helot accepted it without any suggestions, and then said: "I have some new ideas about the use of chaos crystals."

Irina is also having a headache about the use of chaos energy. It is too easy to change energy properties. This is a good thing, but also the most troublesome problem.

"What idea?"

"Use the stable characteristics of sacred energy to protect the changes in chaotic energy..."

Helot used the sacred science techniques he learned from the angel Dulaye to demonstrate to Irina.

He took out a chaos crystal and first used a water attribute spell to stimulate the crystal into water element energy. The colorless crystal became like a sapphire. Then he used divine energy to protect the crystal, and then extracted the water element energy. Water flowed down from the edge of his palm.

At this time, Helot released a flame with his other hand and approached the chaos crystal.

Under normal circumstances, the water attribute chaos crystal will definitely be affected by the high temperature flame, causing the instability of the water element output, or even directly changing to fire element energy. But at this moment, there is a faint divine energy light film on the outer layer of the blue crystal, which protects the water element energy in the crystal and completely blocks the flame outside.

Then Helot changed several other energies to interfere with the chaos crystal, and the results were the same.

The characteristics of the divine energy perfectly protected the chaos crystal inside.

Irina stared at the whole process, and waited until the whole demonstration was over before asking in surprise and worry: "How do you know the divine attribute spell?"

The use of divine energy is monopolized by the Mass Church. They claim that divine energy is the power of God and only priests are qualified to use it.

In order to achieve the purpose of monopolizing this energy, the Holy See also established an tribunal. Any person or group that illegally studies and uses sacred energy will be sanctioned and hunted down by the tribunal.

Although with the progress of the times, the influence of the Theocracy of the Mass has become less than that of ancient times, it is still a powerful country today thanks to the wealth and resources accumulated from the spread of faith in the past. Moreover, the Messianic Theocracy had already prepared for the rainy day and asked all countries in the world to sign the "Sacred Act" and swore its exclusive right to the sacred energy.

If the Theocracy of Mass knew that Helot could use magic, the Inquisition would be alerted and assassins would be dispatched.

The assassins in the Inquisition are all ascetics who have been trained since childhood. They will do anything to assassinate, including risking their own lives.

The executioner had never really wanted to get rid of Herot because of his identity as Claude, but the Theocracy of the Mass had absolutely no concerns.

Regarding his mother's worries, Helot said indifferently: "Energy is an ownerless thing. Anyone can use it as long as they know how to use it."

Irina said: "But the attitude of the Mass Theocracy must be scrupulous. The priests are all fanatical believers, and international conventions do not apply to them at all. Your idea of ​​using sacred energy as a protective layer is very good and has great feasibility... But the risk is too great, and I don’t support you to continue doing research in this area.

There will be other ways. "

Helot admitted that there must be other ways to solve the problem of chaotic energy being easily disturbed, but according to the existing technology, using sacred energy is the best solution.

"The engine developed with chaos energy as the core should be a core of the fourth generation of mechanical transformation technology. It can concentrate multiple energy sources on one machine, which can not only ensure the body's demand for different energy, but also save space that can be used to install other functional components.

Chaos crystal has large energy reserves and stable output. There is no more perfect energy source than it. "

What Helot said is correct, but Irina is still very afraid of the Mass Theocracy. You can never predict what a fanatic believer who owns a country can do.

"No, I can't agree to your plan so casually. You should have never been in contact with the Theocracy. I often have business dealings with them, and some things are taboos that must not be touched for them. Regardless. Wherever you learned the sacred magic, you must stop it immediately and never reveal it to outsiders in the future."

Helot had never seen his mother be so stubborn in the face of a new technology, but the research and use of sacred energy must not end.

"Mother, do you want to know what I encountered in the family cemetery?"

Irina has never delved too deeply into the family cemetery, because it only belongs to Claude. Although she is Helot's mother, she must abide by some family rules.

Since it was Helot who took the initiative to bring it up, Irina asked: "What happened?"

"The family cemetery is connected to a very vast world, much larger than ours. There is a very advanced magical civilization there, and the powerful ones are beyond our understanding of power. You have seen Frank, and you think he is How's your strength?"

Irina listened carefully: "Very strong, extraordinary level three strength."

"His strength over there can only be said to be...not bad."

In that world, Frank's strength can only be considered pretty good?

"What kind of world is that?"

Helot didn't answer and continued: "Do you know who my current sacred teacher is?"

In response to Helot's new question, Irina shook her head: "How can I guess who your sacred teacher is?"

"An angel, a true angel."

"Angel!" Irina felt like her brain was shutting down.

The Mass Theocracy believes in angels. They call them angels who are born from the purest divine energy. Senior priests regard the ability to transform into angels as their highest achievement.

But no one has ever seen a real angel.

Now his son says that his theology teacher is an angel.

Irina knew that Helot would not lie to her, but it was still hard to believe what he said.

Herot said: "Yes, his name is Dulaye, and he comes from heaven. It is the home of angels, and there are many angels in it."

All kinds of news that reshaped the world view made it difficult for Irina to stay calm: "I can't imagine what kind of world it is, but I can appreciate its greatness."

Hailot said with approval: "It is indeed a very great world. There are many strange civilizations there. I am currently working on a cooperation with one of the civilizations, using the technology of the Tomorrow Group and their technology to create a powerful The weapon can be called the fifth generation of extraordinary technology.”

Now, the Tomorrow Group has not even fully developed the fourth generation of extraordinary technology, but Helot actually proposed the fifth generation of extraordinary technology.

What kind of technical indicator is that?

Irina doesn't even have the concept of fifth-generation technology now, because there has never been a fifth-generation transcendental technology in this world.

"Tell me the specific situation."

The Wukong project must have all the technical strength invested by the Tomorrow Group, so Helot explained to Irina in detail what he knew about the Wukong concept and design.

Finally, it also focuses on the technical advantages of the other party.

Super powerful data information processing, nano-level finishing technology, controllable nuclear fusion technology, artificial intelligence with soul...

These things are all science fiction to Irina. Even if the Tomorrow Group has similar research, it is only in the initial stage.

Build an unmanned city and place it in an independent space. The external body is just a terminal.

Irina followed Helot's narration, her brain was running at high speed, all the knowledge was being pulled out, and she was considering the feasibility of the entire project and what kind of technical support the Tomorrow Group could provide.

"A very, very crazy project!" Irina felt that Helot's return this time gave her one shock after another: "It is also a project worthy of me investing all the Tomorrow Group. The fifth generation of extraordinary technology ? That’s right...this is the real fifth-generation extraordinary technology!”

Helot said: "If you want to complete the fifth generation of extraordinary technology, you must first not have any concerns about technology development. Only by investing as much as you can can you see that tiny hope. I have expected that the use of chaotic energy will Not only can it affect the ongoing development of the fourth generation of mechanically modified humans, but it is also an important indicator of the future fifth generation of extraordinary technology.

Mother, you used to not care about the technical limitations set by others, and then you became the Tomorrow Group! "

Irina was brought back into the memories of starting her own business by Helot's words.

At that time, I faced many technical barriers. Some things you didn’t want to do, others just asked you to do. They will use various methods to obstruct them, and even directly send assassins to chase them.

Faced with those obstacles, I and the Tomorrow Group broke through layer by layer, and only then did we achieve our current leading position in the industry.

At this moment, when faced with the sacred energy monopolized by the Messianic Theocracy, should we be afraid of shrinking back?

What is the difference between that and the disappeared Black Gold Group?

Irina said to Helot: "Facing power requires not only courage, but also wisdom. To study the protection of other energies by sacred energy, an independent studio must be established. This studio cannot have a direct relationship with the Tomorrow Group. It can't have anything to do with you. The people in the studio don't know what they are researching. It would be best if they could have some business dealings with the Mass Theocracy and have access to the sacred energy products produced by the Mass Theocracy.

Leave this matter to me, and I will set up this studio as soon as possible, where you will serve as a guide for the use of sacred energy as an anonymous priest.

I shouldn’t need to deal with your identity issue, right? "

Helot said confidently: "Forging identities, the Imperial Military Police are absolutely professional!"

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