My Chaos City

Chapter 406: Into hell

Li Hanqiang was happy to help Zhen Dejun realize his "wishes". He also wanted to see the effect of [Six Reincarnations] and smiled. "Come with me, and I will personally send him to the eighteenth floor of hell."

Zhen Dejun nodded firmly.

Next, Li Hanqiang summoned the floating [eighteen levels of hell] to the front, but just brought Zhen Dejun and Lu Youxian into it. Fanfan Knight, Ignition Swordmaster, one step forward, and Song Si also came for fun. , They also want to go to the [eighteen-floor hell] for sightseeing.

Li Hanqiang looked around, and Guo Yang and Lu Jixue were "tengyun driving the fog" not far away, as if they were going to Bibo Lake.

"Hidden races and hidden talents should be very powerful, because this is extra, and ordinary players cannot have them! Song Si's skills have been strengthened several times, and it is not cost-effective to go through six reincarnations, but Guo Yang and Lu Jixue can. They I have n’t strengthened my skills very much. If I can get a hidden race fortunately, my future will be brighter. What I lose is experience, and I ’ll just practice it again. "

Li Hanqiang immediately made a decision. He wanted to send Guo Yang and Lu Jixue to perform the "Six Reincarnations". Although the physical and mental strengths of these two are not as good as those of Zhang Zhenren and Xiao Anonymity, they definitely have the potential to become masters.

So, after a while, Li Hanqiang took Guo Yang, Lu Jixue, Song Si and others into the eighteenth hell.

The eighteen-story **** is in the shape of an eighteen-story ancient tower. There is an entrance on the first floor, and the entrance is the gate of hell. At this moment, the gate of **** is open, and the black mist is inside. Diffuse, there is a cloudy wind blowing out.

If it is in a non-defensive period, [Hell's Gate] will be closed. Only Li Hanqiang can open it, but there will be no **** troops in the non-defensive period.

To use [eighteen-tier hell] to reincarnate or to experience [six reincarnation], naturally, you must first enter eighteen-tier hell.

As soon as Li Hanqiang stepped into the gate of Hell, the space suddenly reversed and turned upside down. He found that within the eighteen-story **** is no longer a tower, but a burrow, and there is a circular staircase that leads to the bottom. The torch was inlaid on the wall, and the light was very dim.

"Ding, you're in the first hell!"

A system tone with a slightly low tone was heard above the crowd.

For the first time, Li Hanqiang's eyes were attracted by the murals on the surrounding walls.

This "first hell" area is not large, that is, a stone room with a diameter of about ten meters. The walls are painted with various skulls, including the most common skeleton soldiers, but also the skeletons of giant monsters, the skeletons of dragons ...

"Although the light is a little dim, it's better not to be gloomy."

"Are there any hidden tasks! Take a look at the clues in the murals!"

"Let ’s take a look, what kind of monster skeleton is this? Good mighty!"

"Is this bony essence ..."

Fans of the knight, the sword ignitor, and others shouted. In order to obtain the qualification to enter the copy of [Xiaotudu], they did a series of hidden tasks, but they had some consciousness of triggering hidden tasks, and saw the murals on the surrounding walls. So complex and numerous, I just want to study it.

Li Hanqiang also researched with interest, and said to his heart, "Should these murals have some significance ... Is it related to upgrading the eighteen floors of hell?"

[Eighteen-Story Hell] As a miracle defense tower, it is a level with [Qing Ming Yun Hai]. With reference to the ability of [Qing Ming Yun Hai], Li Hanqiang feels that [18-story Hell] must have more extraordinary features and hidden facilities. Not surprisingly.

A moment later, Li Hanqiang found a strange mural.

In this mural is a skull lying flat on the ground. Above the skull, there is a beautiful woman floating. This woman is the only non-skull image on the first **** wall. Above her head is painted With a bead, there is actually a text note next to the bead: "White bone beads!"

Fanfeng Knight, Ignition Swordmaster and others were all watching, Ignition Swordmaster thought deeply, and suddenly pointed at the woman in the mural, saying: "I boldly guess that this woman is a bone skeleton, this painting means that as long as you get Bone beads, you can summon Bone Essence! "

Li Hanqiang nodded secretly, saying, "It's impossible, no matter what, everyone pays attention to see if there is such a prop as bone bone beads!"

Song Sidao: "Looking at this picture, the bones are long and pretty. If it really exists, she should be BOSS."

Zhen Dejun was a little impatient, and said, "Let me see the six reincarnations first ..."

The crowd continued on, and soon came to the "second hell."

This second level of **** is much more spacious than the first level of hell. There are also murals around it. The murals are full of three dogs. Everyone observes it, but there is nothing special.

Further down, the third layer of **** is much larger than the second layer of hell. The walls here are painted with clay figurines. The clay figurines have armor, some hold halberds, and some hold long. Bow, like the army.

The crowd did not find any abnormalities in this third layer of hell, and continued to move forward. The fourth layer of **** is even larger, and there are many [Hellfires] painted on the murals here.

This [Hellfire] is a kind of **** army, with the image of a stone giant, and is covered with green flames. There are still many on the [War Corridor].

After seeing so many murals one after the other, Li Hanqiang understood it. Probably these murals represent the **** soldiers who can be released.

"If my expectations are not bad, the murals in the fifth **** should be the fallen angels!" Li Hanqiang thought silently.

Sure enough, the murals in the fifth **** are filled with fallen angels.

Fallen angels are very similar to angels, except that the wings of angels are white, and the wings of fallen angels are black or gray. Their eyes are usually red or gray, but fallen angels and angels exist at the same level. The combat power seems to be above the ordinary dragon.

Then came to the sixth hell, and everyone found that the mural here was painted with "You ghost"!

The image of [Ghost] is a bit like [Sword of Dragon Soul of the Cut Dragon], wearing a gray robe and holding two death scythes, can float.

But further down, starting from the seventh hell, there are no more murals.

Li Hanqiang speculated that this must be because [eighteen-tier hell] is now only a sixth-level defense tower, which has probably risen to level seven, and murals will appear in the seventh-tier hell, which also means that [eighteen-tier hell] will be more A stronger **** soldier ~ ~ Without the murals, Li Hanqiang and others have been moving at a significantly faster speed, and soon came to the lowest level of the "eighteenth hell". The space here is large, almost You can fit a small town, and in the center, there are two huge light gates.

The first line has the words "Gate of Rebirth" on it, and the second line has the words "Gate of Six Roads" on it.

Obviously, these two light gates are the key to [reincarnation] and [six reincarnation], and both gates have attribute information.

[Gate of Rebirth: Players can reincarnate through this gate. Players can re-select professions during rebirth, clear air force titles, hate relationships, and other character data, and can retain items in levels and storage space. Note: Players can only reincarnate once a month, and have a small chance to retain free skills during reincarnation. 】

[Six Doors: Players can regenerate through this door, clear all character data, and create new game characters. New game characters will be randomly obtained in heaven, humane, livestock, asura, hungry ghost, and hell. Race. If a non-human race is obtained, the player's initial attributes and attribute growth will not be determined by the player's profession, but by the race. Explanation: After six reincarnations, there is a chance to get a hidden race. Note: Players can reincarnate once in three months. 】

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