My Chaos City

Chapter 495: Everyone, on the rocket

"The mount of sacrifice is out of mount, no problem!"

Li Hanqiang nodded his head. He just hoped that Weird Pond could give birth to a mythological creature, so that traveling alone would be powerful.

Only this mythical creature has 60 hours to conceive, and Li Hanqiang can only look forward to it for the time being, intending to continue to chase some chaotic energy before it is born.

After leaving the Weird Pool, Li Hanqiang came to the heart of chaos.

As soon as he approached, a light spot flew from the heart of chaos and turned into a prince of gems. He bowed in front of Li Hanqiang. Somehow, tears flowed, but his face was bewildered, saying: "Master City Lord, I feel the same kind of breath from you. That breath makes me feel familiar, but I can't remember it ..."

Li Han raised his right hand, and touched the "spirit ring" on the thumb, and sighed: "The kind you feel should be the gem king and queen gem in this ring. They have long lost their spirit bodies and are now sucking spirits. The ring turned into a white soul, and you ca n’t wake up, but rest assured that with me, they will wake them up. "

The prince of gems heard a solemn nod, and his body turned into a light spot again, flying back to the heart of chaos.

Li Hanqiang looked at the heart of chaos and said, "The King of Gem, Queen of Gem, Prince of Gem and Princess of Gem were the four guardians of the old gem empire. They are a family, and there will be no blood relationship between each other, right? The family got together, will there be gem horses, princesses and the like in the future? "

Shaking his head, Li Hanqiang no longer wanted such a boring thing, but quickly consumed 3,500 gold coupons and purchased a [Back to City Scroll].

[Back to City Scrolls] is an artifact for running, necessary to go out, and Li Hanqiang is going to "go out and travel" next. Naturally, he must prepare one.

Before the system rewarded 10,000 gold coupons, 3500 were spent, and 6,500 were left. Li Hanqiang thought about it, spent 4,800 gold coupons, purchased six [rocket launch tower construction drawings], and notified Xiao Anonymous, Song Si, Guo Yang, and Lu Jixue have activities to keep them healthy, and they must gather at Lingxiao City Square half a day later.

At this time, big brothers such as Beidou Cangsheng, Emperor Tianhe, Huangtu Achuan, and Relentless Sword Gathering came together. They have already discussed and selected 40 chaotic cities to attack. At this moment, it is precisely for Li Hanqiang to start. The remaining 40 [rocket launchers] come to start the "World War".

"Our four major guilds, together with the Shengtang Guild, the Polar Star Society, and the Emperor Guild, the Qiankun Alliance, formally form an alliance today, intending to start a full-scale war against Daewoo, Salem, War Cry, Qiangyu, and the Holy Cross Society Are you willing to fight with us? "Huang Tu Achuan said with a smile, his tone was very light.

Li Hanqiang understood the meaning of his words. There is no doubt that the big brothers threw olive branches at themselves and wanted to pull themselves into their chariots. This matter also had advantages and disadvantages.

If they agree, they will definitely get the financial, human, and material support of these big men, and the development of Lingxiao City will certainly be smoother in the future.

However, it is inevitable that its own Sky City will become a target of public criticism. The hostile guild will do everything possible to even get rid of its own Sky City, regardless of cost. After all, Sky City can purchase unlimited [Rocket Launch Tower Construction Drawings], if not, How can the Chaos Lord of the Hostile Guild be at ease?

Moreover, if you really have an alliance with these big brothers, you will have to get involved in the disputes between these big guilds. I am afraid that I will be busy every day in the future, and it will be rare to be clean. It may even become a tool city for the four big guilds.

At that time, I am afraid that the identity of the city owner of Lingxiao City will be mixed with water. Lingxiao City will not belong to him alone. Maybe he wants to do something, and he must first get permission from the big brothers.

Li Hanqiang doesn't want to do this. He still likes to play games freely. He wants to die if he wants to die. Little money, self-sufficiency in Endless World.

So after thinking for a while, Li Hanqiang politely rejected Huang Tu Achuan and said: "Actually, I am a peace-loving person, so Lingxiao City is permanently neutral. Of course, the remaining 40 rocket launch towers, I will follow you The meaning of the big brother, launched to the target Chaos City, this time we have a happy cooperation, if there is an opportunity in the future, continue to cooperate, my Tulong Studio will give priority to the commissioned tasks of the big brothers. "

Having said that, the meaning has been very clear, Huang Tu Achuan, ruthless sword and other big guys are savvy one by one, naturally understand Li Hanqiang's ideas, and no longer say anything.

Li Hanqiang then launched 40 rocket launchers in turn. He knew that this wave of operations would inevitably erect many enemies for himself. Fortunately, the 40 target chaotic cities were Daewoo and Salem. The guilds themselves have already offended the two major guilds, and they are not afraid to continue offending.

Half a day later, the Lingxiao City Plaza finally recovered its purity, and all the transmission channels disappeared. The players of the four guilds went clean, while Song Si, Lu Jixue, and Guo Yang came to the Lingxiao City Plaza, and after a while, Xiao Anonymous was carrying a beauty umbrella. , Also got off the Qingyun ladder.

The four gathered together, and Song Si first asked Li Hanqiang: "Boss, what activities are there?"

At this moment Li Hanqiang looked at the void and did not answer directly, but said: "The destruction of the apostles always comes to siege. Now I am on the road. If I do nothing, it is estimated that in a few hours, the area announcement of the siege will be abandoned. It sounded. "

"What? Abandoned to siege the city? Can it be carried?" Song Si was shocked. Li Hanqiang didn't say, he didn't know that the destruction of the apostles would come to siege the city.

Li Hanqiang shook his head and said, "Abandon it all the time, who can handle it? That's a super boss that can destroy the entire Gem Canyon!"

"So, how is that good?" Song Si frowned. "Boss, you can't give up resistance!"

Xiao Anonymous said, "Why are you not nervous at all?"

Li Hanqiang smiled ~ ~ said: "Because I have a way not to let the abandon come over! Everyone, dare to come with me and give up the total kite!"

"fly a kite?"

"What do you mean?"

Song Si and others still don't quite understand.

Li Hanqiang has already opened his head.

On both sides of the war corridor, Li Hanqiang has already dropped six three-tiered [rocket launchers], and Chief Administrator Badas has been waiting by the six [rocket launchers] for a long time, and the toad treasure chest is weird and prone. Next to Badas.

And in one of the [rocket launch towers], Chief Officer Reem had been waiting for a long time with her necrotic coffin on her back.

"You guys, get on the rocket!"

Li Han gave a powerful sigh, and he quickly entered a [rocket launch tower], while Chief Administrator Badas told Xiao Anonymous and others: "Sirs, please board the rocket. My official will take you to the thousand Gaocheng! "

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