My Chaos City

Chapter 519: Alligator

"Dragon Class Void Airship!"

How can Li Hanqiang not be excited?

Dragon-class void airship, that's a legendary thing, so far unknown, not to mention the dragon-class void airship I saw, I didn't even hear it!

"Can the Dragon King Battleship carried by the entire Crystal Dragon Palace, if it goes out, take the Crystal Dragon Palace to fight?"

Li Hanqiang couldn't help but see the whole crystal dragon palace rushing out of Bibo Lake, that must be very shocking.

But looking at the time and materials needed to build the [Dragon King Battleship], Li Hanqiang was a little silly.

To build [Dragon King Battleship], it takes a thousand Dragon Palace people. At a standard work efficiency of 100%, it takes 100 days to build, and the construction materials are innumerable. Not to mention those that Li Hanqiang did not know, only secret treasure props. Avoid water beads] You need thirty-three!

"Lifetime series!"

Li Hanqiang quickly got rid of Fang Cai's ecstasy and concealed his face with a long sigh.

Now there are no people in the Crystal Dragon Palace, and even the [Overpressure Torrent Water Cannon] cannot be built.

A moment later, Li Hanqiang opened the last annex building of the Crystal Dragon Palace, which is [Dragon King's Treasury]!

Then it opened. In the center of the Crystal Palace, in the center surrounded by the crystal dragon statue, a tall ancient tower-shaped building appeared. This building is very majestic and magnificent, it is the [Treasure of the Dragon King].

[Dragon King Treasury], you can only enter through the Dragon King Hall. After Li Hanqiang entered, this time without triggering the "draw card" window, I saw one empty treasure chest after another with all the lids open.


Dragon King Treasure: Crystal Dragon Palace Annex

Durability: 100000

Number of treasures: 0

Dragon King Treasure Rating: 0

Explanation 1: The Dragon King Treasury is a place where treasures are stored, and is a symbol of the wealth and heritage of the Crystal Dragon Palace. Only real treasures can be stored in the Dragon King Treasure.

Note 2: When depositing or removing treasures, the Dragon King Treasury score will be calculated. The Dragon King Treasury score can affect many functions of the Crystal Dragon Palace.

Explanation 3: The props bound to the Dragon King are stored in the Dragon King Treasury and can be untied, and can be donated by the Dragon King to other players, chief officials, military units, etc. during the Dragon King banquet.


After reading the attribute information of [Dragon King Treasury], a system prompt sounded in Li Hanqiang ’s ear: "Ding, respectable Lord Dragon King, you have opened all the auxiliary buildings of the Crystal Dragon Palace."

"Ding, open the Crystal Dragon Palace property panel."

"Ding, turn on the Dragon Palace prestige value setting. The Dragon Palace prestige can be won by sweeping wild monsters and winning wars. It can be increased or decreased. The current Dragon Palace prestige is zero."

"Ding, start the long-term mission of Crystal Dragon Palace. For every 1,000 points of Dragon Palace's prestige, a random Dragon Palace technology will be rewarded."

"Ding, open the long-term mission of the Crystal Dragon Palace. For every thousand points mentioned in the Dragon King Treasury, a random Dragon Palace special product will be rewarded!"

Li Hanqiang silently listened to the system prompt. After a while, his eyes brightened. He could not improve the reputation of the Dragon Palace now, but he could increase the score of the Dragon King Treasury. Just store the treasure in it. This is too simple.

"There are a lot of advanced equipment for exhibitions in Juyi Hall, as well as bound props, rare skill books, etc., which can't be used anyway, and all are transferred! This Dragon King treasure trove can also unbind props, but it is only for me!"

With a smile on Li Hanqiang's face, he immediately left the Crystal Dragon Palace and returned to Lingxiao City Square. It was too late to check how the gold coin challenge was going. He went straight to Juyi Hall and quickly brought those 120-level advanced equipment and skill mutation gems To the Crystal Dragon Palace.

Since there are no Dragon Palace people yet, Li Hanqiang can only put these treasures in the Dragon King's treasure. He found that only dark gold equipment, rare skill books, gem props and other advanced items can be placed in the Dragon King's treasure.

The preparation of golden quality, no matter how high the level, can not be placed in the Dragon King's treasure.

Lower-level equipment and common materials, it can not be stored in the Dragon King's treasure.

As for "vulgar objects" such as gold coins and gold ingots, they cannot be stored in the Dragon King's treasure.

After a lot of work, Li Hanqiang finally stored 19 items in the Dragon King's treasure trove. The score of the Dragon King's treasure trove actually reached 892 points, almost 1,000!

"What else can you put in this Dragon King's treasure trove? You have to earn a thousand points to complete a small task and claim a Dragon Palace specialty!"

Li Hanqiang is planning to go to Xiaoyaodong House to search again, and suddenly a system prompt comes: "Ding, the ancient alligator dragon successfully transformed the dragon in the dragon pool, and obtained the official position of the crystal dragon palace: alligator Taibao!"


Li Hanqiang was not surprised to hear this system prompt. He knew that Guicheng Prime Minister Wu Youde had brought the ancient crocodile dragon to Hualongchi, but the official title of "crocodile Taibao" made him a little doubt.

When he came to the Dragon King Hall, Li Hanqiang saw the crocodile Taibao. He has become a humanoid figure, wearing an official uniform, crocodile face, human features, human head can actually wear a black gauze cap, and there is a crocodile tail behind him, who is talking and laughing with Guicheng.

Obviously, this crocodile Taibao opened wisdom.

Upon seeing Li Hanqiang, the tortoise minister and the crocodile Tai Bao quickly bowed to salute.

Li Hanqiang nodded gently and made them stand up, and then directly retrieved the attribute information of Crocodile Taibao.


Name: Crocodile Taibao (Ancient Crocodile Dragon)

Level: 60

Health: 120000

Physical defense: 1200

Magic resistance: 1200

Character setting: brave, cruel

Possess skills: [Cruel Bite], [Tear], [Lightning Strike], [Death Gaze], [The Breath of the Ancients]

Racial ability: [Hualong ~ ~ Crocodile protects the true body of the crocodile, the attributes are greatly enhanced, and at the same time master the power of thunderfire, it can cast powerful long-range thunder and fire spells, and melee melee ability Will be greatly improved.


"Good, good!" Li Hanqiang nodded and issued an order immediately: "Gu Chengcheng, within your lord, deploy the Dragon Palace people, summarize the resource harvest, and accumulate resources as soon as possible! Crocodile Taibao, outside your lord, take troops out of the palace to clean up and clean up the surroundings Wild monsters, erect the reputation of the Dragon Palace! "

"Yes, Lord Dragon King!"

The tortoise and the crocodile Taibao responded at the same time, and then bowed to each other.

Although the Crystal Dragon Palace now has prime minister and Taibao, but there is no soldier and no people, this turtle prime minister and crocodile Taibao do not have a man, usually only by hands.

After a while, Li Hanqiang brought back some advanced materials from Xiaoyaodong Mansion, and barely raised the Dragon King Treasury ’s treasure score to 1,000 points, and a system prompt sounded: "Ding, respectable Dragon King, congratulations, you have completed the Crystal Dragon Palace mission, reward A random specialty of Dragon Palace. "

"Ding, congratulations, a crystal flat peach tree has grown in the Dragon King's treasure house. The flat peach is ripe for 30 days. The result is 30. It can only be saved for one day after maturity. Adventurer players can gain 1,000 life permanently by consuming the ambergris peach tree. Value, limit one food per day. The bureaucrats, military units and other food are invalid. "

"Ding, the system prompts: Crystal Dragon Palace has obtained the specialty crystal flat peach, which can be set for a banquet on the day when the flat peach matures."

"Ding, the system prompts: Dragon King Banquet has a chance to enhance the reputation of the Dragon Palace!"

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