My Chaos City

Chapter 547: Cape of Good Hope Black Market

"black market!"

Li Hanqiang was shocked: "Looking at this name is a good place! Will the Bard Association guys be black so I can't even enter the black market?"

He watched closely, there were many empty airships in front of him, and there were pirate ships. He also worried that someone would suddenly launch an attack.

Dahei wobbled his tail and moved unscrupulously.

When we got closer, Li Hanqiang suddenly discovered that [Good Luck · Black Market] The neon aura outside the space-time wormhole was actually a giant dragon-shaped creature. Its body was like a snake, surrounding the space-time wormhole, constantly changing colors. , With a dragon head, at the bottom of the wormhole in time and space, there is a word above the dragon head: "Good luck corner guardian spirit · full-color snake"!

Its level is as high as three hundred, it is a super boss!

"This is ... the guardian spirit!"

Li Hanqiang was surprised. Ordinary players would not understand the meaning of the guardian spirit, but Li Hanqiang did.

The guardian spirit is not an ordinary monster, it is a guardian beast of a region, and it comes out in a dragon shape.

The prince of gems is the spirit of guardianship, and Master Ling is also the spirit of guardianship. The king of gems and the queen of gems in Li Hanqiang's right thumb suction ring are also spirits of guardianship!

To be precise, neither Erhei nor Guicheng are the guardian spirits. So far, Lingxiao City has not yet born its own guardian spirit.

Lord Ling once said that it would take more than ten or twenty years for Bibo Lake to be born a guardian spirit by itself. Therefore, being able to have a guardian spirit janitor is not only cool, but also represents the heritage.

"This full-color snake is up to level 300! It seems that the good luck corner black market is extraordinary!" If Li Hanqiang realized, he came to the NPC of the Gem Society and asked: "You know this good luck corner black market What? "

"do not know!"

"never heard of that!"

"What is the black market?"

"We have limited knowledge and have never left Gem Canyon before ..."

A large number of NPCs shook their heads, and even the 120-level Speaker of the Council, Mr. Kelsen, and the legendary warrior Sargon also expressed ignorance.

However, this does not mean that the black market of Good Luck Point is not well-known. It is true that the NPCs of these gem associations are all old hats. They are NPCs born in the Gorge Canyon. They have no knowledge. They are not even as good as Li Hanqiang. Travel.

Li Hanqiang shook his head and said to Speaker of the Council Carson and the legendary warrior Sargon: "You two will follow me later!"

"Nice to go!"

"no problem!"

The two NPCs responded immediately.

These two are 120-class BOSS-class NPCs. They are powerful. Li Hanqiang intends to take them with him as bodyguards.

At this time, the black pirate ship with the skull flag docked at the edge of the space-time wormhole. Li Hanqiang turned to look around, and saw six figures walking down from it. The six figures walked into the space-time wormhole and the pirate ship. But did not enter, slowly flew to the side to park.

Immediately followed by the merchant ship Xuan Tian Fei Ge, did not enter the space-time wormhole, only a team of crew came down, walked into the space-time wormhole.

The same is true of the whale-shaped airship.

"Is the Void Airship not allowed to enter?" Li Hanqiang was curious and went forward for a while, then a system prompt sounded in his ear: "Ding, you found the good luck corner black market! Good luck corner black market is a famous black market, All items can be traded freely here, but large empty airships are not allowed to enter. Only those who hold a pass can enter the black market of the corner of good luck. You can get the pass through the snake of the guardian spirit of the good luck corner. "

"Ding, the system prompts that you have entered the surveillance range of the full-color snake, please do not fight near the black market of Good Luck Point or its entrance, otherwise you will be added to the blacklist by the full-color snake, and it will refuse to provide you any service."

Li Hanqiang listened to the system prompts, but his heart was wide.

Fortunately, this place gives way and doesn't mind your reputation.

With a smile on his face, according to the rules of the Good Luck Corner, he first found a place to stop the **** and ghost ship.

After thinking for a while, Li Hanqiang felt that it was not necessary for Xiang Mang, Huixin young monk, etc. to enter the corner of good luck, so they made them stay and sit down.

He was deliberately entering the black market with the water-proof golden eye beast. This guy is a very good meat shield, and he is also prestige to ride, but the water-proof golden eye beast is dozing off with the **** thunder horn at the moment, and his nose is blowing. The boss had a snotty bubble, which made Li Hanqiang very helpless.

In the end, Li Hanqiang drove a tractor and pulled the 120-level Speaker of the Council, Kelsen, and the legendary warrior Sargon to the entrance of the black market of Good Luck.

However, the entrance was obviously unusual, with repulsive force, and soon the doubling cloud could not move forward. Li Hanqiang then dispersed the doubling cloud, and turned into a walk with the two bodyguards, but could still feel the repulsive force and struggled.

At that moment, the full-color serpent turned his eyes on him, as if he was examining, he actually said: "Dear guests, welcome you! You are the first time to come to the corner of good luck, no bad record, I am willing to open for you Channel, good luck to you! "

After all, the full-color snake spit out three colored cards from his mouth, and those three colored cards floated to the front of Li Hanqiang, the Speaker of the Congress, Kelsen, and the legendary warrior Sargon.

Li Hanqiang glanced at it, and the card was the pass.

[Good Luck Corner Pass: Special items, consumable items, with which you can enter the good luck corner black market. After entering the black market of Good Luck Point, the pass will disappear, and the next time you enter the black market of Good Luck Point, you need to get it again. 】

On the opposite side of the pass, there is also a map of the black market of Good Luck Point. After a little observation, Li Hanqiang found that the black market of Good Luck Point is similar to the chaotic city ~ ~ there are actually four [war corridors] and four [space-time wormholes] .

To be precise, the [Space-Time Wormhole] in front of Li Hanqiang is just one of the four entrances to the black market in Good Luck Corner, and the other three entrances are unknown where they are located.

In addition, there are 16 stores in the black market of Good Luck Point on the map. Today, 4 stores are open, and the other 12 are free. They can be purchased or rented.

In the middle of [Good Luck Corner · Black Market] is the free trade zone, where players, NPC stalls and free trade are allowed.

Li Hanqiang held the [Good Luck Corner Pass], the repulsive force in front suddenly dissipated, he thanked the full-color snake, and then took Kanson and Sargon smoothly through the front of the [Time and Space Wormhole] .

After a white light, Li Hanqiang's vision suddenly widened. He seemed to have come to a chaotic city built on the sea. He is currently standing at the forefront of the [War Corridor]. , You can clearly see the towering gates and walls.

In front of him, many NPCs walked, talked, and shuttled, all showing the liveliness and prosperity here.

"Good, good, I foresee a huge gain here!"

Li Hanqiang nodded slightly, summoned a "strain cloud", summoned the walking tractor, and then carried Carson and Sargon. In the surprised eyes of many NPCs around, he went all the way and quickly passed the city. The door entered the city.

There are more people here. Li Hanqiang saw a wide street. On the left and right sides of the street are huge buildings. The building door on the left is closed, while the building on the right is a shop in operation. There is a signboard in front of it, with four big words on the signboard: "Slave Market"!

Upon seeing this signboard, Li Hanqiang suddenly imagined.

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