My Chaos City

Chapter 572: 7-stage rocket launch tower

Soon, Li Hanqiang built six three-level [rocket launch towers].

Suddenly, the idea of ​​"Heta" popped up in his heart.

"In terms of power alone, the three-level [Rocket Tower Launch Tower] is actually so-so. If there is no quantitative advantage, the most practical thing is to use the [Manned Rocket] to send troops. I do n’t know the more advanced [Rocket Launch Tower]. 】 What will it look like? Are there any new abilities? "

Li Hanqiang pondered silently, and he immediately looked forward to it.

In the previous "crowdfunding plan", Li Hanqiang engaged in tens of thousands of three-level [rocket launch towers] to bomb the Gem Canyon, but at that time, in order to make the accounts clear and not expose his "he tower" ability, Li Hanqiang did not consume chaotic energy. To synthesize a more advanced [rocket launch tower].

Now that the number of gold coupons is limited, it is impossible to pursue the number of [rocket launch towers], so Li Hanqiang will improve the quality.

"Check the character!"

Li Hanqiang immediately launched the [Tower Change] talent, and once succeeded, he used only four three-level [Rocket Launch Tower] to synthesize a five-level [Rocket Launch Tower].

The five-level [rocket launch tower] is up to 50 meters high, and it looks quite deterrent. The rocket shell is bright silver, and the five characters "from Lingxiao City" are shining and very eye-catching.

Li Hanqiang quickly checked its attributes and found that there were no new abilities in these five levels [Rocket Launch Tower]. Of course, the basic ability has been enhanced a lot, the bombing radius has been increased to 500 meters, the damage to buildings has been increased to 120,000 points, and the damage to players or units is still halved.

In addition, due to the increase of the rocket body, its [Manned Rocket] ability has also been enhanced, and it can carry multiple players or force units. The specific number depends on the size of the player or force unit. There are no problems with the six-meter-high white fat fitted with two or three.

However, Li Hanqiang was not very satisfied with the capabilities of these five-level [rocket launch tower]. He wanted to continue to synthesize a more advanced [rocket launch tower]. However, he looked at the other two unsynthesized three-stage [rocket launch tower]. Feeling powerless.

Without money, the tower is not enough, unhappy!

It was at this time that Ignite Sword Saint sent a friend call to Li Hanqiang: "Report to the boss, the giant crocodile island has basically been occupied, the wilderness castle has been collapsed, the players have all been cut, the harvest is huge, the demon mountain demon We found a golden sword and jade boat, and I went to see it. The golden sword and jade boat was bound to the traveler Lu Dahai, and no one else could use it! Many gold coins and materials were hit. Well, there are some gold tickets. Now your Chief Officer Colonel Duka continued to lead the soldiers and sweep him. His posture that he would overturn the whole giant crocodile island, it was meaningless for me and thousands of steps to stay here, can we return to the city? "

Ignition Juggernaut and the player who took the previous step as an expedition with the army are still very competent. After a while, they will report to Li Hanqiang on the situation of the giant crocodile island. Li Hanqiang does not expect them to fight. Busyly said: "Jinjian Yuzhou? Lu Dahai's Jinjian Yuzhou was robbed. Is it bound to Lu Dahai?"

Li Hanqiang was very impressed with Jin Jianyu Zhou. Knowing that it was a very powerful void airship, not only had an excellent shape, but also powerful capabilities, so after learning that it was a bound item of Lu Dahai, Li Hanqiang couldn't help but feel sorry.

Sighing a little, Li Hanqiang continued: "Then you come back, um, yes, do a favor, go to clean up and bring back all the gold tickets!"

"No problem!" Ignition Sword Saint Road, as the owner of the Dragon City, he is also regarded as an official of Lingxiao City. Even in the face of the bureaucrat, he can speak more or less, and return to the city with some loot first. It's not difficult.

In less than five minutes, the light flashed in the Lingyi City Square [Juyi Hall], and the Ignition Sword Master and the one step forward came back. They used the overnight order to send them back.

Li Hanqiang quickly greeted him and said, "It's hard!"

Immediately after looking at the Ignition Sword Master, I looked forward with expectation and asked, "Ignition, how about gold tickets? How many total? I'm in a hurry!"

Ignition Sword Master opened the storage space and took out a thick pile of gold tickets, saying: "All here, a total of 152!"

"so much!"

Li Han was pleasantly surprised, "152, you can exchange 15,200 gold coupons, this is a small fortune! Good, good, I can't think of so much money from Giant Crocodile Island, it seems very necessary to let Colonel Duka led many soldiers to sweep! "

Li Hanqiang happily received the 152 gold vouchers from the Ignition Sword Master, then after chatting with the Ignition Sword Master and taking a step forward, I went to the Lingxiao City Defensive Tower Store and quickly took 19 Level 3 Rockets The construction drawings of the launch tower are out.

"Continue to join the tower! Today we will study the rocket launching tower!"

Li Hanqiang happily unfolded the talent of [Tower Change] again. Ten minutes later, he synthesized the [Rocket Launch Tower] of level 7, and there were two remaining of the [Rocket Launch Tower] of level 3!

The seven-level [rocket launch tower] is as high as 70 meters high and more impressive. Under the influence of the talent of the political officer Badas, the durability reaches a bombing radius of 700 meters, and the full bombing damage is 528000 points!

What surprises Li Hanqiang is that it has two more capabilities, one is [Transport Rocket] and the other is [Recycling].

The former makes it possible for the rocket launcher to transport goods, which is reasonable. After all, the rocket becomes larger and the cabin space is larger. It can carry people and of course load.

[Recycling] ability is to make [Rocket Launch Tower] not only a defensive tower, but also has the ability to resemble a void airship.

In addition to long-range bombing, [Recycling] makes [Rocket Launch Tower] have a second method of use, that is, launching to a designated location, not bombing, but landing, after which the durability of [Rocket Launch Tower] will decrease Half, and has the ability to fly back to Lingxiao City once again, and after flying back, the durability is empty and must be repaired before it can be used again!

If the rocket is attacked before flying back, even if the durability is only a little off, it will be depressed, unable to take off, and cannot be recycled. It can only be fired by repair to make its durability reach or exceed half.

"This is interesting, no matter the sky, the sea and the north, the rocket launch tower arrives in ten seconds, which is much faster than the ordinary void airship! Unfortunately, this is like a long-range bombing. The chaotic city with the name can be launched directly, and other places, just Need me or Badas to designate and designate on the spot! As for the transport rocket capability ... "

Li Hanqiang narrowed his eyes. He decided to experience the fastest means of transportation, but he first transformed into the shape of a giant ape, trotting for two steps, and the sound of Qiang pulled out the magic sword of unsealing flames.

-1000, -1000 ...

The damage number immediately appeared on Li Hanqiang's head, and the special effect of "Blazing Flames" unblocking the flaming sword was triggered. The flaming flame quickly flowed along the hilt to Li Hanqiang. Even his master lost 1,000 health points per second.

Next, Li Hanqiang brought this unsealed flaming sword to the seventh level [Flame Launching Tower], and thought about it, the rocket hatch opened to reveal a spacious transportation space.

Li Hanqiang easily put the nearly 40-meter-long unsealed flame magic sword into the seventh level [rocket launch tower].


Li Han is very happy.

Level 7 [Rocket Launch Tower] can transport the Flaming Demon Sword, UU Reading Book www.uukanshu. com This means that when you go out in the future, you can use the [Rocket Launch Tower] to send weapons over at any time!

"It's too exciting! Put the Flame Sword in it!"

With a smile on Li Hanqiang's face, he took out the telecom compass again.

There are now five teleportation points in the telecom compass, one is Lingxiao City's Chaos Heart, one is Lingxiao Treasure Hall, one is the original troll pirate group's old nest, Heiwan Cave Chamber of Secrets, and one is Good Luck Cape Black City Lingxiao City Grocery Store.

The last two teleportation points are determined by the guardian statue of Li Hanqiang, while the last teleportation point is the city of glory.

This special void airship supported by the technology of Eternal Chaos City has something special. Airship is also a building, which can be locked by a telecom compass.

Without delay, Li Hanqiang quickly activated the compass and immediately came to the [Infinite Sword Tower] of the City of Glory.

He was very excited, a few of them turned over, looking for a huge amount of seven or eight meters long, and shouted: "Sword!"

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