My Chaos City

Chapter 659: Watch the city all night

Seeing his name appear on the top of the three rankings, the full moon scimitar is more proud.

A moment later, he left the Infinite Tower and met two people, Dark Rise and Tide Will. On the other hand, there was also an old-skinned six-winged angel with his hand supporting the bureaucratic code, and walked slowly.

Full Moon Scimitar inserted his hands into his cuffs, shrugging his shoulders, showing a lonely and bored expression. He looked at the rise of darkness and the will of the tide, and said in a hurry: "What is the matter, the temple guard of the Holy Sword has not yet returned What?"

At the beginning of the dark rise, the tidal will said: "President, you don't have to hope for it. You haven't returned for so many days, and 80% have been killed by Li Hanqiang."

"You don't know anything about the guards of the temple!" The full moon scimitar chuckled and turned to look at the old six-winged angel.

It was an NPC, originally a bureaucrat of the Dark City, who had already become an angel through the Holy Spirit Pool, and is now a high-level "Pharaoh Angel" of level 90.

Before, he had been soaking up experience in the Holy Spirit Pool, but now he has reached the full level, which is just out of the level.

The pharaoh angel's governing officer met and unfolded the administrative code. After turning a few pages, he suddenly froze, and then said: "God, Lord, the door of truth has lost a dependant and has...cannot be recalled."

The full moon scimitar was stunned for a moment: "Is it true and false, isn't the temple guard known as immortal?"

He frowned and glanced at the tidal will. In order not to be embarrassed, he forced back his calm look and said, "It's okay, if you lose it, you will lose it. It's no big deal. There are still many guards in the temple!"

Darkness rises: "However, without the guard of the temple, there is no way to recreate the holy sword. We can use the void airship, except Noah's Ark, but there is no one who can take it."

"It's alright, anyway, isn't it a holy sword, what's it worth? It's nothing small for me." The full moon scimitar looked at the bureaucrat of the dark city again, "Look at it See, how many dependants are there at the Gate of Truth? Is there anything that can support the Holy Sword?"

The Pharaoh Angel Chief Officer quickly looked at the Code of Political Affairs and said, "Return to God, if you don't count as two adults with one eye and buck teeth, there are a total of 33 dependents in the Gate of Truth, all of which are temple guards, three of which can be used. To support the holy sword."

"Then call out all three of them and make three holy swords! The remaining 30 temple guards are also called out to form a team and go out of the city to level up!"

"Yes, Lord God, I will arrange this!"

The Pharaoh Angel Chief was about to leave, and the full moon scimitar shouted at him again, "Wait a minute, look at it again, how is the strength of the dark city now."

"Yes! Now I am the Dark City, excluding the bottom believers and low-level angels. There are 5,400 elite silver-wing angels, 800 elite gold-wing angels, more advanced, lower-level BOSS-level six-winged war sword angels and scepters. There are 36 angels, harp angels, and atonement angels. There are a total of 12 higher-level pharaoh angels, including me, and then there are four, Seraphs! God Angels are not yet available."

"Well." The full moon scimitar nodded. "Gather all these fighting angels, take Noah's Ark to level up, and fill up the level."


The pharaoh angel bowed back.

The full moon scimitar looks at the rise of darkness and the will of the tide again: "You arrange to let the stable players of our guild quickly level up, soak up the Holy Spirit Pool at level 90, promote the six-winged angel, and step up to collect materials and manufacture The shackles of truth."

"Chairman, you are..."

Tidal Will frowned, "Want to go to war? With Tu Long Li Hanqiang?"

The full moon scimitar nodded: "The age of Lai Piqiang should also pass. The first fight and the second, I have to sanction him! You should keep this secret for the time being. Once the war starts, you must kill Lai Piqiang completely. Let him never turn over again!"


"This is great!"

The Dark Rise and the Tide Will were excited, and the Dark Rise said: "It is indeed the first to play second, our Dark City is third in the list, and the hard power is much stronger than Lai Pi's Ling Xiao City. Send troops directly, break his city, let He crashed down."

"Yeah, the leaderboard is the one that best embodies the strength of Chaos City, especially the defender leaderboard, which can not only reflect the firepower of the defensive tower but also the strength of Chaos. Lingxiao City can only rush to 35 waves, maybe ten days. Half a month later, the 36th wave could not be rushed," the tide will said, "it should be used at this time, the poor soldiers and militaries destroy the Lingxiao City in one go, and wipe out the cancerous tumor of Lai Piqiang."

The three discussed again, and the more they negotiated, the more confident they felt.

Soon, the rise of darkness and the will of the tides began to mobilize, and the entire dark tide guild began to function.

As the lord of the dark city, the full moon scimitar was idle. He soon went offline and asked about a young model. Seeing the net red, brushing posts.

The time flickered for a day, and when he went online again, he suddenly froze as he watched the city leaderboard.

His dark city is still ranked first, which is no problem, but ranked second in Lingxiao City, the monster siege actually rushed to the 39th wave.

"What's the situation? Yesterday was only 35, why did it suddenly rush to 39, and cheating was impossible?"

The full moon scimitar was surprised.

Where did he know that Li Hanqiang had been fighting monsters and siege all night.

The thirty-sixth wave of monsters surpassed the city for more than three hours, and then the 37th wave, 38th wave, and 39th wave!

Although the monster siege is a wave of power, but there is the violent output of the Nanwu Gatling Bodhisattva, Li Hanqiang easily completed the 39th wave all the way.

As for the random events in the monster siege, such as the 36th wave of [Aura Recovery], then the 37th wave of [Skyfire Liaoyuan], the 38th wave of [Tungus Explosion], the 39th wave of [Time and Space Disorder], in absolute defense In front of the firepower, it also seemed pale and weak, and it was only a little trouble.

He is counting the loot at the moment.

Successively passed four waves of monsters to attack the city, and each time it was a perfect defensive evaluation. The basic reward alone was 24 chaotic slabs plus four [quick development kits].

The siege monsters have a lot of equipment and materials, and there is nothing to mention. Most of them were sent to the Yaoshan Cave Mansion and handed over to Vakhan II for decomposition.

The equipment with golden quality or higher was sent to the Dragon King's Hall of the Crystal Dragon Palace, and scored with the treasure.

In addition, there are some special props, high-level items, and the city defense rewards drawn after the monsters attacked the city. At this moment, Li Hanqiang is displayed in front of him.

The siege monsters dropped are: nine space gems, four chaotic gems, two skill mutation gems, one mystic gem, one thunder gem, one [Aura Recovery Scroll] one, [Tianhuo Liaoyuan Scroll] one, [ten thousand Arrow Scroll] The rewards for the defense of the city are: a commission letter, a slate spree, a 10,000-people order, and a random building upgrade reel.

"Yes, yes, after I digest these loot, I will open the 40th wave of monsters to attack the city. It depends on whether the dark city can take the first place with me? Grandma, this time it is not a first place! Dare to nickname Show, this is to challenge me, don't let it go!"

While talking, Li Hanqiang picked up the secret gem.

I got another secret gem. What secrets can I get this time?

"Xuanxue Ceremony Goes Up!" Li Hanqiang stood up, stepped six steps clockwise, and turned one circle, so he turned six consecutive circles.

"The great **** of luck, Li Hanqiang, who rules luck, I pray for your favor!"

"I pray for myself and respond to myself!"

"My loyal dependant, recite my name and give you luck!"

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