My Chaos City

Chapter 808: Gusha split

"The plot of Gu Sha Orochi has begun!"

Li Hanqiang looked around, and the snow and fog were still dense. There were tremors from far away in several directions, and the ground was shaking.

He was a little curious about what Gusha Orochi was doing now.

But curiosity killed the cat, Li Hanqiang suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to explore the Aofeng land boundary, and resolutely descended the mountain.

"Guanghan Palace has one palace, two halls, three pavilions, four terraces and five halls, as well as the Moon Altar, Liuli Well, Linglong Pagoda, and Moon Wheel Pool. They are all mission areas. If you want to come to this snow mountain mystery cave, there must be a trigger for the Guanghan Palace plot It’s an opportunity, but let’s consider the long-term plan."

Li Hanqiang shook his head, waved his hand, and led the team down the mountain.

In the next four hours, Li Hanqiang and his party did not encounter major problems. They only encountered a few waves of wild monsters, which were not very powerful. They were physically overtaken by the Nanwu Goblin Bodhisattva on the spot.

But at this time, Li Hanqiang suddenly saw the head of the ancient evil snake. The big snake actually ran down to the mountain. The snow and fog were not thick here. Li Hanqiang could clearly see the ancient evil snake, but its body was too long and winding. Like mountains, you can't see the tail at all.

The state of this ancient evil snake is very strange. Its body is squirming, causing the ground to shake. In the middle of its head, there is a crack, as if the whole head is about to split, and it will be divided into two. White misty blood flowed out of the crack, just like a waterfall.

The Gu Sha big snake even uttered a painful roar. It didn't care about Li Hanqiang and others at all at this time, or it had no time to care about Li Hanqiang and others, as if it was enduring extreme pain.

"What's wrong with this big snake?" Li Hanqiang was a little puzzled, and the two Taoist leaders Xianyun and Yehe were also confused.

Master Ling said: "I see, split, it is splitting!"

"Split?" Li Hanqiang asked, "Master Ling, what do you mean?"

Master Ling lifted Sulu's transformation and stood at the entrance of Aquarius Palace. His face was serious, and he stared at the ancient evil snake roaring in pain, and said solemnly: "The original consciousness of ancient evil should have been awakened. I think that Gu Sha wants to separate the consciousness that does not belong to him, and its body will also split into two."

As soon as Master Ling spoke, as expected, the head of the ancient evil snake was completely torn apart from the center, its blood was misty, and it looked like water vapor.

"The head is split. This is a raw tear!"

Li Hanqiang watched curiously. Not long after, scales grew on each of the split heads, repairing the wound, and the Gu Sha snake turned into a double-headed snake.

It's just that each of its snake heads has only one snake eye, which grows in the center, similar to the position of the forehead. The two snake heads seem to be at odds with each other, both roaring and swimming in opposite directions.

They look very similar. The only difference is the scales. The scales on one snake's head are round, and the scales on the other snake's head are diamond-shaped.

After the head split, Gu Sha's body split faster, and the two one-eyed giant snakes went their separate ways, one going down the mountain and the other going up the mountain.

"Ding, you found the super boss Gu Sha!"

"Ding, the system prompts that because you have cut off the Chaos Temple on the head of the ancient evil snake, the super BOSS has undergone an unknown mutation, you can continue to participate in the incident and affect the plot!"

"Ding, please be careful, you have the hatred of Gu Sha Orochi!"

After the system prompt sounded, one of the two heads of the ancient evil snake, the one with diamond-shaped scales that was crawling down the mountain, suddenly looked towards Li Hanqiang, and then the snake was coiled. , And then let out a roar, expelling a large amount of cold air from his mouth.

Above his head, four huge prompt texts immediately appeared: "Summon Snow Demon!"

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in Li Hanqiang's ears: "Ding, Super BOSS Gu Sha has locked you, and it has activated the ability to summon Snow Demon. A large number of Snow Demon will appear and hunt you down, please Get ready for battle."

"Ding, the system prompts that throwing away the Taiyin Star Soul can avoid the Snow Demon and Gu Sha Orochi!"

"Regional notice: [Snow Demon Recovery] event is triggered, the snow demon hidden in the Snow Mountain Mystery Cave will no longer be suppressed, swarming out, there will be a large number of snow demon in the Aofeng realm. Warning, the snow demon is an active attack type special monster , The battle is powerful and very dangerous!"

Li Hanqiang frowned, and silently thought: "This Gu Sha is really going to be divided into two. The one with diamond-shaped scales summons the Snow Demon. If you want to chase me, I think it needs Taiyin Star Soul, so it will dominate it. , It shouldn't be the ancient evil that Master Ling said, the other one, could it be that pure ancient evil consciousness is leading...but no matter what, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

Thinking of this, Li Hanqiang hurriedly ordered everyone to continue down the mountain, and soon, the mountain peaks behind seemed to explode, snow bulged up, and a super-scale avalanche unfolded, and a large number of snow monsters were like surfing. Above the falling snow, swarmed down.

At this moment, there are still many scattered players in this Aofeng realm. They were shocked by the changes in Aofeng realm, and hurriedly ran outside the Aofeng realm.

"what's going on?"

"Aofeng exploded, everyone, run away!"

"Did Dragon Slaying Li Hanqiang trigger some plot mission!"

"I seem to have seen a big snake just now, a very huge big snake!"

"Brothers, the Snow Demon has appeared, ready to fight!"

"Is the super boss of Aofeng realm about to show up? How many levels, can a thousand people die?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, now I am broadcasting live. I don't know if I can see the legendary Super BOSS of Snow Mountain Mystery Cave today!"

"Listen to me, first exit the Aofeng realm and then talk..."

Those casual players talked a lot, and Li Hanqiang and his group soon appeared in the sight of some casual players.

"Here, my God, Tu Long Li Hanqiang moved a palace out of the Aofeng realm!"

"Li Hanqiang Niu Beer!"

"Tu Long Li Hanqiang has retired, let's retreat quickly!"

"Follow my strong brother, UU read to conquer the top of Aofeng..."

Li Hanqiang completely ignored the shouts and discussions of those players. The snow demon behind were ferocious and numerous, and the ancient evil snake with diamond-shaped scales was gazing at him. Li Hanqiang did not want to fight against them in this Aofeng realm.

Soon, Li Hanqiang and his party left the Aofeng realm, and there was no system restriction. Li Hanqiang found that he could walk in the air.

He led the people to keep walking until they came to the bottom of the five-color warship.

But beyond Li Hanqiang's expectation, those Snow Demons were so fast that they rushed out of the Aofeng realm.

In addition, in the Aofeng realm, a huge one-eyed white snake suddenly flew out. Its body was huge, stretched a little, but it went up to the sky, like a long dragon, it quickly disappeared in the sky. in.

There is also a giant one-eyed snake, spitting out a snake letter, and crawling out of Aofeng's boundary against the ground. It is like a moving mountain range with diamond-shaped scales on its body. It is here to chase and kill Li Hanqiang.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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