My Chaos City

Chapter 854: What the emperor should do

"Is this giving me a baby spirit devourer?"

Li Hanqiang used the Egg of the Devourer on the spot, and a toad-like phantom appeared around him, that is, the Spirit Devourer in its initial form, only the size of a football.


Spirit Eater: non-physical concept creature, genus of divine creature

Grade 1

Upper level limit: None

HP: quantum state [龙腾], unobservable

Attack power: none

Ability: [Spirit Devourer], Spirit Devourer can swallow spiritual thoughts to gain growth.

Explanation: As an intangible concept creature, the Spirit Devouring Beast will be displayed as a phantom, and any attack under the conventional laws of physics cannot cause damage to it. After its level is increased, its size will become larger and its ability will be enhanced.


The newborn little Spirit Devouring Beast had a very weak concept of master and servant and did not seem to have any IQ. It could not make any sound. After a glance at Li Hanqiang, it slowly crawled towards the nearest Lingxiao City God.

It can't fly yet!

It's really scumbag!

In the face of the first-level spirit beast, Lingxiao City God has no fear at all. Don’t think that this spirit beast is an intangible concept creature, and does not accept any physical damage, energy damage, etc. However, as a guardian spirit, Lingxiao City God With a certain conceptual nature, if he wants, he can trample the toad to death with one foot.

However, the little Spirit Devouring Beast was hatched by Li Hanqiang, which was equivalent to Li Hanqiang's pet. Lingxiao City City God resisted a natural sense of rejection and allowed the young Spirit Devouring Beast to bite its own calf.

This weak spirit devouring beast could not cause any harm to Lingxiao City City God.

Lingxiao City City God is not an ordinary guardian spirit, he is much stronger than when he was first born, because he has presided over two "Beitiandi Ceremonies" and witnessed the "worship and marriage" of nine couples!

Such a thing is not something ordinary guardian spirits can encounter, and Lingxiao City City God has benefited a lot from this.

Of course, Li Hanqiang is not clear about this now.

The jewel king who looked like a pirate captain said righteously at the moment: "The Spirit Devourer is a very evil creature, do you want to raise this Spirit Devourer? Although it can't threaten me now, but if it is restocked in Dragon Slayer In the territory of the empire, that will cause immeasurable damage to our dragon slaying empire, directly affecting the development of Hanqiang civilization, sir, I cannot accept the existence of such a monster in the territory!"

The jewel prince nodded, obviously with the same meaning.

Li Hanqiang said: "I understand, I understand!"

After he said, stretched out his hand a little, fingertips flashed blue light, and quickly turned into a third-rank life lotus, the third-rank life lotus quickly grew larger, and quickly hung above the spirit devouring beast, and the blue haze hung down.

The Spirit Devouring Beast didn't know how to resist, and it wouldn't resist. As soon as it was enveloped by the cyan haze, it quickly disappeared, which was taken away by the lotus of life.

As soon as Li Hanqiang flicked his sleeves, the life lotus flower flew back. In order to be safe, Li Hanqiang posted a Taiyi Sealed God Urn on the life lotus flower, and then he received it into his body.

"Of course, I can't keep this spirit devouring beast in the Dragon Slaying Empire. Don't worry! It will become a weapon to be used against foreign enemies in the future."

Li Hanqiang now has quite some experience in the application of the life lotus. Seeing that the life lotus can put the spirit-eating beasts away, he is a little proud. He thinks that he can carry this conceptual creature with him in the future, and it should be no problem to fatten it up.

And if the Spirit Devouring Beast grows up, it can be powerful. This concept creature can basically be said to be invincible. It can't hurt a single bit of regular damage. It specializes in devouring the spirit and can be said to be the natural enemy of the guardian spirit. It has a high level. , Maybe there are other abilities.

Then the monsters continued to attack the city. Li Hanqiang did not leave this time. He participated in the defense of the city, stepping on the life lotus, and occasionally shot.

Time passed, and about three hours later, the 48th wave of monster siege was over.

Four corpse chasers were busy chasing the corpses, sending heads of BOSS-level monster corpses to the Demon Mountain Cave. A large number of royal goblins went out to collect the spoils. Prime Minister Wu Youde came to search for materials that could build the Dragon King battleship, Prius I came here to find the sacrifice materials. The little Taoist Scarlet Cloud is coming with the Taihui Yunzhou. He needs a low-level skill book...

Li Hanqiang went to receive the reward for defending the city, but he got a [Construction Drawing of the Happiness Ferris Wheel].

【Construction drawings of the Happiness Ferris Wheel: Special props for the Lord of Chaos, which can be used to build the Happiness Ferris Wheel, a large-scale entertainment building. The Happiness Ferris wheel expounds the true meaning of life. After it is established, it can improve the comfort, work efficiency and loyalty of the people. 】

"Pure entertainment building?" Li Hanqiang thought this drawing was strange. "Pure entertainment building is better than pure decoration building, and this Ferris wheel itself should be considered a good decoration building, so just build it. Well at Bibo Lake!"

Li Hanqiang went to Bibo Lake on Qinglian. He chose a site by the lake and soon established the [Happiness Ferris Wheel].

Unexpectedly, this [Ferris Wheel of Happiness] is very huge and full of technological sense. It is decorated with colorful lights, like a huge colorful plate, fully loaded for three thousand people to play at the same time, and it has a reflection in the lake. It's also quite ornamental.

"It looks good, let's have time to experience it."

Li Hanqiang is not interested in playing the Ferris wheel right now. He felt that it might not be the excitement of driving a tractor and drag racing. When he returned to Lingxiao City Square, the trophies had been counted.

Not to mention equipment, materials and other ordinary trophies, this 48th wave of siege monsters actually dropped a lot of space gems, chaos gems, and two skill mutation gems and two skill enhancement gems!

It's a pity that Li Hanqiang can no longer use skill enhancement gems. The three-corpse clone is fine, but the good corpse is very modest, leaving the skill enhancement gems to the evil corpse.

"The Evil Corpse and Dragon Slayer really have high hopes. So before opening the gate of reincarnation again next month, should I make this identity more plump? Dragon Slayer, Dragon Slayer, I must do something The emperor should do something!" Li Hanqiang smashed his fist, UU read "I have decided to start with marriage! The emperor, when the harem is open, there is no harem, what a great emperor!"

So far, Li Hanqiang started the 49th wave of siege, and gave full authority to the corpse and Badas to defend the city, but he himself took out the teleportation compass and sent it to the city of glory.

He decided to take Guo Yang down today.

He has only one goal!

However, when I came to Lost Dragon Island and saw Guo Yang, Li Hanqiang was stunned. He couldn't take it out with the slightest dominance. He had to show a scornful appearance, and said in a joke and nonsense tone: "Cousin Guo Yang, look at Ling Xiao Heaven and Earth Hall opened in the city. As Dragon Slayer, the master of Lingxiao City, I can’t get married without taking the lead. I can’t help others. I can only ask you for help. You can get married with me. What do you want? Although mentioning, gold and silver treasures are enough! Let me tell you that there are many benefits of courtship and marriage, such as team experience bonus, binding item sharing, etc."

Guo Yang looked up and down at Li Hanqiang and said, "Sorry cousin, I'm not interested!"

Li Hanqiang felt hurt, and said, "Don't be uninterested, you should help me with a task, anyway, you won't suffer, there are so many benefits!"

Guo Yangxing opened his eyes, hands on hips, showing a hint of arrogant temperament, and said, "No!"

"you sure?"


"Are you sure you want to marry me?"

"Do not!"

"Are you not sure?"


"Okay, then we will go to church and get married when we return to the city!"

"Huh?" Before Guo Yang could react, Li Hanqiang said again: "You don't need to prepare anything, just wait for the system to prompt, and Lingxiao City City God will arrange everything."

After saying this, Li Hanqiang quickly walked away, leaving Guo Yang to stand blankly, frowning gradually.

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