My Chaos City

Chapter 871: Silver Knight Level 9

All attack effects of [Silver Knight] are calculated separately. The siege monsters summoned by Geng Aniu are ordinary mobs of level 22. They are small units and are very dense. [Silver Knight] When the sword is cut down, it can cut out a full range of damage, and the number of kills increases.

Some small wild monsters are more unlucky, [Fatal Attack], [Repulsion Attack], [Stun Attack], etc. are all hit, the flying corpse retreats!

It's a pity that the attack speed of [Silver Knight] is a bit slow. It takes only three seconds to cut a sword. Even with the skill of [Swift Attack], it is only equivalent to launching 10 attacks in 15 seconds.

"As long as the siege monsters are small units that can't fly, high-level silver knights can definitely play a role in the battle. Its growth is too strong."

Li Hanqiang saw the scene of [Silver Knight] killing monsters and couldn't help sighing.

Geng Aniu couldn't help but nodded beside him. He finally couldn't help but asked Li Hanqiang: "Brother Qiang, can you support my two Silver Knights, this defensive tower is too strong, can you keep reaching level 9? "

Li Hanqiang said: "Silver Knight is not easy to come by. I can't use it myself, but if you make good things, such as construction drawings of rare buildings, I can consider swapping them through marriage."

"Then it's settled!"

Geng Aniu’s heart is full of hope. [Silver Knight] can be turned into a nine-level defensive tower, and it’s easier than unblocking [Flame Sword] and [Flame Sword]. It’s definitely a sacred tower. If Regret City can be matched with a batch, won't it go to heaven?

Except for the Lingxiao City of Dragon Slayer Li Hanqiang, which Chaos City has a nine-level defensive tower?

Geng Aniu had never seen a ninth-level defensive tower.

What Li Hanqiang didn't think about was the ninth-level [Silver Knight], but a more advanced one!

[Silver Knight] By killing the enemy, you can upgrade to a nine-level defensive tower, just like [Dark Tentacle], and Li Hanqiang can [combine the tower], as long as [Silver Knight] is enough, he can even synthesize a twelfth-level [Silver Knight] 】!

Li Hanqiang can come up with [Silver Knights] to engage in marriage, but only for those at level 9 or below. [Silver Knights] above level 9 can only be the exclusive defense tower of his own High Peak City.

Not long after, the [Silver Knight] was upgraded again, the basic attack power was doubled to 640 points, and various skills were improved again, and the new [Magic Attack] skill was added. The skill effect is that after attacking the target, there is a 70% probability of making the target. Attack speed and movement speed are reduced by 35%!

In this way, the level 22 siege monsters can’t help but slash them. [Silver Knight] As long as you crit and slash one piece with one sword, its kill count will be faster. If there is no flying unit, [Silver Knight] 】One tower is enough to defend all the siege monsters.

Li Hanqiang came and went without incident, and then went to and fro in Lingxiao City and Buhui City, living very leisurely.

There are benevolent corpses sitting in the city of Lingxiao, civilization points continue to increase, the enlightening energy of the gem king is also accumulating, and the reputation of the dragon palace in the crystal dragon palace is gradually approaching 3000 points...

By the end of the next day, Li Hanqiang came back to Bugui City. [Silver Knight] had already reached level nine. The siege monster was like a bubble under its sword, and died when touched, and it was still in pieces. The death of the film.


Silver Knight: Special defense tower can grow

Level: Level 9 (the long cap has been reached)

Durability: 1024 million

Attack power: 2560+220+1220 (base attack power + enhanced attack power)

City A: 90

Attack range: melee

Attack speed: once every three seconds

Skills: [Critical Strike], 90% chance to attack 9 times.

Skill: [Swift Attack], launch 9 consecutive attacks within 3 seconds, with a cooling time of 12 seconds!

Skills: [Split Attack], 90% damage split, split radius 256 meters!

Skill: [Real Attack], all damage is real damage.

Skills: [Stun Attack], 90% chance to stun small targets for nine seconds.

Skills: [Knockback Attack], 90% chance to repel small targets by 9 meters.

Skill: [Disabled Attack], 90% chance to reduce the movement speed and attack speed of small targets by 45%.

Skills: [Strengthen Attack], the attack power is increased by 220 points.

Skills: [Strengthen Attack], additional attack power increases by 1220 points.

Explanation: The various attack special effects of the Silver Knight can be applied to the ground targets within the split range of [Split Attack].


The ninth level [Silver Knight]’s attack power has reached 4000 points. If it is placed in its own High Peak City and affected by the [City Defender] talent of the first-tier town leader, it will be 4800 attack power!

A crit is 43200!

It's still a range crit, a range crippled, a range stun, and a range knockback!

Unfortunately, it can't be against the air, this is the biggest shortcoming.

In addition, the three attack special effects of stun, knockback, and disability are only used for small targets, and they will not work when encountering large targets.

Li Hanqiang was already very satisfied with the ninth level [Silver Knight], and soon organized a marriage. He asked the ninth level [Silver Knight] to get back, and sent another [Silver Knight Statue] to Geng Aniu. Continue to brush.

Of course, Li Hanqiang is not stingy. As a reward, he put together a set of [Stardust Tower] for Geng Aniu. UU Reading has seven, and the number of kills can be opened. 】.

Geng Aniu is a god-level brush. He has a magical skill. It won't work if he is not allowed to brush. He is 24 hours a day and night. Even if he sleeps at night, he must set the alarm clock. When the time comes, he will go online to see if he can continue to call. Creeps.

Li Hanqiang allowed him to play, and was not in a hurry to retrieve the defensive tower. After placing the ninth level [Silver Knight] on the edge of his war corridor, he took out a [Gold Plated Scroll] and replaced the original silver statue with [Silver]. Knight] The golden light was plated, and he became the "Golden Knight".

"It's a pity that the defensive tower cannot be taken out of the city."

Li Hanqiang sighed, then boarded the gold and silver platform, and with the help of the lunar star teleportation array, he went to the moon.

Now Xianyun Daxian, Yehe Daxian, Mazda and Chief Minister Angelina are all in the Moon Palace.

Daxian Xianyun and Daxian Yehe no longer refine the Promise Elixir, because they don't have any refining materials.

Li Hanqiang now has three Immortal Pills in his hands. He has tried Yunluoshan Swordsman. Although the swordsman can be promoted to the Sword Immortal, he cannot take the Immortal Pills.

And Chi Yun Xiao Xian Tian and Dao Sect Eight Qi could not take Promise Elixir, and they were unwilling to become immortals.

As for whether Xiao Anonymous and Zhang Zhenren can take the Promise Pill, it is still unknown. Li Hanqiang did not take the Promise Pill to the Eternal Island.

It is worth mentioning that the Dao Sect Eight Qi has now joined the Tai Hui Sect, becoming a Yunzhou boat passenger, and at the same time the Dao Sect’s world walk, directly promoted to the middle BOSS, and mastered the sword of the universe.

This Taoist Baqi originally had an extraordinary temperament, and was very particular in dressing and decent. After becoming a Taoist and walking around the world, he opened his personality setting, and it became even more extraordinary.

Moreover, they all have Dao names now, and they are considered to be figures with faces in Lingxiao City.

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