My Children Are Fierce and Adorable!

Chapter 288: Brother Ba Occupies the Booth

They are domineering, and they often charge some stall fees at the pier market... They say it's a stall fee, but they actually insist that they maintain order here, drive away troublemakers, and prevent people from other places from stealing things. So the vendors have to give them money.

It's not on a regular basis either, they will come whenever they are in a good mood.

Many vendors do not give money. If you are lucky, the other party has money for a while, and it will pass away. If you are unlucky, they will be disguised as "bad guys from other places". It is said that it is a foreigner who has just disembarked, and the street vendors can't find a place to cry, and they report to the government, and they have their forces to protect them.

There is simply no way.

Over time, this group of people has become a tyrant in the pier market.

But fortunately, because there are people behind them in the government, they are more sensitive. They have other ways to get money, and they don't come here often, but they come here rarely.

The vendors at the pier market didn't suffer too much.

The leading man is called Brother Ba.

Brother Ba brought a large group of brothers here today, with a clear goal, Ye Lulu's stall, and there was a reason behind it, Ye Lulu's stall suddenly appeared, and the business was too good.

There is a vendor who has been setting up a stall on the pier for a long time. He is inherently domineering, but he feels that he is an old man, and he is the overlord on the pier.

The stall owner was jealous and couldn't get used to the fact that newcomers made money, so he secretly invited a group of good friends Ba Ge and his party, and secretly discussed that he was going to take over the newcomer's stall.

First of all, it is said that this stall is occupied by someone, and this new stall is not allowed to set up a stall here again, so as to show off. And after Ye Lulu sold Mala Tang here, the stall owner also took a fancy to the place where she set up a stall, thinking that it was a good place to do business.

Why didn't I find that seat good before?

He just wanted to drive Ye Lulu away and took this seat.

In addition, the stall owner discussed with Ba Ge and his group, either let Ye Luluo make a monthly contribution and give them more than half of the money earned, and then let her go, or if possible, directly occupy the place. New food... What kind of spicy soup recipe.

Then send it!

Then they can set up a stall to sell this kind of Malatang, occupy this woman's stall, and get her recipe, instead of her selling the hottest Malatang at this pier, haha! This is really hair.

The old stall owner had a private discussion with Brother Ba and his group, so he asked Brother Ba and his group to find Ye Luluo. But he set up a stall in the same place, mixed in with the crowd, and watched the incident on Ye Luluo's side.

Brother Ba stopped for a while according to the pre-calculated plan to make Ye Lulu flustered, and then he opened his mouth and said threateningly: "Little lady, do you understand? Everything should come first, first come first, not to mention that our brothers have already let you I’ve earned a few more days, and that’s enough, you know what you’re going to do now?”

It meant that Ye Luluo was not allowed to continue to set up a stall here, and this stall was to be occupied.

This kind of thing, in the modern era of information explosion, Ye Lulu has never experienced it before.

Nothing more than bullying.

Everyone looked at Ye Luluo to see how the little lady would react, so Ye Luluo stopped blanching the vegetables, glanced at Brother Ba slowly, and said:

"There was someone before this seat? Before I came to set up a stall, this place was next to the crowd. There was nothing but the cold wind blowing from the river. This brother, your eyesight is not good, right?"

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