"Show us? Are all Hogwarts students this interesting?"

Durmstrang's crew cut showed a warm smile, and he looked like a boy with a smirk. He twisted his neck, and seemed very interested in the "proofing" of Nelson and Tom. He even took a step back and made a "Please" gestures.

"I just don't know if Hogwarts tricks are as good-looking as the Muggle magicians you saw in London?"

"Hogwarts doesn't teach Muggle tricks." Tom shook his finger at Xiaoping's head and chuckled, "Hogwarts only teaches useful magic."

The expressions of the students behind Xiaopingtou changed, which was equivalent to pointing at their noses and saying that what Durmstrang taught was Muggle tricks. For any student of magic school, this is intolerable. Some people even took a step forward filled with righteous indignation, as if they wanted to argue with Tom, or make gestures.

But Xiaopingtou stopped the students who were about to move, and looked at Tom at the registration desk, his eyes swept back and forth between Nelson and Tom. His browbones and cheekbones were extremely high, making his already deep eye sockets deep Going down, like a hungry vulture scanning its prey over the Gobi.

"Useful magic? It's really interesting." Xiaoping raised his arms, applauded lightly, and said, "Let me introduce myself, I'm from Durmstrang—"

"You needn't tell me who you are," said Tom, interrupting him curtly. "If you end up being a champion of Durmstrang, I shall know your name."

"Huh?" Xiaoping was stunned for a while, and laughed out loud after a while, "Interesting, really interesting, I thought there was only one person in Hogwarts, but I didn't expect... Very good, I am looking forward to being in the Triwizard Tournament. Meet you on the field."

"Before the game, I started doing all this stuff," Tom shrugged, dismissively, "but I'll take your word for it."

After that, he turned to look at Nelson: "Are you coming first?"

"Let's go together." Nelson picked up the card in his hand with two fingers and showed it to Tom, "I've already written it, hurry up."

"Okay Gnar."

Tom nodded, put his hand on the card in front of him, and with a light swipe, a string of sharp letters appeared on the card.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle?" Xiaoping head narrowed his eyes, staring at the card in Tom's hand and said, "I remember you."

"Gal, I'm ready." Tom ignored the noisy crew cut, but made eye contact with Nelson, seeing Nelson nodding, he raised the card in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Nelson grinned. This guy and the Beauxbaton girl just got together is really interesting. One can't tell the difference between humans and animals three steps away, and the other has ridiculously good eyesight.

Witnessed by these two guys, Nelson and Tom raised the cards with their names in their hands in a gesture that could be considered extremely shameful in a card game.

"So, you are Nelson Wertling?" Xiaopingtou interjected again.

Hearing this name, the expression of the girl in a white dress not far away froze for a moment, then took out a pair of strangely shaped round brown glasses from the pocket of the little boy beside him, put them on the bridge of his nose, and carefully looked at Nelson's face .

However, both Nelson and Tom ignored Xiaopingtou's words, and they passed the cards in their hands into the air. All of this seemed very ordinary, and it was the simplest floating spell.

The surrounding Hogwarts students were puzzled at first, then disappointed. Some even yawned because they were sleepy. Everyone waited in front of the auditorium without breakfast, listening to these people talking for a long time. Boring scene.

After all, Xiaopingtou did not disappoint the audience around him. Just when the registration cards of the two flew close to the mouth of the Goblet of Fire, the ring finger of his right hand, which was hugging his chest, tapped lightly on the forearm of his left hand, holding The left hand of the wand also turned the wrist slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a black beam of light rushed out from the ceiling and shot straight at the two cards that were pasted together.

Nelson raised his eyebrows, and a slender paper bird flew out of the card and hit the beam of light above his head straight, but it only blocked the beam of black light for a moment, and it was like being immersed in strong acid, bubbling black foam Broken.

Crew smiled contentedly as he stared at the black beam that pierced through the paper bird, which would then pierce through those two annoying cards, making Durmstrang the true winner of this boring contest.

But his smile froze for only a second, and the crumbling paper bird turned into crystal fragments of mirrors that filled the sky, like a cloud formed by the gathering of mirrors, as if it was originally made of glass. The black light was repeatedly refracted in the mirror cloud, its power was continuously weakened, and it was even gradually split into countless small beams. Before he could even react, a cluster of black mist generated in the refraction overwhelmingly directed towards Durmster headed by Xiaopingtou. Student Lang rushed forward, enveloping them firmly.

The whole process took less than a second, but the situation was greatly reversed.

The small crew only had time to tighten the muscles of his face. He quickly grasped the inner lining of the wizard's robe with his left hand, turned around and raised the hem of the black robe, and used his back to meet the spell he summoned. However, he was able to let the black robe cover the surrounding students. The black mist fell on the black robe in the next second, like raindrops falling into the lake, causing thousands of ripples before disappearing. He staggered and took a step forward. , let go of his hand with a livid face, the black robe fell down, he turned around, put on the warm smile at the beginning, and looked at the Goblet of Fire in front of him.

The green flames of the Goblet of Fire became more and more vigorous, and the registration cards of Nelson and Tom had been thrown into the cup.

"This trick is much better than the one just now." Nelson, who hadn't said much, showed a friendly smile, spread his hands, and asked Xiaopingtou, "Can you do that again? It's really beautiful."

In Durmstrang's team, there were many hot-blooded brats, and an unrecognizable guy jumped out and shouted: "Don't push your nose——"

"Okay, little card," Xiaoping straightened his collar, stopped the guy who jumped out, and said enthusiastically to Nelson, "Hogwarts is indeed very powerful. If you want to experience some of Durmstrang's Magic, I think we can make another appointment, I have admired your name for a long time... Of course, we may not have this opportunity today, my classmates are very hungry."

"Okay," Nelson nodded without hitting the smiling face, and said, "I hope you enjoy today's breakfast."

"Thank you, we'll go to the restaurant after signing up."

Xiao Pingtou turned sideways, pulled the little devil who had jumped out and took two steps back, giving way to the auditorium behind them.

Nelson nodded, and Tom walked through the crowd to the auditorium under the complicated eyes of the Durmstrang students.

"By the way," just as he was about to leave the crowd, Tom suddenly stopped, turned his head and asked, "What's your name?"

"Huh?" Xiaoping was stunned for a while, showing a happy expression, "My name is Ludwig, Mr. Riddle."

"I remember, Ludwig... sir."

Tom turned and caught up with Nelson.

"This is the first name, not the last name..." Ludwig added, but Tom didn't seem to hear this sentence.

The auditorium this morning was extremely deserted, almost everyone surrounded the outside, and only a few students who needed to attend morning classes and some professors who didn't care about the matter sat inside.

Nelson glanced back across the gate of the auditorium. The people around the Goblet of Fire had already started to line up to receive cards in an orderly manner, and the students from the other two schools were also obediently lined up at the card prevention table, especially Dem Strong's students, under Ludwig's command, lined up in a straight line, like an army.

"This guy is not bad," Tom commented after sitting at the long Slytherin table. "That magic is a bit powerful. If it weren't for the special material of his robe, the students behind him might have to suffer."

"True," agreed Nelson, "that bird looks like paper, but the material isn't bad at all."

"But that's black magic." Tom frowned, took two empty dinner plates and placed them in front of the two, and began to order at the long table, "Although the influence of black magic can be controlled, it's not like when You can use them casually, and it seems that Durmstrang's style of study is indeed very different from ours."

"That's for sure," Nelson nodded, and said, "Durmstrang's great reputation is to encourage students to study black magic, which makes those who can't openly use black magic in other countries go there. This trend is only going to get stronger.”

"If it was me in the past, maybe I would still be interested in this school," Tom said, curling his lips, "but handing over the keys to black magic to a group of idiots who don't have self-control and discernment ability is simply a game Disaster, the boys behind that guy are almost all dark wizards."

"how do you know?"

"I know so much about black magic that I can smell their stench from a few meters away."

"It's really scary," Nelson smiled and teased, "It seems that you have been influenced by Chris."

"What does it matter to her?" Tom buried his head in his meal and said, "Great wizards are all able to control black magic, and those controlled by tools are not far from death, so of course they will emit a corpse smell. "

"But speaking of it, dark wizards will indeed be more belligerent. According to Durmstrang's tradition, before the name of the warrior is announced, you should be invited to a duel..."

"I can see that the people behind that guy are all very excited." Tom said disdainfully, "If you don't know how to judge the situation, only Ludwig can have a little brain."

Thinking about it carefully, Ludwig was just trying to help his classmates get back in the game, but unfortunately he didn't move. He was obviously angry but could only smile. Thinking of his aggrieved appearance, Nelson shook his head with a smile.

"What are you laughing at? So happy." An energetic male voice came from behind, and Nelson felt a generous hand on his shoulder.

Nelson turned his head and saw Professor Slughorn's rosy, growing rich face, standing between the two of them, with his hands on their shoulders, looking at them with a smile on his face.


When Nelson and Tom saw Professor Slughorn, they were about to get up, but he immediately pushed them down.

"Professor, is there anything good today?" Seeing Slughorn's proud look, Nelson asked curiously.

"Yes, because of the impact of the Triwizard Tournament, the minister arranged for us a few places to sponsor students and internships, but this has nothing to do with you," Professor Slughorn raised his eyebrows, " After all, with your abilities, you don’t need this kind of opportunity.”

"Being able to accept your teaching is our best chance." Nelson licked the honey on his lips and complimented him.

"Don't say such things with your understanding of Potions, Nelson." Professor Slughorn clearly said "I'm very useful" on his face, but he still said reservedly, "What you just did very nice!"

"You know..." Nelson shrank his neck. Could it be that he was going to be confined at the beginning?

"It's really good, it's really becoming more and more warriors," Professor Slughorn said cheerfully, puffing out his plump belly, "It's almost catching up with when I was young, well done, boys !"

"Sorry, Professor, I have caused you trouble." Tom apologized with a straight face.

"Hahaha!" Walrus-like laughter echoed in the auditorium. Professor Slughorn bent down, lowered his voice, and teased, "Tom, you don't seem like the kind of person who knows that you shouldn't cause trouble for me."


"Okay, Tom," Professor Slughorn raised his hand, rubbed the tops of their heads vigorously, and said with satisfaction, "This is not a trouble, in fact, the more 'trouble' of this kind, the better , This is the tradition of the Triwizard Tournament, and the competition has started from the very beginning."

"Really? Professor."

"At least for now, that's the case," Professor Slughorn nodded, and said, "You may not know that Durmstrang has always been against us. I can tell you secretly that the last demon in our school The professor of conjuration was dismissed by Hogwarts because of his obsession with black magic, and finally went to teach in Durmstrang, of course, this is a matter of the previous generation."

"Could it be..."

"That's right, it's exactly what you think," Professor Slughorn lowered his voice, "I think warriors were created between the two of you, and whoever meets them afterward will give me a hard time." hit."

"Not necessarily, Professor," Tom shook his head, "There are a few classmates, and they are also very good."

"Believe in yourself... By the way, don't tell others." Professor Slughorn seemed to realize that he had slipped his words, and then hummed and left.

"Will a warrior be born between us?" Tom repeated this sentence playfully, then suddenly turned his head and looked at Nelson with wide eyes, "Nal, let me prophesy, will the warrior be you or me?"

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