My Clone is Really Strong Enough To Explode

Chapter 117: The first 8000 stream!

Budo Tower.

"Taling! Check the current martial arts that can be exchanged!"

The list expands, and three options of fist, weapon, and body style appear.

"What I lack most now is the martial arts of martial arts." Zhao Huazhi directly clicked on the martial arts.

Long-distance sprints, mid-to-close sprints, and close dodges are three more options listed.

"By the way, Taring, how much redemption limit do I have?"

"Ninth floor of the Martial Arts Tower: Body Tempering Realm One, Three Martial Skills; Sequence of Battle Clearance: Two Dantian Realm Techniques, 5 Martial Skills; Skill Sequence Clearance: Dantian Realm Three Techniques, Six Martial Skills; Enter The genius sequence rewards one Dantian martial arts technique; in addition, Dingxin City rewards three Dantian martial arts, and the Shiduo Prefecture rewards one martial arts technique in the Naqi state!"

"It is detected that your realm is higher than the Dantian realm, do you combine the rewards in exchange for the martial arts quota for the qi realm?"


"Dip! The current exchangeable quotas are three of the Naqi realm exercises and eight martial arts! The remaining one of the body tempering realm exercises and one dantian realm martial arts have not been merged. Would you like to start the exchange?"

"Let's do it in one step, I will continue to climb the tower from the tenth floor!"

"Start teleporting!"


ten minutes later.

Zhao Huazhi was calm and relaxed, and fell down a piece of the perfect opponent in the 9th floor of the dantian in front of him!

"Pass through the nineteenth floor! Do you go to the next floor?"



The twenty-eighth floor.

"Peng! Pop!"

Huge waves crashed on the rocks.

"Target: Cross the sea!" Taring's voice appeared in his ears.

The sun entered the eyes, and there was a vast ocean in front of him, and beneath his feet was a dark gray sea-eroded cliff composed of rugged rocks, giving off a carpet of spirit.

The boldness reached the limit distance and did not see the end of the front, and only a few tens of meters behind him was blocked by space barriers.

Take a step and fall from the edge of the cliff.


Lightly falling on the sea eclipse platform, the wind blowing with the smell of the sea.

"Unexpectedly, the first time I saw the sea was here..."

"Ka Ka!" A large crab climbed ashore from the water with a tongs.

"There is nothing here, what are you doing here?" Zhao Huazhi flew up.

"Pumping" water splashed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Huazhi also walked towards the sea.

"Tap!" Treading water crisply twice.

The muscles of the calf trembled and stood firmly on the surface of the sea!

Under the feet, the high-frequency shaking made the water surface blurred and attracted many small fishes to approach.

In this way, Zhao Huazhi walked towards the sea with ripples.


"call out!"

It wasn't until Zhao Huazhi cut the swordfish in half that the sound of breaking through the air was long overdue. The deeper the ocean, various attacks began to emerge in an endless stream.

The shark's feet flying, the raid of a school of swordfish, and even an inadvertent tail swing of a whale, will accurately fall on his head!

For the first two, Zhao Huazhi, whose physical power is stronger than the physical power clone, can easily defeat the latter, while the latter, the strength of the race, the huge size, and the strength equivalent to the eighth level of the qi, is not solely based on physical power. Can block it.

After being photographed into the bottom of the sea once, Zhao Huazhi learned to behave and chose to dodge in advance.


"Why is it so quiet?"

Ten minutes later, Zhao Huazhi discovered that all the marine creatures that gave him a little surprise from time to time were all gone, and even the waves were much less.

Suddenly the sky darkened, dark clouds were covered, dense thunder shuttled between the clouds.

"I knew it!"

"Boom!" Thunder exploded.

Under the dark sky, the rain is pouring!

The arrow-like dense rain smashed a puddle with a big mouth on the sea!

Water vapor is permeated on the sea. Even with Zhenwu's eyes open, Zhao Huazhi can only distinguish things within two hundred meters, and it will be blurred no matter how far away!

The courage is even more suppressed, the detection range has shrunk by nearly ten times, and it can only linger within a hundred meters!

"King Lala!"



All kinds of terrifying and horrifying sounds that even the torrential rain could not cover up came from all directions, getting louder and getting closer!

Soon all sorts of hideous and strange phantoms appeared behind the water curtain.

When they came within two hundred meters, Zhao Huazhi finally saw their appearance!

The one on the east side looks like a Godzilla as a whole, with barbed backs and upright legs, nearly four meters high!

The one on the west side is like a variant of the great white shark. Its mouth is full of sharp teeth, and you can even see the blood hanging on it!

In the mid-air of the north, a huge pterosaur-like creature hovered, and its wide bat wings could stretch out for nearly ten meters! And behind Zhao Huazhi, a huge white bear hugged him!


The tyrannical roar is deafening!

With his left foot as the center of the circle, Zhao Huazhi rotated 180 degrees counterclockwise.

"Eight! Thousand! Flow!"

"She She!"

Thousands of small knives made up of knives swarmed toward the giant bear!

In an instant, the tough fur shattered and the flesh and blood fell apart!

In the next second, there are only small pieces of meat floating on the sea where the giant bear once stood!

"Hoo~" All kinds of voices stagnated, only the sound of howling wind and rustling rain.

Zhao Huazhi slowly turned around to look at the other three fierce beasts for a while.

The pterosaur shrank his neck, pretending that he didn't know anything, and slowly flew high. When he could no longer see the situation below, he left with a long whistle!

Looking at the giant shark again, the head exposed to the surface of the sea sank to the bottom without making a sound, the wide open mouth was closed tightly, the tail swung, and the panic moved away.

In the end, only the beast, much smaller than Godzilla, stood there with its front paws hanging down.

"Tata!" Zhao Huazhi approached step by step.

"Sorrow!" As if to warn, the dog Gila opened her mouth, her fangs appeared and disappeared, and the barbs on her back were drooping and erected.

"Cang Cang!" The retracted long knife came out of its sheath again.

"Puff puff!"

A lot of bubbles appeared on the surface of Dog Gila's lower body.

The knife was gradually raised above his head.


Dog Gila lay on the ground on his forelegs, lying prone on the surface of the sea, half of his body sank into the water, his waist slightly twisted.


The storm of knives swept once again!


In an instant, the dog Gila dived into the bottom of the water, dodge most of the attacks dangerously and dangerously, but even then, the flesh and blood of half of the body were blurred, and the barbs on the back were also broken!


The deep roar came into Zhao Huazhi's ears from underwater.

Dog Gila turned around underwater, and the giant tail like a stone pillar, which was still intact, drew towards Zhao Huazhi very quickly!

"The end of the crossbow!"

Without even using a knife, Zhao Hua took a step back the lumbar spine rotated, whip the leg!

"Boom! Click!"

The sour bone cracking sound was masked by loud noises, and the broken tail floated up and down with the waves.


The intense pain caused Gila the dog to restore the original sound of lizard creatures!


The giant shark that should have left long ago suddenly rushed out of the water!

"King Lala!"

Even the pterosaur killed a back carbine and pounced straight down!

"Heh!" As expected, Zhao Huazhi's expression remained unchanged, and he leaped up diagonally to avoid the bite of the pterodactyl and the big mouth of the giant shark.


The knife technique of pouring the knife element is performed again.

Unlike last time, the knife technique mixed with heavy rain is even more elusive!

At this time, the giant shark followed Zhao Huazhi and just hit it head-on!


The sword shines unabated, continue to kill the pterodactyl!

"Huh!" The bat wings stretched out, and the strong air current lifted the pterosaur and flashed to the right.

At the same time, its mouth opened, and a ball of lightning burst!

Zhao Huazhi narrowed his eyes, it turns out that you are the strongest!

Surprised to surprise, but did not evade.

"Qiang!" The knife returned to its sheath.

Zhao Huazhi's hands drooped naturally.

Humanized doubts flashed through the two big eyes of the pterodactyl.


The eight thousand flow blade elements that were originally scattered merged into one in an instant, and hit the thunder light!


The electric shower fell, lighting up the sea.

Dao Yuan turned an angle and caught up with the pterodactyl!

In its unbelievable gaze, it was scattered into a ball and wrapped it in blood and blood!



Accompanied by marine creatures who like to "trick", Zhao Huazhi crossed the sea to a continent.

"Pass the 28th floor! Do you go to the next floor?"

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