My Clone is Really Strong Enough To Explode

Chapter 133: Big moon night explosion!


Du Sheng came in.


"Ms. Du!"

The two got up to greet.

"You were also blown out?" Du Sheng smiled and sat on the chair.

"Yes." Zhao Huazhi was a little embarrassed.

"It's normal, do you know who Sabata is?"

"I don't know."

"Isn't it the fictional character of the Budo Tower?"

The two shook their heads at the same time.

"Of course not!" Du Sheng wrote a left character in the air, "Does Zuo Jia know?"

"No!" Zhao Huazhi still shook his head.

"The lowest-key Zuo family in the spiritual family in Xicheng District?"


Zhao Huazhi silently opened the tattoo and searched for the Zuo family in Xicheng.

At the next moment of confirmation, a series of news, briefings, and discussions appeared.

Find a top encyclopedia and enter.

Zuojia, one of the top 100 spiritual families in Xicheng District. Weiyang calendar ■■■■■ already exists and is a life-long member of the Standing Council of my country's Spiritual Rehabilitation Association. Many members of the clan hold important positions in important departments of the country. The most famous people are as follows...

[Please continue reading after elevating permissions]

A red prompt appears.

Zhao Huazhi had no choice but to close the search box.

"Can't find it?" Xu Kun also ended the search.


"Your authority is too low. The relevant information of the spiritual family is all high-level secrets, and you need a minimum of six-star authority to get a glimpse."

Du Sheng had anticipated this.

"Although there are some things that cannot be said under the confidentiality agreement, it happens that Sabata is not in it!"

"Then teacher, talk about it!" Xu Kun was anxious.

"What did Zuo Hata you see in the martial arts tower?" Du Sheng didn't say directly, but asked a strange question.

"Probably in his twenties, very young!" Zhao Huazhi briefly described.

"Then guess how old he is now?"

"At least one hundred years old!" Xu Kun pointed out the window and explained, "Senior Brother Liu Hun told me that the characters in the sequence of the martial arts tower Ning Yuan Jing warfare are changed every 20 years, and only this Zuo Hata stayed for four or five years. Round, Zuo Hata must be at least over a hundred years old in this way!"

"Liu Hun, come in!" Suddenly Du Sheng called out the door.

"Teacher!" Liu Hun, who had already been standing outside the door, trot in with a smile on his face.

"Come on! Tell me what level you are now, and which level is the sequence?"

"Faxiang! The second level of the battle sequence..." Liu Hunqing couldn't help but straighten up when speaking of the word "Faxiang", but when it came to the second level, he buckled up again.

"How many levels is the law? How many times is the law body?"

"Three floors, once..." The more he answered, the less emboldened Liu Hun was.

"Huh!" Du Sheng slapped him on the head.

"If you use your flying skills in cultivation, why would you only have a Dharma body! Even the gatekeeper of the third pass hasn't seen it!"

Liu Hun was photographed staggered, and scratched his head after standing steady, pretending to be well-behaved.

"Go go! Practice hard! Don't let me out if the law body is less than the third degree!"

"Okay! Goodbye, teacher!" Liu Hun breathed a sigh of relief when he was released, winked at the two Zhao Huazhi, left the room, and closed the door.

"Teacher, listening to what you said just now, is there something special about the third level of Faxiangjing?" Xu Kun asked thoughtfully when Liu Hun left.

"Could it be that Zuo Hata is still the gatekeeper of the third pass of Fa Xiangjing?!" Zhao Huazhi came to this conclusion after some thinking here.

When he said this, Xu Kun was a little surprised: "It's not possible!"

"What's impossible? Don't say it's Dharma Realm, even the third stage of Fitting and Breaking Void Realm is him!" Du Sheng's words resembled violent waves and thunder, which exploded fiercely in their minds!

"Hiss——so terrible!" Xu Kun, who knew the difficulty of being selected as the gatekeeper of the sequence, was astonished and completely unstoppable.

Although Zhao Huazhi was a little surprised, because he didn't know much about it, he didn't like Xu Kun.

After the two of them slowed down, Du Sheng officially explained.

"Zuo Hata, born more than 120 years ago, was the only male born in the Zuo family that year. Although his energy affinity was quite mediocre, the Zuo clan leader personally accepted him as a disciple and cultivated him carefully. Before the age of eighteen, it can be said to be unremarkable, even with the resources of the Zuo family, it has not been able to excel among others of the same age!"

"Until he..."


Before the words were finished, a violent noise came from outside.

The dark sky suddenly became like day!


"Enemy attack!"

"All combatants, please speed up!"


The shouts and calls came and went one after another.

"You stay here! I'll go out and have a look!" Du Sheng glanced at the broken defense outside the window, and flew out directly from the window with a solemn expression.

"Old Du! Here!"

Under the guidance of a voice in the distance, Du Sheng quickly disappeared into the darkened night sky.


Zhao Huazhi and Xu Kun came to the window and closed the window.

A small defensive formation was operated by Xu Kun to wrap up the entire room.

Looking at the night outside.

Xu Kun was a little worried about Zhongzhong: "Too many things happened in one day today! Now the school's defensive formation has been destroyed, how should we spend the next month!"

"Our strength is still too weak!" Some of Zhao Huazhi's accumulated pride in the past disappeared when he faced his inability at this moment!

"Since we can't help, we can't be dragged down. I turned off the light so that no enemies should come in under the cover of the formation! At this time, we continue to practice and adjust the state!"

Xu Kun gently closed all the bright things and fell into a half-practice mode with Zhao more than an hour later.


The door opened, and Du Sheng strode towards Zhao Huazhi, with some blood stains on the corners of his clothes.

"Wake up!"

Du Sheng's voice reached the bottom of Zhao Huazhi's heart.

"Teacher Du! You are back, what's the situation outside?" Zhao Huazhi returned to normal from his practice.

"Basically, the situation has been brought under control, but there is still some finishing work that still takes time."

"Teacher, the explosion just now was..." Xu Kun also withdrew from the practice.

"It's a teacher from the school next door!" Du Sheng's expression was a bit heavy.

"Unexpectedly, a large number of dark particles appeared in the next school this time, and many students over there were instantly infected!"

"All the teachers are doing their best to solve the students' problems. This teacher accidentally got rid of the students' dark particles, and the dark particles invaded the brain..."

"After the dark particle infection, will the strength increase?" Zhao Huazhi had some doubts.

"This teacher is so strong? Can he break our defense?" Xu Kun was also puzzled.

"In terms of energy level, it will not increase, but his energy contains dark particles, which is a weak part of the formation, so..."

"Teacher, it seems that more than one person has just invaded? Are the others from that school?" Zhao Huazhi asked, thinking of those shouts one after another.

"Those are the same infected people, and dark particles have another characteristic: get together! All the infected people can't help but gather and approach the dark particle enrichment."


"All the students and teachers who practice the electromagnetic series of exercises, please go to the school conference room immediately! Say it again, all..."

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