My Clone is Really Strong Enough To Explode

Chapter 156: Nightmare Invasion! Join the war!


As if the real door opened, a huge sound appeared along with the opening of the door.

"This is the adjustment of the two worlds due to the differences in various environments!" The general proactively explained.

The cold breath spread throughout the city in an instant.





Countless strange and crippling voices came from behind the portal.

"It seems that we are not very lucky this time, the passage is actually opened in the nightmare group!" The Dragon General couldn't help straightening his body, and the halberd in his hand became tighter.

"Could it be that the passage is random?"

Hearing this, Zuo Xiuyun immediately asked.

"Normally, yes! Only the dark demons above the level of Siwei and the string control will know the location of the nightmare army and accurately open the channel. However, at this level, the dark demons will be afraid of death because they are greedy for life. Refuse to use this method of dying."

The worry on Zuo Xiuyun's face faded slightly.

"General! The first troops are coming out!"

Suddenly, a dragon general underneath shouted towards this side.

Zhao Huazhi immediately set his sights on the door.

Skilled and huge hungry ghosts are crowded with humanoid creatures that look like a withered, plow-black face, extremely long arms, but extremely short legs!

"The soldiers listen to the orders! The teams swim in the fish formation and quickly divide!" Kolo Galle immediately waved his halberd, and a huge text appeared in the sky.

"Got Ling!" *N


On the battlefield, these dragon warriors changed from a five-man squad to a ten-man squad. Except for the leading warrior with a halberd facing forward, the other warriors' halberds were placed in front of them from left to right, piercing and killing in the nightmare group!

"欻! 欻! 欻!"

"Duh! Duh! Duh!"

The sharp halberd instantly tears the hungry ghost's skin, muscles, and cuts off the bones!

Only a few seconds after the leading soldier’s halberd was attached, a string of dead or half-dead hungry ghosts were picked up in front of him, without throwing them away. In this way, the hungry ghost was used as a shield to open the way for the comrades in the rear!

In an instant, the entire battlefield was splashed with gray-black blood, and the ground that had been cleaned by the fire was blackened again!

Whenever the hungry ghosts surrounding those black and thin humanoid creatures were slaughtered to death, one person would walk out from each formation and wave a halberd.


On the wall, the general who had issued the military order withdrew the halberd, and said lightly: "This is only the first wave. The invasion of nightmares is very regular. The first wave will send a large amount of cannon fodder, which is the hungry ghosts and black people you see now. Arm roars to consume our vital power. Usually this wave will last for a period of time. Judging from the current size of the portal, this wave may have to fight for nearly a day."

"My soldiers have experienced many battles before they are alive. After death, their physical strength is stronger than before, and they won't get tired. No matter how many hungry ghosts come, they are not afraid of them!" At this point, his face seemed a little proud.

"Uh, why don't you use energy to fight?" The body art clone looked around and found that the bottom was a pure power battle.

"Nightmare is different from the dark demon. The low-level nightmare relies on its own body for both attack and defense. Only the high-level nightmare will use dark energy. Although our fighters will hardly lose their physical strength, they still need energy. Accumulate it yourself, and use a little less, so in order to cope with the subsequent battles, try not to use energy as much as possible if you can use power!"

"Would you like to go down and join the war?" After a pause, the general looked down at the Physical Skill Doppelganger, revealing a sullen smile.

"I..." The physical avatar was a little embarrassed, why suddenly let him participate in the battle.

"With your strength, the hungry ghosts on the battlefield nowadays pose no threat to you. The black-armed roar, you only need to dodge the attack in time. It's okay. Now when the demons come back, this situation will surely reappear on the earth. , It’s good for you to experience it early!"

The general is very sincere, maybe he has a similar bloodline, he has always looked at the physical avatar differently.


The physical avatar jumped directly down!

"The soldiers listen to the order!" The halberd danced.


On the field, the fighting soldiers responded in unison.

"Leave a small team and take him!"

The halberd pointed at the body art clone that had just landed.

"Yes!" shouted a group of fighters who were the closest to the body art clone.

This team made a rush and quickly approached the physical avatar.

"Get the halberd!"

Tijutsu clone raised its head, and a halberd flew from the wall!


Tijutsu avatar grasped with one hand.

"Lady! Come among us!"

At this moment, the team just came to him, and the leader said aloud.

One stepped forward and entered the center of the queue.

"Learn from us, hold the halberd horizontally, and the front of the halberd crosses the previous one!"

Keeping pace, the team guides while running.



The halberd pulled out the sound of breaking through the air and came to the correct direction.

"Captain! This can't work! His height is too big from ours, and he will be uncoordinated in the attack, and his power will be greatly reduced!" The dragon warrior standing behind the body avatar found a problem while running.

"You change your juniors to the team!" The captain immediately made adjustments.

The team's footsteps changed, and the physical avatar just maintained a normal speed and came to the front of the team.

"Aken, you are against me!" Then the team leader spoke again.

The Dragon Warrior who ranked second immediately stepped forward, and the squad leader was on the left and right of the physique avatar, and the rear lineup remained unchanged.

"Epilogue, the tip of the halberd is outward!"

Physical skill clones follow goodness.

"Qiang! Qiang!"

After the two sounds of gold and iron, the physicist clone felt a light in his hand, and the two halberd tips pushed up from below.

The three halberds break the wind forward in the shape of a product!


The team leader yelled! "

All the team members also shouted in unison.


Tiju Clone also couldn't help yelling out!

Soon the first hungry ghost appeared in the field of vision of the physical avatar.

The hungry ghosts from the other world exude a ferocious and tyrannical atmosphere!

"Hands steady!"

The captain and Aken moved forward firmly without shaking their hands.


Dark gray blood rolled down from the chest of the hungry ghost!

With the halberd that penetrates the chest of the hungry ghost, continue forward!

A group of eleven people, like a galloping arrow, pierced one hungry ghost after another!

Blood is sprayed, and the limbs are full!

Gradually, the halberd of the physical avatar became more stable, and when he saw the splashing blood, he no longer dodged, and his breathing was steady, like a killing machine, and the team took the lives of hungry ghosts after another!


The battle continued, and the hungry ghosts flooded in the door endlessly.

On the city wall, several people who were originally worried when they saw that the physical avatar was like a fish in water, they all felt relieved.

The general put down his halberd and sat down against the city wall.

Seeing a few people still looking at the portal nervously, he smiled.

"You don't have to watch it all the time, the battlefield is now stable, and there will be no changes for a long time."

After observing the meeting again, Zuo Xiuyun and the others also sat down one after another.

"Let's talk, what is the world like now?"

General Longren looked up at the upper dome and his eyes were full of curiosity.

"Of course, if you have any questions, you can also ask me, you must know that everything is endless!"

"The world today is the world of mankind, and the strongest country is the Weiyang Saint Dynasty..." Hu Qinya slowly said under Zuo Xiuyun's signal.

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