My Cloud Girlfriend Online

Chapter 52 Misunderstanding

Fat Phoenix said, "That's right. He didn't come this morning."

She paused, then added, "And he left work early last night. I don't know what to do."

Yu Qiaoqiao frowned slightly.

"But... Chen Yan is not the kind of person who doesn't go to work."

"Did something happen to him?"

Fat Phoenix was momentarily at a loss for words.

So, sister, is not going to work more serious than an accident?

Yu Qiaoqiao said, "Sister Fenghuang, if it's convenient for you, can you call him or send him a WeChat message?"

"I can't get in touch with him."

Fat Phoenix said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he might have sensed something, Fat Phoenix asked again, "By the way, Qiaoqiao, do you have something urgent?"

Yu Qiaoqiao said, "Yes, sister. Lu Man will come to our company in the afternoon."

"Lu Man?" Fat Phoenix didn't react for a while, "Which Lu Man?"

Yu Qiaoqiao said, "It's that Lu Man who played Hu Xiaojiu."

"That Lu Man?!" Fat Phoenix was surprised.

"My God. Why did she come to our company?"

Yu Qiaoqiao had no choice but to tell the story of "Chen Yan asked me to find a star, I chose Lu Man, and contacted Lu Man's agent, and Lu Man's agent called today".

After listening to what Yu Qiaoqiao said, Fat Phoenix said in surprise, "It's that simple?"

Yu Qiaoqiao said innocently, "Yes."

Fat Phoenix said, "Qiaoqiao, is there really nothing else going on? With such a small game cooperation like ours, is it worth a visit by a big star in person?"

Yu Qiaoqiao said innocently, "That's all."

Fat Phoenix was silent for a while.

I think maybe this female star is really serious about things, and my company is very lucky.

Otherwise there is no other explanation.

Because Chen Yan is not around now, no one can make up his mind, so Yu Qiaoqiao discussed it with Fat Phoenix. One of the two went to find Chen Yan, and the other made the company prepare first.

After hanging up the phone, Fat Phoenix thought for a while, then coughed, and said, "Everyone, if it's convenient for everyone, please stop what you're doing first. I have something to inform you."

The game bosses were all busy with their own affairs. When Fat Phoenix spoke, they all stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

Fat Phoenix said, "That's right, I just happened to inform me that Lu Man will come later."

After hearing what she said, the big players looked at each other,

"Lu Man? That popular young flower?"

"No way? Is she coming?"

"Our company has such a big face?"

Cheng Tianxiang touched his bald head and asked curiously, "Why did she come to our company?"

Fat Phoenix repeated what Yu Qiaoqiao said.

Originally, they were just a few big bosses who were curious about Lu Man coming to the company. When they heard that Lu Man might join their game, they immediately became enthusiastic.

"My God! Then we have to prepare well."

"That's right. If Lu Man joins, our game might really be a hit!"

Even Tank, who had been silent just now, nodded, "Take it seriously."

At this time, Cheng Tianxiang frowned slightly, and said,

"Lu Man came to visit the company and may participate in our project. We should pay attention to it."

"However, what about Mr. Chen?"

"Without him, no matter how important we are, we can't talk about it."

After he finished speaking, several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a while, Tank said, "President Chen hasn't come to work all morning."

Another camera expert also answered, "He seemed to have left very early last night."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the office fell silent.

The company has just been established, and several big players were "assigned" from various companies, because they still have a game dream, so they gather together.

Over the past two days, everyone has worked with each other and found that they are people who love games, so they cherish this opportunity even more.

As for Chen Yan, in the process of getting along, everyone also felt that he was a steady, assertive, daring young man who was suitable to be a leader, and gradually recognized him.

But this state, Chen Yan only "lasted" for two days.

On the third day, Chen Yan locked himself in the office for more than an hour, and then left work early.

Not even coming to work all morning now.

This inevitably made the few people who had just had a sense of identification with Chen Yan feel a little shaken in their hearts.

Is Chen Yan really a person who likes games?

Why is it only the third day, and the change is so big?

Of course, it's not that they didn't think about Chen Yan's special circumstances.

But rather than thinking about the good side of everything, they who have just met for two days may be more willing to think about the bad side.

After all, without expectations there is no disappointment.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, Fat Phoenix, the only girl in the company, smiled and smoothed things over, "Everyone, don't think too much, our top priority now is to welcome Lu Man."

"Qiaoqiao has already gone to find Mr. Chen, and there will be news soon."

"We also need to prepare and tidy up in advance."

"That way we won't be in a hurry."

Among the few people, Fat Fenghuang was the only one with a lively temperament. So as soon as she spoke, the four otaku obeyed.

Soon, Shenyu Company began to prepare.

On the other side, after talking on the phone with Fat Phoenix, Yu Qiaoqiao didn't have time to eat, so she gave Yang Nuannuan the book in her hand, and ran to find Chen Yan.

Looking at Yu Qiaoqiao's back, Yang Nuannuan shook her head slightly, feeling that Yu Qiaoqiao was a little stuck.

Look at the degree of care, how can it be an employee, it is clearly the boss's wife

And when she sighed, San Xiaozhi popped up from behind her, looked at Yu Qiaoqiao's back, and asked in turn,




Yang Nuannuan tapped their heads lightly, "It's none of your business. Let's go eat."

Chen Yan was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

Getting up from the bed, Chen Yan felt dizzy.

He struggled to get out of the "retention" of the quilt, got out of bed with bare feet, and opened the door sleepily, "Who is it?"

Outside the door was Yu Qiaoqiao with an anxious face.

Seeing Chen Yan, Yu Qiaoqiao had a surprised expression on her face, "Chen Yan! Are you okay?"

Chen Yan may have just woken up, and his brain is still a little confused, "Qiaoqiao? Why are you here?"

Yu Qiaoqiao said, "You didn't go to work this morning, so I thought something happened to you."

Chen Yan yawned, "What can I do. Don't worry."

Yu Qiaoqiao blinked and said, "I can rest assured, but Lu Man will come to the company soon."

"Lu Man?" Chen Yan was startled, and suddenly regained consciousness, "When?"

Yu Qiaoqiao took out her small mobile phone, looked at it, and said, "There should be another hour."

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