If it was just Qin Hao alone, maybe he would have directly killed Ulysses even if he was desperately injured, but he still had Concubine Luo Mi on his back. Injury, but Concubine Luo Mi absolutely can't do it, it will kill people.

In desperation, Qin Hao turned around, and the head of the spear that was about to stab again suddenly turned his head back, turning his head to look at the moon with one move, and swiping away with the momentum of sweeping thousands of troops, forcing all the four paladins attacking from behind to retreat.

But in this way, Roland has already held the giant sword to protect Ulysses and retreated to the safest place. The embarrassing situation where his life was hanging by a thread was resolved in this way, and the chance of finally killing him was so fleeting. up.

"Protect the Bishop!"

Roland raised the holy sword high in his hand, and the power of the holy light filled the sword, and he gave orders loudly, clearly to stop Qin Hao and buy time for Ulysses.

Qin Hao's face was ugly. Looking at this group of paladins and templars who were seriously brainwashed and tried their best to find death, the degree of annoyance in his heart was self-evident. It was like an elephant and a tiger being provoked by ants. It is a contempt for him as a superpower.

Of course, at the same time he also understood that if he didn't get rid of these reckless and obtrusive Templars, he couldn't touch Ulysses at all, let alone stop him from continuing to prepare magic.

Almost all of these so-called Templars were adopted by the Holy See since they were young, and they were poisoned by the Holy See’s thoughts every day, so that they completely lost their ability to think. All their beliefs in life are the illusory Gods they have never seen before.

Therefore, even though these people knew that they were not Qin Hao's opponents, and knew that they would be unilaterally slaughtered by Qin Hao like pigs and dogs, they still held their weapons without fear of death, kept their formation, and rushed towards Qin Hao to encircle and kill them.

For these poor people, Qin Hao didn't feel sorry for them. That's right, it is really sad from a humanitarian point of view to be used as a tool to rush into battle and die by the big figures of the Holy See, who was not born by parents. It's just that Qin Hao has never been a humanitarian, he has always come here as he pleases.

Seeing in the distance that Ulysses had carved a magic circle with both hands in the void, and also accelerated the speed of singing, the magic elements in the sky and the earth gathered more violently, Qin Hao couldn't bear his temper, and had no time to waste it, so he waved the spear in his hand, The Knights Templar rushed towards the guards and shouted angrily: "Whoever blocks me will die!"

The knights of the Knights Templar were unmoved, and the few who rushed over immediately swung their swords and killed them. Qin Hao didn't say much about this hob meat that didn't cry without seeing the coffin. As he moved forward, he shook the long spear in his hand, only heard a few puffs of wind, and several spear flowers appeared in an instant.

Before the few people who rushed over had any reaction, the spear in Qin Hao's hand pierced the armor blessed by the holy light, and blood splashed on their necks.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a series of explosions, the necks of a row of templar knights who had just rushed in front of Qin Hao were blown apart, and their heads were all smashed to pieces. It can be seen how cruel and clean Qin Hao's shots were.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Hao kicked his feet, and the whole person rushed forward to the crowd, and then shot out like a dragon, and the shadow of the gun covered him like a storm, and all the people around him who touched him exploded to death. , forcibly killed a bloody path.

These Templar knights are very weak, they can almost be described as weak and pitiful. They have no resistance at all in front of Qin Hao. The casualties were heavy.

Roland and the five paladins naturally couldn't allow Qin Hao to slaughter at will, otherwise this group of templars would not be enough for the other party to kill.

Seeing that the paladin also drew his sword to face each other, Qin Hao sneered, jumped forward, and swung away the sword and spear from the opponent. Before the man could react, a cold light slanted from bottom to top He stabbed over, but fortunately he turned around in time, so Qin Hao didn't get shot through his body, but he still didn't escape safely, and the spear barely passed through his waist.

Although it was just a scratch, the power of Qin Hao's spear was too terrifying. Even if it was just a scratch, the waist of his armor was still blasted by the gun head, and at the same time, a blood hole was blasted into his body, right? There was blood dripping profusely.


This is the only evaluation of Qin Hao in everyone's mind, and it is more profound than when Qin Hao and Ulysses fought just now.

After all, Ulysses is a master second only to the Pope in the Holy See, and at the same time a king-level powerhouse who has been famous for many years. How can ordinary people understand his realm? In the hearts of the Templars, Ulysses was very powerful, unparalleled, but he didn't have an intuitive feeling about how strong he was and how strong he was.

But the five paladins were different. The Templars were much more aware of the power of the five leaders, and they were all colleagues.

But in their eyes, he was recognized by the holy sword, and the very powerful paladin was almost stabbed to death by Qin Hao. It was just one shot. The difference between the two was like heaven and earth, which made everyone feel unbelievable .

Of course, Qin Hao didn't need them to believe him either.

The spear was flying up and down, and the blossoming cold lights were constantly shrinking in Qin Hao's hands like a ghost, breaking the enemy against the wind, just stepping on the flesh and bones of many templar knights, even Roland and others were also in Qin Hao's hands. He was defeated in less than two moves. Although he saved his life, he was seriously injured. After all, just being wiped by Qin Hao's spear was enough to kill him.

How terrifying is Qin Hao's aura? It is completely impossible to describe it in words. I only know that being unstoppable is not enough. Seeing that the Holy See is losing more and more people, almost half of the square formation is killed. , Ulysses finally completed the super magic he had prepared for a long time.

Ten minutes, a full ten minutes, although hundreds of people's lives were sacrificed, Ulysses finally succeeded. His super magic, which is comparable to the forbidden curse, finally came out.

As Ulysses shot the magician towards the sky, the entire night sky erupted with a burst of dazzling light, and it was as if a sun had risen over the entire Vatican, illuminating the entire Vatican like daytime.

Immediately, the light gradually calmed down and was no longer so dazzling, but the sky above the Vatican Square seemed to have been torn open by bare hands, a huge vortex hovered, and at the other end of the vortex, a huge amount of holy light energy was swaying~ Stupid ~ wanted ~ moving, Qin Hao clearly felt what that energy meant, and he even suspected that even he might be destroyed.

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