My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 993 Guardian


On the battlefield, the holy city of Vatican has been destroyed and dilapidated in the battle among the people. Except for St. Peter's Basilica where the statue is enshrined and the Zongzuo Palace where the Pope lives, other buildings basically cannot withstand the collision of the energy of the two sides. Almost turned into a pile of ruins.

Compared with dark creatures such as Michael and Lilith, as well as Raphael and Concubine Luo Mi, the destructive power caused by the battle between Huo Yuhao and Gabriel was even stronger, and they were even unable to continue in the end. In battle, one must use energy to resist the aftermath of the energy generated by the battle between the two.

There is no way, these two guys who have raised their strength to the level of the gods are really terrifying. Fortunately, Gabriel can't use it with all his strength. Wang Bian can use the sea god's power in a short period of time, and he will never be the opponent of the opponent.


There was another fierce collision, the Seagod's Trident and Gabriel's Holy Light Shield split apart at the touch of a touch, the former flew upside down for nearly a hundred meters, while the latter's figure was only slightly shaken, not moving a single step.

Slowly exhaling a mouthful of mist, Gabriel said calmly: "It's not a problem if you can't fight like this. Judging by your current appearance, I guess it's almost the end of your battle. It's time to end this meaningless battle!"

"God's Domain! Open!" Gabriel yelled violently, the whole body was full of holy light, shining like a round of daylight, and behind him appeared a phantom of an angel with six wings, a total of twelve wings, and a circular light circle above his head .

Immediately afterwards, the power of the white holy light began to spread around him, covering the entire square in an instant. Everyone felt an invisible pressure, oppressing their bodies from the outside to the inside, almost even Breathing is a bit difficult, even if the resistance is exercised, it cannot be relieved.


A series of screams resounded in the square. The strength of the several supernatural beings of the Holy Gate was not strong at all. They couldn't resist for a long time under such super pressure. Including certain dark creatures.

Although the blood race has the ability to grow infinitely, within the range shrouded by the holy light, they found in a panic that their innate abilities had lost their effectiveness. It is slowly being corroded, and there is still no way to do it.


This was the inner thought of the few remaining members of the Dark Parliament, but when they tried their best to escape, Gabriel just said a word softly: "Destroy!"

With just such a sentence, the few dark creatures that escaped, except Lilith, disappeared into the void out of thin air, as if they had never appeared before, and were easily erased from the world.

But what's weird is that Lilith didn't seem to be affected by Gabriel at all. Although she was also suppressed by the domain of gods, she was not erased like those subordinates.

Gabriel didn't care about this. The only purpose of using the Domain of God was to solve Huo Yuhao and end the battle. Lilith was not his primary goal. Of course, there is still a possibility that he knows why Lilith can survive in his God's Domain, or in other words, he did it on purpose, and he never thought of killing Lilith at all. As for the reason, it is estimated that no one except Gabriel himself knows.

"Gabriel, are you crazy? Are you going to suppress us together?!" Raphael was very angry. The Healing Angel, one of the four great archangels, was actually suppressed by Gabriel's God's Domain. You know they are in the same group! Even if you have any dissatisfaction in your heart, you shouldn't play against it in this regard.

Fang Sun Ball catches the Sun's technique

"Shut up! Raphael!" Michael snorted. Now he really doubts whether the Lord forgot to pretend to be a brain when he created Raphael, so that he can say such mentally retarded words. It's like I don't have a B number in my heart.

He knew very well that Gabriel had no intention of targeting them at all, or in other words, with Gabriel's character,

He didn't even bother to make such a shady and boring move behind his back.

To put it bluntly, it is not that Gabriel is targeting them, but that there is indeed a huge gap between them and Gabriel. Now Gabriel has fully demonstrated the power of God. With the power of God, he opened his mouth. The domain of gods can be said to control all the power of laws in the domain. He is the king in the domain, and all the existences under the domain must bow their heads and surrender!

Raphael is an idiot who doesn't understand the horror of the realm of gods. He even thinks that Gabriel is targeting them on purpose. Fortunately, Gabriel has a good enough personality and is not a person who will take revenge, otherwise Raphael will suffer a lot Now, thinking of this, Michael wished to peel the brains of this guy Raphael to see if it was poop!

Of course, Michael doesn't like Gabriel either. As the real authority in the heavens except the Lord, the mighty Gabriel will always be his most terrifying threat. Sometimes he also felt that the Lord was unfair, why did Gabriel have such great power, and he obviously Gabriel was more loyal and obedient, but he was not strong enough! These grievances have always been pressed in his heart and have never been revealed to anyone.

As the leader of the Angel Legion, Michael has a very high position in the hearts of the angels. Raphael also respects or fears Michael very much, even if his thoughts have not changed, but Michael opened his mouth and he Still obediently shut his mouth and stopped croaking.

Gabriel didn't bother to talk to Raphael, who had no brains at all. The domain of God opened up, and all the pressure instantly concentrated on Huo Yuhao's body, so that the power of the Seagod bursting out from his body was weakened and suppressed a lot.

Absolutely can not sit still!

Feeling the great pressure, Huo Yuhao's heart tightened, and he told himself that he waved the Seagod Trident in order to break the pressure and attack Gabriel.

However, Gabriel just smiled lightly and said slowly, "Shut up!"

Ship Earth Chou Yuanku Houshu and Mooncold Shuqu

At this moment, the space shrouded by the domain of gods seemed to freeze at this moment.

At the beginning, I just felt that my actions were restrained and became more and more sluggish, but gradually I realized that everyone was suppressed and controlled by an invisible force, almost unable to move their bodies at all, as if they had fallen into a quagmire.

No place, no place, no skill, no luck

Even, time seemed to be frozen at this moment, and everyone stared wide-eyed. If their eyes were not still moving and their mouths were still able to speak, Huo Yuhao really suspected that they had been completely stilled.

Fortunately, with the power of the Seagod and the blessing of the Seagod Trident, Huo Yuhao will not be completely frozen in this moment like everyone else, but even so, his current actions are still slow, and it is very difficult to move even a little bit. Not to mention breaking this oppressive force.

Under his own domain, Gabriel was of course unimpeded. He raised his leg and took a step, and appeared in front of Huo Yuhao in an instant, and said calmly: "Stop struggling, put down the Seagod Trident, surrender now, I don't want to Kill you. You have to understand that in the domain of gods, I am a god. In my domain, killing you is just a matter of one word. Unless your strength can surpass mine, otherwise you will absolutely not be able to escape the control of the domain. Moreover, through the previous battles, I found that the power of God in your body has been slowly decreasing, and it is estimated that it is about to reach its limit. If you continue like this, you will only wear out your body and release your life potential meaninglessly. Even if I don't want to kill you, you will be killed by myself. Why bother?"

"You know what!" Huo Yuhao's veins were bulging at this moment, and he was sweating profusely. He swung the Seagod Trident with all his strength, but even so, his movements were extremely slow, and it was impossible for him to pose a threat to Gabriel. "You guys Do these bird people know what is brotherhood? Do you know what is friendship? In your eyes, we are just humble human beings, but in the eyes of us humble human beings that you look down on, you are a group of stupid creatures without thoughts and emotions! Brainwashed into idiots by that idiot of the emperor, of course people like you can't understand the persistence and persistence of us humans!"

The boat is not far away, the queen hates Moyang, Ji hates Ji

Gabriel frowned. Although he has a good temper and a gentle temper, it doesn't mean that he can accept being insulted at will without getting angry.

He casually stretched out his hand and patted the Seagod Trident away, raised his brows, and a more tyrannical pressure hit him again, like a mountain pressing down on Huo Yuhao. This time, he was almost as fast as the Seagod Trident. He couldn't hold it anymore, if he hadn't leaned on the ground with the Seagod Trident, he might have knelt down and couldn't get up.

"I've seen too many people's perseverance and persistence. In my long life, I have seen all kinds of people and stories. There are a few like you, but what's the use in the end? Change the result What is needed is strength, not the so-called friendship and persistence. If you and I are strong today, you can break free from my God's Domain, then defeat me, and avenge your boss! Or, if your boss is strong enough, he will not You will die in the Holy See, and you will not need to avenge him! Can the so-called friendship and persistence save his life or your life? Has there been any change in the result?

So, after all, it's just because you are not strong enough, you are too weak. You know why I don't like to use force? It is precisely because I deeply understand this point that power is just a necessary tool for me. With it, I can not be afraid of anyone's gossip, and I can freely do what I want to do. On the contrary, I don't need to know your so-called emotion and persistence at all. In my opinion, that is just an excuse for your failure! It's meaningless! "

Gabriel was not in a hurry to take Huo Yuhao's life. He was clearly a fish on the chopping board, but he still refused to do it. Instead, he told Huo Yuhao about his feelings. Weird and inconsistent, it almost made the mouths of Michael and Raphael crooked.

Raphael has never been a person who can hold his breath. Before, because Michael opened his mouth, he endured it. Now Gabriel opened the realm of God, and even they were suppressed, but he did not kill them. The enemy, who was still talking nonsense, was instantly furious, and shouted loudly: "Gabriel, what do you mean? Why don't you hurry up and kill that guy to release the realm of gods? Are you out of your mind?" ..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a strange oppressive force wrapping his mouth, and even though he yelled, he couldn't make a sound, and he almost vomited blood out of anger.

Looking at Raphael who was yelling in anger, Michael couldn't help complaining in his heart, you also said that Gabriel has a problem with his brain, shouldn't it be you who has the most problem with his brain among the few of us? Do you have any discernment, and you still yell at Gabriel at this time, you deserve to be silenced!

"Of course it works!" Huo Yuhao's meridians all over his body surfaced at this moment, the capillaries on the surface of the skin burst due to the powerful struggle, and traces of blood slowly overflowed through the skin. It's all overflowing~ blood is coming, but his eyes and tone are still so firm, it seems that he hasn't wavered in the slightest.

"Because, only with this kind of friendship and persistence, can I do my best to protect the people who are the most important and cherished to me!"

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