My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 998 Ancient Goddess


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Under the flustered eyes of the three of them, Gabriel patted the palm of his hand, slapped the three of them apart, and sent them back to the heaven. Please search ( to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel!

"Tut tsk tsk..." Seeing this scene, Qin Hao smacked his lips and said with a smile, "Look at you, you keep talking about principles and claiming that you don't want to use force, but you are not ambiguous at all when you actually do it. Even yourself It's really good enough for everyone to do it. Yes, I appreciate you..."

Regarding Qin Hao's ridicule, Gabriel's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't feel any embarrassment or anger at all, and calmly said: "I am different from them, and, in my opinion, they are not your opponents at all. Continuing to stay will only become a burden. If I don't take action, their ending will be no different from that of Raphael, and it may even be even more tragic. There is no need to continue this kind of meaningless thing. I will send them away, and be You defeat, the result is no different. Of course, I don't want any changes in the battle with you, this is the main reason."

"You are quite honest, Gabriel. It looks like you are full of confidence. Do you think you will be able to defeat me?" Qin Hao laughed, because he easily defeated the four angels just now, including the battle angel Michael. It's not inappropriate to say such a thing in one blow.

Although the strength of the four archangels was limited due to the arrival of the angels, and they were unable to go all out, the same was true for Gabriel. Even though he was the top four, he wanted to beat Qin Hao in his current state, and he wanted to get up with him. It is still hard to predict which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

Gabriel frowned slightly, displeased with Qin Hao's confident appearance, but he didn't show anything, and said, "Before I make a move, I still have a better place, why did I feel Uriel in you?" The breath of that guy left the heavens a few months ago and has never returned. It seems that something happened to him. Have you seen him? Or did you kill him?"

Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, how could he have thought that Gabriel only guessed the truth by relying on his keen sense of smell, he thought that all the traces would be erased by the lightning strike, but in the end it was precisely what was left on his body The clue was discovered by Gabriel.

However, he didn't know how Gabriel noticed the clues left in him. After all, it had been a few months. Could it be that this guy has a dog's nose?

"Since you've noticed it, there's no need for me to lie and hide it. It's true that Uriel did fight me. However, the one who killed him was not me, but God." Qin Hao didn't think there was any problem with his answer at all. , directly pushed the pot out, "It is estimated that you angels are too hypocritical, you are good on the surface, and you do some bad things secretly. I am afraid that God may not be able to stand it anymore. A thunderbolt knocked him out of his wits."

"Oh." Gabriel hummed calmly, indicating that he understood.

This made Qin Hao feel uncomfortable. He thought that Gabriel would not believe his obviously ridiculed explanation which was full of loopholes. He didn't expect this guy to accept it with such a smile. Isn't this nonsense?

"Hey, don't you have anything to ask me? Do you trust me so much?" Qin Hao couldn't help asking Gabriel.

"I don't believe it." Gabriel replied bluntly, "But there is nothing I want to ask, because I don't need to know at all. I only need to know the result, and I don't need to know about other meaningless things in the process."

"So, you believe that the murderer is me, and you want to seek revenge from me?" Qin Hao asked again.

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Sun Cha, from Sun Buke’s office, answered Yu’s knot, “I don’t believe it.” Gabriel replied bluntly, “But there’s nothing I want to ask, because I don’t need to know at all. I just need to know the result, the process is meaningless stuff I don't need to know."

Gabriel didn't say anything false, and replied sternly: "For revenge, he doesn't have the qualifications, but since there is a battle between you and me,

I reluctantly included his affairs, anyway, to give the Lord an explanation, after all, they are all created by the Lord. "

As he said that, Gabriel's silver-gray eyes burst out with brilliant light, which was extremely amazing!

A vicissitudes of life and simplicity filled the space, with Gabriel himself as the center of attention, swinging around in circles, captivating and terrifying!

"Close your eyes! Don't look at her!"

Although he didn't know what Gabriel's move meant, Qin Hao could feel his pressure, his eyes were covered with blood, and the blood-colored pupils shone with the same dazzling golden light, which was similar to Gabriel's. Lie stared at each other and at the same time called Huo Yuhao and Concubine Luo Mi to close their eyes.

The eyes of the two collided, and there was a faint sound of Jin Ge colliding, and it was like thunder rolling from the sky, with a huge momentum.

Invincible Cool Sun Chasuo Yue Guigui

When Gabriel saw Qin Hao's blood-gold pupils for the first time, he was instantly drawn in, and his soul almost sank at this moment, as if he had seen two strange deep wells with magical power, and subconsciously wanted to sacrifice his soul. Sacrifice out.

But just for a moment, a silver light flashed, and Gabriel immediately regained his clarity. He couldn't help but tighten his heart, and exclaimed: "You are a descendant of the ancient god?!"

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Gabriel was really surprised at this moment. You must know that although there is only one word difference between Taigu and Gu, they are very different. According to the legend, he knows that the change of the era of the universe is equivalent to the change of the era, and every change is a disaster for some existences. Taking the earth as an example, from the extinction of many creatures such as dinosaurs, to the present that humans have become the masters of the earth, this undoubtedly illustrates the cruelty of the changing times.

As for the so-called ancient times, human beings appeared in this land and began to count, so what happened before the human race appeared? Didn't other earlier races exist in those times?

Of course it exists!

However, even for him who has lived for thousands of years, the ancient times are still very strange, and even the Lord who created him is only equivalent to the existence at the end of the ancient times, and his understanding of the ancient times is only limited. Just a few words from the Lord.

Therefore, when he saw Qin Hao's blood-golden pupils and the power of his blood, he was shocked. How could he have thought that today, hundreds of millions of years away from the ancient times, the world can see the ancient times that the Lord once said? descendants.

"Imperial God? What is that thing?" Qin Hao couldn't help asking when he knew where his blood came from.

Gabriel didn't answer. Just now he just blurted out because of his overly violent reaction. Now that he thinks about it carefully, he feels that it needs to be verified. Although the descendants of the ancient gods have a terrifying name, after all, they have been hundreds of millions of years, and they have experienced two era changes in between. It is a bit ridiculous to be able to leave blood descendants in such a long river.

The Enemy's Far-Earth Complex Institute Tsukizaso I

What's more, even if the blood of the ancient gods really flows in the body of this guy who looks like a human race, so what? The ancient capital has already been wiped out, even though these bloodlines are tyrannical and extremely domineering, but this guy in front of him is only in his twenties, no matter how powerful he is, can he really be a god?

In order to verify what he wanted, Gabriel decided to let go and release all the power he could use to the maximum. The divine power shined through the silver-gray pupils again, and the holy light was even stronger before.

It seems that Qin Hao's blood-golden pupils also sensed Gabriel's deliberate provocation, and the same radiance burst forth, and the collision of energy became more intense. The buildings sheltered by the Holy Light, such as the Cathedral and the Vatican Palace, have not been damaged, and almost all other buildings have collapsed, and the earth trembled!


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Concubine Luo Mi had already sensed the threat of the aftermath of this energy, and she took Huo Yuhao to try to pull the distance away, but even so, she was still affected, and she couldn't help getting some internal injuries, and spit out blood.

Just the aftermath made Concubine Luo Mi vomit blood. One can imagine how terrifying the energy collision produced by these two people looking at each other is!

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