My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1001 Playing with Fire and Self-immolation? new


Gabriel was also shocked by the golden flame that suddenly burst out of Qin Hao's body at this moment. Even though he had condensed the godhead and stepped into the ranks of gods, he still felt threatened from the flame full of domineering and masculine power. Please search ( to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel!

That's right, it can burn and devour everything, and destroy all terrifying auras.

Could it be that this is the innate ability of the blood of the ancient gods?

At this moment, Gabriel didn't feel like he had the chance to win as before, and his expression became serious. He didn't dare to act rashly, and continued to observe Qin Hao's movements.

At this moment, in order to verify his conjecture, Qin Hao was trying to communicate with the roaring golden fire dragon flying in mid-air. He didn't know what kind of thought came out of it. Anyway, there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that the flame came from him. It wouldn't hurt him, there was an elusive connection between the two.

Needless to say, when his soul fell silent and his consciousness slowly opened, he actually felt an unspeakable strange feeling, as if there was another person in his body who could feel his various emotions.

Before he could react to what was going on, the mid-air fire dragon suddenly dispersed, and the sky-high flames formed a ball, and finally gathered into a small golden flame, which flew in front of Qin Hao, circling and dancing around him continuously.

Even though the flame was close to him, Qin Hao couldn't feel the slightest warmth, as if it had ceased to exist, without any power, and it was nothing like the terrifying magic that swallowed a forbidden magic-level super-magic in one gulp.

For some reason, an impulse suddenly appeared in his heart, and Qin Hao boldly stretched out his hand to touch the flame. However, before he could fully reach out, the golden flame rushed towards him as if he couldn't wait, scaring him. He jumped. You know, this thing can even swallow super-level magic in one gulp, who knows if it really can't hurt itself.

The next second, Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, the golden flames wrapped his right hand, but there was no irritating feeling, it was just warm, soft~ like cotton, very comfortable, as if he was stroking something cute like pets.

At the moment of contact, there was obviously no reaction, but Qin Hao seemed to be able to feel that kind of joyful emotion, like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time, and like a dog whose owner came home after going out for many days, excited To the extreme.

Feeling the emotions of this group of golden flames, Qin Hao suddenly felt an inexplicable and complex emotion in his heart, including sadness, touch, happiness, and a touch of pain. For some reason, tears filled his eyes. It kept spinning, and finally slowly slid down the corner of the eye.

Myself, what happened? What exactly is going on?

When Qin Hao was dominated by this inexplicable and weird emotion, the golden flame lying quietly in his palm changed again, and the flame suddenly exploded, wrapped around Qin Hao's arm, and moved forward along his arm Okay, Qin Hao's entire body was swallowed up almost in the blink of an eye, and he was placed in the flames. His body glowed with dazzling golden light, like a round of golden sun, illuminating the night before dawn like daylight.

What was even more frightening was that a severe burning sensation hit his heart, and every inch of his skin seemed to be torn apart by a barbecue. This kind of pain was so terrifying that it seemed to be able to disintegrate his whole body. It was unbearable at all. , with a ferocious expression, his facial features twisted and twisted together, his mouth let out bursts of roars, almost going crazy!

Gabriel was still observing, but he didn't expect Qin Hao to play with fire and set himself on fire. Concubine Luo Mi, Huo Yuhao and the others were even more flustered, but they didn't dare to speak, for fear of distracting Qin Hao. They knew very well that they had nothing to do but watch from the sidelines.

At this moment, Qin Hao's condition is very bad, his body can no longer resist the attack of the flames, his skin has begun to be burned and cracked, and the blood mixed with strands of gold threads covers the body surface, bloody and bloody, really hideous.

Soon, starting from the arms, Qin Hao's body began to be decomposed. Even the black scales couldn't bear the burning of the flames, and they were decomposed and melted together with Qin Hao's body.

The golden light skyrocketed again, even Gabriel could no longer look directly at it, and had to turn his head and stretch out his hands to block the strong light. The strong light lasted for four or five minutes, and Qin Hao's roar gradually weakened and gradually became smaller, and finally he still couldn't hear any movement.

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When the strong light gradually dissipated, Gabriel and the others looked in Qin Hao's direction again, and they couldn't help being surprised. When they saw him in the middle of the sky, there was only a golden flame burning on the surface, and a golden halo bloomed. , I don't know what kind of thing is floating in the air.

Moreover, this unknown thing does not seem to have a definite shape. It is pulled into a circle for a while, becomes an ellipse for a while, and becomes a square for a while. It is constantly wriggling and changing its shape.

Gabriel frowned, huddled together, and could no longer hold back his doubts. His silver-gray pupils burst into light, and two rays of divine light shot out, shooting straight at the unknown mass in the midair, trying to detect what it was. Nature.

However, before his divine light approached, a terrifying and destructive aura swept over the sky. The divine light was immediately frustrated and shattered in an instant. At the same time, Gabriel roared and took two steps back, his pupils dimmed. The corner of the eye was cracked, and milky white blood flowed from the wound.

I don't know if it was disturbed and stimulated by Gabriel's divine light. The object wriggled more violently and gradually expanded. When it was about the size of a person, suddenly a long stick-shaped object came from there. The thing protruded out, followed by another identical one protruding from the other side, and then, two protruded from the bottom.

"This... is this an arm? A leg? Could it be..." As time went by, Gabriel gradually seemed to see the shape derived from that mass. The arms, legs, and body were clearly a person. ah!

The wriggling thing in front of him now looks like a ball of mud or plasticine, and it has slowly squeezed out the outline of a human figure.

As for who this person is?

Do I still need to ask? !

Who else could be besides Qin Hao who was devoured? !

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Gabriel, who was floating in mid-air, felt a huge force coming, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, unable to maintain his figure at all, he fell to the ground like a meteorite, and immediately smashed a huge hole, filled the sky with smoke and dust , The rocks collapsed and flew!

In the middle of the sky, that thing has basically been fabricated, and as the outline of the face becomes clearer, Qin Hao's face has already appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, there was a faint golden flame burning all over his body, and his body was covered under a layer of golden armor. The details were almost the same as the black scale armor before. It was as if a layer of paint had been changed. It was black The product of scale armor being transformed!

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Qin Hao stretched his body, as if to welcome his newborn, raised his head to the sky and screamed. With this roar, the entire Vatican collapsed in an instant. Even the church blessed by the holy light and the Pope's palace were half collapsed, and the ground was completely torn apart. , as if a super-severe Z earthquake had occurred.

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