My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1023 Divine Beast?

Boom boom boom!

The violent explosion resounded through the heaven and earth, and a group of blue and golden light shadows intertwined and collided with each other, emitting frightening and terrifying energy fluctuations. The two of them were constantly changing positions, and the speed was so fast that they couldn't see the fighting process at all. They could only see two groups of dazzling lights and shadows constantly moving in the air. Every collision and change would cause huge noises. The grass and trees turned into dust, the trees exploded, the rocks collapsed, and the ground exploded and shattered. It was a mess!

After hundreds of collisions, the two separated with a whoosh, as swift as lightning, each retreated nearly a hundred meters, and faced each other in the mountains, like two demon gods fighting against each other!

Both of them were injured at the moment, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are full of scars from hundreds of confrontations, but most of them are skin trauma, which will not affect Qin Hao's physique. On the contrary, it was Wushuang, who looked much worse than Qin Hao. His body was covered with fist marks, his scales were broken, blood was overflowing, and there were countless scars. Fortunately, there were no fatal injuries. For him who was also physically strong, the impact was huge. Not too big.

The reason for the difference is not that Wushuang is not as powerful as Qin Hao, but that he was seriously injured by Zhang Tianshi, the ancestor of Tianshi Mansion hundreds of years ago, and then he was sealed. After he was released by Zhang Xuanling, he found that the aura of heaven and earth became stronger and stronger. So thin that even after thirty years of recuperation, he still hasn't regained his vitality.

Now that he is using all his strength to fight Qin Hao recklessly, the sequelae have appeared. In addition, Qin Hao has just mastered the trick of using the energy contained in his body to fight, and he is not very proficient. With the deepening of the battle and the passage of time, he became more and more courageous , the energy and blood became more and more abundant, and the energy became more and more violent. For a while, he really couldn't bear the repeated attacks.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Wushuang kept panting heavily, staring at Qin Hao with angry eyes, and at the same time, she was even more shocked in her heart. You know, Qin Hao has only just mastered this fighting style, but he can fight head-to-head with him head-to-head, even gradually gaining the upper hand, which shows how terrifying energy is contained in his body. If this continues, he will definitely not be Qin Hao's opponent, and his defeat is almost a foregone conclusion.

Stretching out his hand to wipe the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, Wushuang glanced at the blood stain on the back of his hand, his eyes almost burst into flames, and roared angrily: "A mere human dares to hurt this seat! Boy, you forced me to do this!" mine!"

Following this roar, brilliant blue light burst out from Wushuang's body, and his figure changed. When the blue light dissipated, Qin Hao's eyes widened instantly. He found that Wushuang in front of him had turned into a strange creature.

This is a ferocious beast with long ears, like a rabbit, but with two heads, and the whole body is not fluff, but densely covered with blue scales, it looks like a relative of the pangolin in a sense . Moreover, it has eagle-like eyes, a bird-like mouth, and a snake-like long tail. It is about seven or eight meters in size, and the sharp claws shining coldly on the front of its limbs show that it is extremely dangerous.

"Boy, I didn't plan to change into my body to fight with you, but you didn't obediently and ended your life with your arms tied, and dared to hurt me. This time, I will definitely eat you!" Wushuang shook two huge The head spit out clouds of white mist, which is really weird.

"Monster? Are you really a monster? Could it be that you are a member of the monster clan?" Qin Hao was dumbfounded immediately. He mentioned this word when he kept saying that he would eat him when he was in a rage in Wushuang's form, but At that time, he said this purely to complain about the other party. After all, he has never seen cannibals in this world, such as cannibals in some African tribes. It’s just that he really didn’t expect that the casual words really hit the point. This guy is really a monster who has cultivated into a master!

to be honest,

Although the old demon keeps saying that he wants to revitalize the demon race, he has never felt that there are such creatures as the demon race in this world. It is not that he has never seen spiritual animals, such as the snakes raised by Ah San in India, or the snakes in Russia. Old~Maozi raised a Siberian tiger, but this is the first time he has seen a monster like this guy who can transform into~human form and speak human words.

Since it is a monster, speaking of it, it may have something to do with the old demon, that is, he who used to be the demon emperor before the split, and can even be counted as a member of the demon clan. choose.

"Demon? Hehe..." However, before Qin Hao could carry out his plan, Wushuang sneered, as if he disdained the monster race, "How can this race, which can only be reduced to a prisoner like human beings, be worthy of it?" My seat? This seat is a descendant with the blood of a divine beast! A monster? It’s just a group of monsters cultivated by beasts and plants, and this seat doesn’t bother to be with them!”

"Divine beast?!"

Qin Hao was taken aback. This weird-looking guy turned out to be a divine beast?

Just when he was wondering, the old demon's angry voice suddenly came out of his body in a mentally fluctuating way: "Fart! It's just a crossbreed of an armadillo and someone who doesn't know what, just such a thing is worthy of being called a beast Not to mention you, even your ancestor armadillo, the kind of despicable and shameless, greedy for life and fear of death, humble~cheap things, are not worthy of the word "sacred beast", it really doesn't exist ?! This emperor tells you that you are not even good enough for a monster! The monster clan doesn't have a bastard like you!"

After staying with Qin Hao for a long time, the old demon's way of speaking has gradually become less polite, and he has absorbed a lot of new vocabulary, which is very useful for scolding people now.


This name is somewhat familiar, Qin Hao pondered for a while, and suddenly remembered some records in ancient books: It is three hundred and eighty miles south, called Yu'e Mountain, with many Zinan on it, and Jingqi on the bottom. The rest of the water flows out, and flows eastward into the yellow water. There is a beast named Armadillo, whose shape is like a dodder, with a bird's beak, owl eyes and snake tail, and it sleeps when it sees people.

In this way, according to the records in ancient books, this thing really looks like an armadillo to eight or nine points, but the only difference is that he has blue scales on his body and two heads. Although Qin Hao has read these records, But because the appearance is not exactly the same, he really didn't think of going up for a while. After being reminded by the well-informed old demon, he became more and more convinced that the thing in front of him should be a hybrid of an armadillo and another species. A genetically mutated beast with the blood of an armadillo in its body.

However, according to the records, if an armadillo, which pretends to be dead when it sees people and destroys crops, can also be called a mythical beast, then it is estimated that the mythical beast is too worthless, and it is walking all over the street!

Because it was intentionally sent out with mental fluctuations, Wushuang naturally heard the old demon's words. He didn't know that there was an old demon in Qin Hao's body. He only thought that Qin Hao himself saw his identity, and immediately became distraught and angry.

Thinking about it, it is understandable that genetically mutated species are nothing but freaks to the armadillo family. His fragile and sensitive inferiority complex makes him very concerned about the shape of his body, otherwise he would not open his mouth to have the blood of a beast, eager to prove his identity.

"Boy, how dare you insult this beast, I'll eat you!"

Wushuang was furious, and kicked the ground with short and powerful legs like a rabbit. The speed was extremely fast, and the sharp claws like fine steel grabbed Qin Hao's head!

The author Mo Wang Chuxin said: There is still an update, on the last day of this month I ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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