My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1029 Saint

Qin Hao fled crazily, the blood from the wound continued to flow out, bursts of tearing pain came from the heart, and from time to time there would be a feeling of weakness and weakness, his head was dizzy, and he could hardly distinguish the direction. The son ran forward rapidly.

At this moment, his speed has been increased to the extreme, even faster than before he was not injured, so that the high-speed advance and the air generated super pressure, tearing his serious enough wound even more horribly , The whole person is bloody.

In fact, if it was only the injury from the previous battle, no matter how serious it was, it would only be a skin trauma, even if the internal organs were damaged, after all, there was spiritual energy to control it, so it would not be to the point of collapse. As long as he stops now and takes a good rest, stop the bleeding first, slowly recover his strength and use his body's energy to repair the wound, with his heaven-defying physique, it will not be difficult to heal the wound.

However, at the moment when he broke through the encirclement and escaped, the flying sword of the Great Elder of Tianshi Mansion really made him suffer, it actually penetrated the heart, almost cutting the whole heart in half. You know, the heart is the most important organ of the human body. The so-called human heart is constantly moving, and the blood flows through the meridians, transporting energy to every part of the body. The heart is the master of the body, the root of everything, and the master of the internal organs.

With such damage to the heart, even a cultivator should surely die, but Qin Hao not only did not die, but was able to force himself to explode at a speed beyond the limit. If everyone in the Tianshi Mansion sees this, You will be amazed at the talent of its evildoers and freaks!

Even Qin Hao himself thought that if his heart was pierced, he would die, so he didn't have the extravagant hope that he could survive, so he chose the opposite direction to escape based on a ray of spiritual thoughts in Yunshan's body. If he couldn't survive, forget it, at least, at least Don't get Yun Shan and Mu Qianxue caught by those bully noses in Tianshi Mansion.

However, the more he felt this way, his supposedly withered body was flooded with strands of energy. Although it was very small, for him who was seriously injured and fled at this moment, it was like rain from the sky, saving him from danger among.

However, this does not mean that he is really out of crisis. The price paid in this battle is too tragic. His heart is injured so that his blood flow is affected, and the strength in his body will still gradually dry up. However, he didn't dare to stop. He knew that the elders of Tianshi Mansion would definitely not let him go so easily, and he might be caught up at any time. At least he couldn't stop until he was sure to basically get rid of him.

He ran tirelessly and desperately all the way, keeping his speed at his limit, without any purpose, just running, running so hard that his consciousness gradually began to blur in the end, and he didn't know where he ran .

He tried his best to wake himself up, but he was helpless because the previous battle was an overdraft both physically and mentally, and he was almost exhausted.

In fact, what he didn't know was that although the elders of the Tianshi Mansion searched for his traces in the 100,000 mountains, the place is really too big, and they only searched in the outer part. It is no different to find Qin Hao Finding a needle in a haystack.

Secondly, everyone saw the scene of Qin Hao being pierced through the heart by a flying sword, and even if he was allowed to escape with such a fatal injury, he didn't think he could survive in this 100,000 mountains. He couldn't find any traces, so he had to temporarily retreat and gather at the entrance of Shiwan Dashan, and sent a message back to the door, summoning his disciples to search for Qin Hao's traces.

After all, so many masters of refining qi and transforming gods besieged and killed the seriously injured Qin Hao, not only did not kill the other party, but also buried two masters, allowing the other party to escape. This is simply a shame for everyone, whether it is From the sect's point of view, worrying about Qin Hao's revenge after recovery, or from the point of view of personal face,

They all had to kill Qin Hao with their own hands!

In life you want to see people, in death you want to see corpses!

Although it seems that Qin Hao is in a state of crisis, it is actually a good thing for him. After all, it takes time to send a message to summon the disciples. Now, what Qin Hao needs is the time to recover.

At this moment, Qin Hao in the 100,000 mountains was not aware of the movements of the outside world. After fighting for almost an afternoon, he ran for another full night. When the dawn was born and the dawn was coming, he was finally facing the point where the oil was exhausted. With no energy available, his legs were like being filled with lead, and his body seemed to be crushed by a huge boulder. He could no longer support himself and escape, and fell down in the woods with a plop, motionless.

If it weren't for the faint sound of breathing and the rising and falling of his chest, he would be no different from a dead person now.

Qin Hao wanted to move, but found that the sequelae of overdraft limit had come one after another. He had no strength in his whole body, and the power of his soul was extremely weak. He couldn't feel the senses of his limbs, let alone control his limbs.

He tried hard to stay awake and repair his injuries, but he found that he couldn't use the exhausted power at all, and he couldn't absorb the remaining aura of heaven and earth in the air. In the end, he was too tired and gradually fell asleep.

However, what he didn't know was that just after he passed out of a coma, a phantom appeared beside him. The man was dressed in fluttering white, wore a square scarf, held a folding fan, and was dressed as a scribe. If Qin Hao was awake, he would definitely Exclaimed, this person is the white-clothed scribe who left behind the method of training the soul that he had seen in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness before.

When the white-clothed scribe appeared, the Demon Emperor would naturally not be unresponsive. Feeling the fluctuation of his divine thoughts, a golden streamer flew out of Qin Hao's body, turning into a phantom to confront the white-clothed scribe.

"Taihao, you still dare to appear in front of me? Repeatedly spoiling me, do you really dare to kill you when you have achieved the power of a saint? A mere divine thought, even if the emperor is only a soul body now, it is still the same. You can be destroyed by flipping your hands!" The Demon Emperor is not as excited as before this time, and even his words are a little calm, but they also contain self-confidence and domineering, worthy of being the former emperor.

The white-clothed scribe just smiled lightly: "You really still have extra strength to argue with me now? Although I have consumed a huge amount of energy by defying the will of heaven and earth and coming to this exiled land with my soul, your soul is also weak after sleeping for tens of thousands of years. Even if there is not much energy remaining after waking up, destroying my dispensable divine sense and consuming the energy used to survive and save my life, or when the host is seriously injured and dying, are you not afraid that this kid will die and drag you along?"

"Don't worry about it, I am one with him, and I will save him naturally. As for you, you have tried your best to break through the shackles of heaven and earth and come here with your divine sense. What exactly do you want to do?" undisguised dislike and hatred.

"Naturally, I also came here to help him. The last time the divine sense remained in his body was left tens of thousands of years ago. Over the years, I have obtained a lot of ancient scriptures containing the Dao, and sent them for him to participate in. Enlightenment and enlightenment." The white-clothed scribe laughed.

"Heh..." The old demon just sneered at this, and sneered, "Do you think I will believe it? I don't know how selfish you are? You don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles. You don't do things that are not beneficial to you. Do, you have been thinking about appearing around him repeatedly, and teaching him the method of refining gods, how can you be at ease?"

The scribe in white looked slightly stagnant, and then said with a wry smile: "Forget it, I won't argue with you, if I really want to say, after all, he is one body with you, you were so dazzling in the past, but today you don't even have the method to transform into a god. I'm anxious just looking at it, with your speed, how long will revenge have to wait?"

The author Mo Wang Chu Xin said: I felt uncomfortable last night, and I woke up today with a cold, which is as expected. Nowadays, the weather changes rapidly from cold to hot, and it is easy to catch a cold. Brothers, please keep warm, don’t be greedy for cold, and pay attention to your body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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