My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1052 Knowing how to play tactics

Qin Hao's original intention was to refuse this big cat that had disgraced the tiger clan. He stared at this guy for a long time, and when he looked straight at the cat, his scalp felt numb, and his heart felt trembling.

Why do you always look at Mr. Hu with such eyes? Could it be that he has taken a fancy to Mr. Hu?

The big cat student's hair stood on end immediately, and subconsciously wanted to stay away from Qin Hao, but it didn't dare to stand up and show it so obviously, it could only lie on the ground, like a huge caterpillar, and moved backwards one by one. .

Facts have proved that the premonition of the big cat is still useful. Qin Hao's mouth showed a sly smile, and he shot suddenly like lightning, grabbed the fur of the big cat's back neck, and lifted its huge body directly from the ground. It was like picking up a kitten and moved it in front of the girl: "Girl, as far as it is concerned, this is the only thing that can be eaten here. How about I chop it up and give it to you?"

As he said that, Qin Hao looked at the big cat who was so frightened that its four legs were kicking wildly in mid-air: "Don't be afraid, just like this girl, do you think she can eat you whole? Probably a catty of meat It’s almost the same, up to two catties, you just contribute, and you won’t die!”

Can't die? Are you so comforting?

The big cat is about to burst into tears. It has lived for so long, and it can be regarded as a leader in this mountain. It is the first time it has been punished so miserably. Why is Husheng so miserable? He had no choice but to look at the little girl with pitiful eyes, and shook his head frantically, hoping that the little girl would never agree to eat it.

Fortunately, Ermao is still a very sympathetic girl. When Qin Hao heard that Qin Hao wanted to eat a big cat, he quickly said, "Big brother, don't eat a big cat. I'm not hungry anymore..."

"Aren't you hungry?" Qin Hao asked intentionally.

Er Mao nodded heavily, for fear that a hesitant big cat would be murdered.


The big cat fell to the ground and was dropped by Qin Hao casually: "That's all right, count this guy as lucky, and escaped unharmed."

With the little girl's current physical condition, she must be unable to move. Qin Hao could only carry her behind his back, spread out his consciousness, explore the surroundings, and prepare to escape.

Fortunately, I don't know if the group of beasts have been lost, and there is no trace of a strange insect within a radius of several hundred meters outside the cave. This should be the best ending, after all, he is now bringing It's really hard to deal with those strange insects for a little girl with a oil bottle.

Seeing the vicious uninvited guest leaving his lair with the little girl on his back, Classmate Da Mao was moved and wept bitterly. The evil star finally left.

Qin Hao wrapped the girl in with his own energy. After all, he was running so fast that he could reach a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye. The force generated by friction with the air would definitely not be able to withstand the force of the girl's thin body. of.

However, just as he ran out of the cave, there was a sudden buzzing sound of wings flapping in the distance, which was particularly loud in the silent night.

The speed of the monsters was very fast. They had just heard the sound, and now they had already revealed their figures. Not to mention Qin Hao, whose eyesight was far beyond ordinary people, even the little girl behind him could see the group of black storm monsters. Strange bug.

"Big brother……"

Seeing these monsters, the girl couldn't help panicking. The tragedies in the village were not fake, and her father died at the hands of these monsters. Those bloody examples made her afraid.

Qin Hao frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, big brother will bring you back to the village safely!"


He turned around and prepared to run away in another direction with the girl on his back.

However, what he didn't expect at all was that these strange insects seemed to have become smarter. Not all the strange insects were chasing in front. Surrounded.

Obviously before, they only knew how to chase after Qin Hao's ass, and were walked around by Qin Hao like a dog, but now they actually know the art of war, deliberately set up pocket formations, and when he showed his head, they tightened their pockets and besieged from all directions .

This time it will be difficult. Qin Hao used to rely entirely on his own extremely fast speed to drive these monsters around and even shake them off, but now he is surrounded, and his speed advantage cannot be used. If he simply works hard, It may be possible to kill a bloody road, but it is obviously not a good choice to be tough with this group of monsters that cannot be killed.

What's more, there is a little girl on his back, he may be able to resist the attacks of these monsters, but this little girl definitely can't!

Kilometers away, Big Cat seemed to be startled by the noise, revealing a big head outside the cave. When he saw the group of black storm-like strange insects approaching from all directions, his face turned green immediately , I thought to myself, aren’t these things usually afraid to go up the mountain? It's all the fault of that man, he really is a evil star!

Thinking of this, the big cat retracted its head back into its cave. It didn't want to be smelly, after all, they were all neighbors. Based on its years of getting along with each other, these monsters should not dare to enter its cave. Of course, this is all speculation. After all, these strange insects have never dared to go up the stone mountain, but they did it today, which is really weird!

However, the more you are afraid of something, the more you will come.

Qin Hao thought to himself that since he couldn't take the little girl out of the siege, he could only do it hard. Suddenly, with excellent eyesight, he saw the fluffy head stretching and shrinking in the cave a thousand meters away, and his eyes lit up.

The big cat saw that Qin Hao suddenly returned the same way with the little girl on his back, and ran towards its direction. Don't mention the tiger's face, but fortunately, it was covered with hairs and couldn't see the expression clearly. green.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Qin Hao came to the door of the cave~cave~, threw the girl behind him directly on the soft~soft back of the big cat, and said in a deep voice: "I'll block those strange insects, you see what the opportunity brings." Let this girl escape to the village in front, as long as you enter the village, these strange insects will have nothing to do with you!"

The big cat shook his head resolutely. It is not stupid. After being a neighbor for so many years, does it know the horror of these strange insects? If it is mixed in, it will peel off its skin even if it is not dead, it is close to death!

The situation was critical, Qin Hao didn't have much time to entangle with this idiot, his face turned cold, his eyes glared, and killing intent emanated from him, enveloping the big cat, as if he was in the Nine Nether Hell, his voice was ice-cold Han threatened: "Are you going to do it or not? If you don't do it, I'll kill you right now!"

Red ~ naked threat!

The big cat expressed that it was very angry, so it nodded decisively, shook its body, straightened the girl riding on it, and retracted into the hole.

That's right! Dealing with these strange insects, if you don't die, you will peel off your skin. It can be said to be very dangerous. However, there is still a possibility of saving your life. If you don't listen to the evil star in front of you, it will probably die suddenly on the spot!

After the little girl was settled, the monsters had already surrounded and suppressed them. However, they seemed to be a little afraid of this place. They just circled and circled around the caves holding the big cats, but they didn't dare to approach within 50 meters.

Qin Hao didn't make a move immediately, he was still observing these strange insects, after all, the two hadn't been in contact for much time, and he hadn't figured out the bottom of this thing yet.

Finally, the monsters seemed to have made unnecessary movements, not to say that they immediately attacked Qin Hao, but they were gradually approaching, the speed was very slow, and the appearance of the constant shaking was very strange, as if there were two opposite forces The strength is pulling, as if resisting something.

Qin Hao frowned, and an uncertain thought popped up in his heart.

After a stalemate for a while, the monsters were getting closer and closer to the cave. Qin Hao couldn't wait any longer, energy came out through his body, like a layer of golden gauze wrapping him, and rushed towards the monsters.

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