My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 110 Some things, money is...

"Dai Qianni, you speak so loudly. Brother Duanmu is someone you can afford to offend? I want to see, why do you tell him to go away!" As soon as the words fell, two people walked out of the crowd. It was Qin Hao's love rival Tian Haidi. A Shaolin Aocang, followed by Mu Qing and the shopkeeper surnamed Lu.

Seeing the combination of these people, Dai Qianni frowned slightly, and she also paid more attention to this young man in fine clothes. At first, she thought that this guy was some kind of ungrateful young master who dared to be so presumptuous, but now, even Lin Aocang wanted to call him brother, and his status was obviously extraordinary.

"Xiao Linzi, why are you so fierce? It would be bad if the beauty thinks that we are bullying others." The young man in Chinese clothes who was called brother Duanmu sounded like he was admonishing his servants.

Lin Aocang nodded quickly: "Understood, Brother Duanmu, but what happened? How did this woman offend you?"

Duanmu wrote lightly: "It's nothing serious, it's just that I fell in love with a small object and planned to buy it home to honor the old man. Coincidentally, this little beauty also fell in love with it. Forget it, you don't need to worry about it, I will handle it myself .”

Saying that, the young man in Chinese clothes took a step forward and introduced himself to Dai Qianni with a smile: "Miss Dai, right? Duanmu Hong, how about getting to know each other?"

Dai Qianni sneered sneeringly: "You are a big shot, even our number one young master in Tianhai is willing to be your dog's leg, how can a trivial person like me deserve to be acquainted with you? Please also ask young master Duanmu to help you. "

Being ridiculed by Dai Qianni as a dog's leg in public, it's very self-restraining, Lin Aocang, who has a very high superficial skill, couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, and immediately shouted: "Dai Qianni, you don't want to be toasted or punished, Brother Duanmu persuades you with kind words, that is your great blessing, If you don’t know what to do, be careful that I will let you go around without food!”

"Shut up! Xiao Linzi, why are you talking to Ms. Dai?!" Before Dai Qianni got angry, Duan Muhong pretended to drink softly, and then said with a smile: "Since Ms. Dai refuses to show favor, I don't force it, it's just this thing, Should Miss Dai be let out?"

"That's right, Dai Qianni, since you don't know people, take out your things and get out! Shopkeeper Lu, I don't need to teach you what to do, do you?" Lin Aocang said in a strange way, his words were full of threats.

The gods fight, and the imps suffer.

"Young Master Lin, don't worry, I understand, I understand..." Shopkeeper Lu wiped the sweat from his brow, and hurriedly came to Dai Qianni with a pleading look on his face: "Miss Dai, I really can't afford to offend that one, how about , you just give up this object, the big deal, what are you looking at today, I will give it to you for free on behalf of Qing Baozhai, and it will be regarded as an apology."

Dai Qianni glanced at Shopkeeper Lu with a gloomy expression, and said angrily, "Treasurer Lu, what do you mean? Could it be that I, Dai Qianni, will send you a little money? Or,

Do you think I'm easier to bully? "

"Don't dare, dare not, it's just..." Shopkeeper Lu wanted to die. He couldn't afford to offend these two parties. Now that they are fighting in Qing Baozhai, what do you tell him to do?

Lin Aocang sneered, and said loudly: "Dai Qianni, I thought that you and Mu Qianxue were equally famous in Tianhai, and you should be a smart woman, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid! That's right, I just think you are easy to bully, how can you stand against me? Shopkeeper Lu, tell the truth, Brother Duanmu and I don’t have that much time to spend with you.”

Jieke is not alone

"Then you will be disappointed, as I said, some things are useful if you have more money." Qin Hao said with a smile, walked to the two big men selling at the counter, Asked: "My friend and I want to buy these gadgets, do you have any ideas?"

No hatred, no hatred, no hatred, no love, no love

Shopkeeper Lu nodded repeatedly, and looked at Dai Qianni apologetically: "Miss Dai, I really can't help you, that is a distinguished guest from the capital, don't say I'm just a shopkeeper, even if I opened Qingbaozhai, I'm afraid I don’t dare to offend him, I’m really sorry.”

Dai Qianni is now riding a tiger, and the shopkeeper Lu's intention is obvious, that is, to stand by Lin Aocang's side.

Duan Muhong? Beijing?

Dai Qianni had roughly guessed the origin of this person in her mind. Shopkeeper Lu was right. The identity of the other party was indeed a bit sensitive, but she had already let her words out. If she asked her to deliver the things now, wouldn't that be a slap in the face? Even though her little face was flushed with anger, Dai Qianni didn't know what to do.

Just when Dai Qianni was helpless, a voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"I said, isn't it too shameless for you big men to bully a woman together?"

Sun Yuandi is unfeeling

"Who?!" Duanmu Hong immediately shouted with a cold face.

Qin Hao walked out of the crowd with a smile and walked out of the crowd. He didn't care about Duan Muhong, walked straight to Dai Qianni, threw a look at her, and took a look at the trembling wooden box. He said with a smile: "Lin Aocang, bullying a woman can make you so proud, you are really a man!"

"Qin Hao!" The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. Lin Aocang was kicked out of the Mu family by Qin Hao with one hand last time, which made him lose face in public. He was worried that he would not have a chance to take revenge on the other party, but he did not expect that the other party would dare to do this Swaggeringly appeared in front of himself.

Qin Hao grinned, showing two rows of big white teeth: "Why do you call me? I don't know you well. What is that Duanmu, and what kind of shopkeeper, I said, do you know how to do business? They are real sellers You haven't even spoken yet, you are a guest and an intermediary, why should you decide for others?"

Sun Keke is not in love with the cold skills of the ball

Sun Keke didn't like the cold skills of the ball, and Dai Qianni glanced at the shopkeeper Lu with a gloomy face, and said angrily, "Treasurer Lu, what do you mean? Could it be that I, Dai Qianni, will send you a little money? Or, do you think Am I easier to bully?"

Duan Muhong sneered for a while: "I take it as what you want to say, it's very simple, it depends on how much money I have, and they come to Qingbaozhai to sell things for nothing more than money. Is it important to them who they sell to? Put it down, no matter how much you pay, I will give you one million more! I still don’t believe it, they don’t have the ability to distinguish?”

"Hey, this Young Master Duanmu is really rich and powerful. This item is only worth a million yuan at most, and you have doubled it with just one mouthful. Tsk tsk, you are really rich." Qin Hao smacked his lips and played with his hands. trembling wooden box.

But then, Qin Hao suddenly changed the subject: "Unfortunately, not everything can be bought with money these days, for example, your life, or for example, all the items on the counter."

"Hahaha...Xiao Linzi, I didn't expect that there are so many people who don't give you face in Tianhai. But, boy, you are really a wonderful person, and I am more and more interested in you! I changed my mind, Now no matter how much you bid, I will pay twice as much as you, and I would like to see how you take these things away from me!" Duanmu Hong laughed and said proudly.

"Then you may be disappointed. As I said, some things are useful if you have more money." Qin Hao said with a smile, walked to the two big men at the counter and asked: "My friend and I want to buy Do you have any opinions on these little gadgets?"

The two big men shook their heads again and again, with a look of excitement on their faces: "No, no, sir, just take it, as for buying it, you don't need it, our brothers are willing to give all these things to sir."

Duanmuhong was completely stunned. He never thought that these two big men would not even want the money they picked up for nothing, and even gave it to Qin Hao for free. He immediately said angrily: "What do you mean? Why are you selling things? Give it to him, I can pay twice as much as them, are you out of your mind?"

"It's none of your business! As long as I am the owner of these things, as long as I am willing, what can you do?!" The two big men didn't give Duanmu Hong any face, and choked directly.

Qin Hao smiled slightly: "You don't need to give it away. I am not short of money, Daoist. I will pay you these things according to the market price. As for Master Duanmu, sorry, I will reluctantly accept these things. As for your money , just go to another counter, I think there must be many people looking forward to it."

ps: The National Day holiday is over, and the update of Chuxin will also return to normal. Please support, flowers, subscriptions, and rewards from all brothers and sisters, just come here! ! ! ! !

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