My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1078 of Resurrection of Reiki

Just do what you say, on the second day after meeting Ye Donghe and the three of them, Qin Hao took a special plane and rushed to Jiangxi, aiming directly at Longhu Mountain.

He had already arranged for the people around him, and he went alone, without too much concern, and he had no scruples about what to do, even if he failed, it would not have any impact on others.

Tianhai is less than a thousand kilometers away from Longhu Mountain, and it can be reached in about an hour. Qin Hao closed his eyes and rested on the plane the whole time, digesting the encounters he got within the 100,000 mountains. Maybe it was his escape from the dead, or maybe it was the energy contained in the stone statue. Qin Hao has shown signs of breaking through recently, but he just has this feeling. As for how to break through to the Dao Palace, he still has no idea .

Also, regarding the Xuanyuan Sword and the golden flame, the former inexplicably resides in his soul, nourishing the sword body with the power of his soul, while the latter died after the fruitless confrontation with the Tiger Soul and failed to absorb the opponent's energy. He returned to his original high-cold appearance, and the flames flickered on Qin Hao's chest. No matter how Qin Hao tried to express his kindness and communicate with the other party, he didn't get any response.

When he arrived at the airport, Qin Hao didn't let anyone follow him and drove directly to the direction of Longhu Mountain. He didn't want to involve other people, and people also understood that it was useless for them to follow Qin Hao, and it would only delay.

Soon, he arrived at the boundary of Longhu Mountain, the ancient town of Shangqing. Longhu Mountain is worthy of being the ancestral home of Taoism. .

There is a record in the book: the root is the corner of the earth, and the item is connected to the heart of the sky. Looking at it from a distance, it breaks the traces of chaotic clouds, and looking at it up close, it swallows the soul of the bright moon. Thousands of peaks compete for beauty, and thousands of valleys compete for stream. The waterfall flies obliquely, and the vine hangs upside down. When the tiger roars, the wind grows at the mouth of the valley, and when the monkey crows, the moon falls on the mountainside. Just like Qingdai dyed into thousands of pieces of jade, and green gauze covering thousands of piles of smoke.

After all, Longhu Mountain is a holy land of Taoism, and there is an endless stream of pilgrims and tourists coming here. However, Qin Hao found that Longhu Mountain was unusually quiet today. He thought it was Ye Donghe and the others who learned that he was going here to take revenge, so they spread the news in time. But I didn't want to, when I came to the foot of the mountain, I saw tourists hoarding and hoarding and noisy tourists, as well as some disciples of the Tianshi Mansion in sackcloth and filial piety, it was obviously not the case.

After asking someone, Qin Hao found out that the gate of Longhu Mountain has been sealed off for the past few days, and tourists are not allowed to watch it. Qin Hao could also guess the reason. The disciples of Tianshi Mansion dressed in mourning and sackcloth were clearly holding a funeral.

Ah! How arrogant and arrogant, did he really regard Longhu Mountain as his Zhang family's private property? Longhu Mountain is located in Huaguo, and it is owned by the state. It is a public property that all Huaguo people are eligible to visit and visit, and it is not owned by any individual.

But now, because of the death of the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion, the entire Longhu Mountain has been banned. What qualifications do these Taoists have to deal with national public property? Moreover, the country has obviously made concessions on this, otherwise we would not have seen some armed police officials below block the forest to prevent tourists from going up the mountain.

At this time, on the top of Longhu Mountain, in the Shangqing Palace, a group of elders in the Tianshi Mansion were seriously discussing how to deal with Qin Hao.

Just two days ago when Qin Hao arrived in Tianhai and got off the plane with Mu Qianxue Yunshan, the spies arranged by the Tianshi Mansion in Tianhai sent back the news. Those disciples who were still squatting outside the Shiwanda Mountain to watch the news naturally He returned in vain, so he had no choice but to return to his own sect.

"In my opinion, that kid not only killed the Young Mansion Master, but also succeeded in breaking through the siege against us after the battle with the big monster Wushuang. He killed the old ten and others. His strength should not be underestimated. The kid hides in the city to recuperate, why don't we bring someone to kill him and eradicate him completely! Otherwise,

If you let that kid slow down, it will be difficult to kill him! "The Sixth Elder was the first to speak.

Regarding the suggestion of the sixth elder, all the elders nodded in agreement. Qin Hao's performance this time really shocked all the elders present. They thought that the other party would definitely die, but they did not expect that Qin Hao was still alive. Thousands of miles away in Tianhai, if there were no spies who reported back in time, they might still be squatting outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains!

Although the First Elder also felt that the Sixth Elder's words were reasonable, he still hesitated: "That kid is hiding in the secular world. We are practitioners, so we can't go down the mountain at will. If we all kill him at the door, we will surely provoke the government to attack you." What's more, Zhao Guohua, the leader of the dragon guard clan, has been staying with us for several days because of the matter of Ling Xuzi, and the entangled mansion master has not been able to get away easily. There may be some unfavorable consequences for waiting to cross the line."

Regarding the elder's worry, everyone obviously didn't think it was a serious matter, and they couldn't help laughing: "Brother, what is there to worry about, he is just a kid who doesn't want to die, what consequences can there be? Even if we bring someone to kill him Well, the government is just protesting and protesting at most. Anyway, they have always only protested. If there is anything to care about, just listen to it and ignore it at all. By then, people will have been killed and everything that should be done has been done. The goal What can they do? Do they still dare to attack us practitioners? Moreover, I believe that as long as the Palace Master knows that he can avenge the Young Palace Master, he will not care about the relationship with the government or the changes in the situation. , our Celestial Master Mansion has a thousand-year orthodox lineage, occupying the blessed land of Longhu Mountain, will we be afraid of those ignorant mortals? Don't let others' ambition destroy your own prestige!"

"Brothers are right." The Great Elder nodded and said, "It's just that this matter involves the government's attitude after all, and you and I alone cannot decide. At this moment, the Palace Master is opening an altar for the Young Palace Master and the fifth brother." They have saved the undead, and after the opening of the altar is over, I will ask the Palace Master for instructions, and then I will make a decision!"

Speaking of this, the Great Elder paused for a moment, hesitated for a moment, seemed to be thinking about something, and then said: "By the way, brothers, do you feel that there seems to be a little change between the world these days? I always feel that the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth seems to be more abundant than before, and I don’t know if it’s my personal illusion or you all feel it.”

"Brother, indeed, I feel the same way."

"Yes, yes, me too."

When everyone heard this, they all agreed with each other, and were amazed at the changes that had taken place.

The Great Elder frowned slightly. According to the ancient records, the aura of the earth in ancient times was not as thin as it is now. At that time, Qi practitioners and practitioners existed in large numbers. However, something happened and suddenly entered the age of doom, so that the aura of the world became thinner day by day. After all, Qi practitioners and practitioners couldn't bear the passing of time, and they couldn't advance an inch in their realm. In the end, they died. Many orthodox traditions and practice inheritances disappeared, and they lost their former glory.

However, the aura is showing signs of recovery now. If he is the only one who notices this, it may be an illusion, but even the other elders with lower cultivation levels can detect it. It can be seen that the recovery speed of aura is not slow , after all, the lower the realm, the weaker the perception.

Could it be that there will be some changes in this world again? At that time, how should their practitioners deal with themselves? Is it boom or perish? What does God mean?

Just as the elders were discussing it and expressing their opinions, suddenly there were shouts of killing from outside the palace, and then a disciple in hemp and mourning rushed in with a long sword on his back, and reported to the elders: "Elder! Ladies, it’s not good, it’s not good, someone is calling!”

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