My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1092 One sinking...


Classics are indeed classics, even if they are only animations, the far-reaching meaning behind them is also alarming. However, Yun Shan was not in the mood to appreciate or comprehend. It was already difficult for her to persist until the end of the movie. In her eyes, every frame on the screen was a picture of the trip of the Wu Clan. Even though she lost her mind, the memory still existed in her mind, as if she was looking at the images constantly emerging in front of her from the perspective of a third party. Every second in her seat was a torment for her.

However, she didn't leave at this point, and didn't choose to escape. Qin Hao never let go of Yunshan's hand from the beginning to the end of the movie. As he said, he will accompany her through it, no matter how difficult it is.

After watching the movie, Yun Shan almost collapsed. She was covered in sweat, and her arms were slightly trembling. Those who didn't know thought she was watching some thrilling horror movie. With her current state and mood, it was obviously not suitable to continue other dating activities. Even though Duan Murui felt it was a pity, how could a simple and kind girl have any objections, and the three of them went back home together.

Passing by a flower shop on the way, Duanmurui left with the excuse that some of the flowers ordered by customers needed to be packaged and delivered the next day, leaving space for the two of them to be alone, while Qin Hao sent Yunshan home. She is currently in a very state of mind. Unstable, which puts a lot of stress on the body and requires rest.

From the beginning to the end, Yun Shan never uttered a word, as if she had lost her soul, she sat in a daze like a wooden man, got out of the car stiffly and went upstairs, and returned to the room to lie down under Qin Hao's arrangement, closing her eyes .

The enemy is far away from the enemy, the hatred is cool, the Zhanyue is too invincible

Qin Hao never let go of Yun Shan's hand during the whole process. When the latter fell asleep, he sat by the bed and accompanied her without letting go.

Time passed by every minute and every second until it was completely dark. Suddenly, the sleeping Yun Shan started to move, her body trembled slightly at first, and then the movements became bigger and bigger, so that she finally tossed and turned on the bed~ His face was full of complex expressions of panic, sadness, sadness, and fear mixed together, and his mouth repeated a few words in a low voice and hurriedly like a dream, as if he was apologizing to someone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, forgive me..."

Qin Hao knew who Yun Shan was apologizing to, he tightly held Yun Shan's little hand in his palm, and hurriedly shook her awake.

"Sister Shan, are you having a nightmare?"

Yun Shan, who had just been awakened, apparently still hadn't recovered. She stared blankly at Qin Hao, who was full of concern, and threw herself into the latter's arms after a while, crying bitterly: "I...I I saw Da Mao, Er Mao, saw the patriarch, saw Wu Zi, and many, many clansmen, they were covered in blood, all of them were cut by me with a knife, they begged me for help, loudly begged for mercy, and wanted me to stop ,

But I didn't, I hacked and killed them like crazy, I don't know why, my hands don't listen to me, I..."

What Yun Shan was crying was pear blossoms with rain, and her emotions were out of control. No matter how strong a woman is, no matter how she plays the role of a sister who takes care of Qin Hao in life, at this moment, she is still a woman after all, and she is also lonely, sad and fragile. When she needs to be understood, comforted and taken care of, she also needs a chest that she can rely on and confide in, an emotion that can accompany her through difficult times.

Qin Hao naturally accepted all this, put his arms around her head, gently stroked her hair with his palm, and said softly: "It's not your fault, don't be sad, don't be sad, everything is fate, it is those who control at will. The fault of our fate has nothing to do with you. I think that since your clansmen chose to let you enter the sealed land, it already represents their choice, and they will definitely not blame you. On the contrary, you must Live well, you are the last member of the Wu Clan in the world. Your life not only represents you alone, but also represents those who died, representing the entire Wu Clan. If you are still alive, the Wu Clan will not perish. They They all live in your heart. Believe me, everything will be fine, am I still by your side? You still have many people who care about you and love you, your existence has absolute meaning..."

Compared to being dumb and dazed, completely immersed in her own sad world, unable to receive any information from the outside world, in Qin Hao's view, being able to vent her emotions freely is at least one thing that is very beneficial for Yunshan to release her emotions. stressful behavior.

He tried his best to comfort her, but he didn't talk too much about who was right and who was wrong in this tragedy, and who should take what position. Instead, he talked about it in a few words, focusing on Yun Shan's inner needs. He just wanted her to understand, She is not alone, even if she loses a group of people who just learned her life experience, there will always be other people around her who love her, care about her, and accompany her, not only Qin Hao, but also Duanmurui, Song Yao Waiting for others, even Mu Qianxue, is actually worried about her, otherwise he would not take the initiative to give Qin Hao a holiday.

Qin Hao is not a person with eloquence like a lotus flower, and some of the words he said are not panacea, which can 100% cure Yun Shan's heart disease. However, for Yun Shan who is extremely fragile and full of pressure and sadness in her heart, those words Words are like life-saving straws, if you hold on to them, you don’t want to let go. Perhaps, in the subconsciousness of her heart, she also hopes that someone can help her and pull her out of the deep quagmire. .

Gradually, Yun Shan's mood stabilized a bit. Even if a strong woman is fragile, she will not let her fragility wrap herself forever. No matter how to redeem her sins in the future, or what kind of lifestyle she will live, at least Yun Shan will find a way Live well, this is the best explanation for those who died innocently, and it is also the best gift for those who care and love her. Only in this way can you be worthy of the word strong.

"I'm much better, thank you, Hao, I won't sink like this anymore, I should do something for the future. However, I'm still a little worried, the Tiger Soul Knife is still in my body, it seems to be Sleeping, I can't communicate with it, and I don't want to use it. But, I'm very scared, I can still remember my appearance at that time, like a monster, if I meet again in the future What should I do if I control my rational situation? I don't want to become a monster anymore!" Yun Shan said in a deep voice with a lonely expression, she let herself go, but she didn't really forgive herself in her heart. Always consider yourself guilty.

It was precisely because of this that she had to ask clearly that one tragedy was often enough, and she would not be able to experience a second tragedy, either physically or mentally, otherwise, she felt that she would definitely collapse.

In fact, Qin Hao doesn't know all about it, even the old demon, I'm afraid he can't tell clearly, after all, the tiger soul is a living thing, it has an independent consciousness, a person who can pretend to be Chi You, use energy to interfere with the high priest's mind, and deceive her for several times Can a weapon that has killed countless people seeking escape be considered a simple weapon?

Even if it now recognizes Yun Shan as the master, who knows if it will have other thoughts and changes someday in the future?

Qin Hao did not choose to lie to Yunshan because of this. On the contrary, he told Yunshan all the facts, but after he told the truth, he added a sentence: "Do you remember the movie we watched this afternoon? The moment I pulled out Rei Ayanami, do you know what I was thinking? Now, I just want to tell you that no matter whether you will become a monster in the future or whether this kind of rampage will happen again, I will always be by your side. At that time, I, who was already a monster, would pull you to my side like Shinji, and either sink together or be reborn together!"

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