My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1121 Drunk

"You like to look at me so much? Although I know I'm beautiful, it's impolite to stare at a lady like this, especially since you seem to be a married man with a family background." Su Yanran didn't care at all about the relationship with Qin The two of Hao were alone in this space. On the contrary, they deliberately leaned forward, breathed out the fragrance of orchids, and gently undid a button of the neckline, "Of course, if you want to see, I don't mind letting you see the more beautiful scenery inside." , the key is, do you want to?"

Qin Hao never thought that he was a contemporary Liu Xiahui who could sit still. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was Su Yanran, if it was any woman who dared to show her head in front of him like this, he would have jumped on her right now and put herself The desire to vent ~ out without reservation, but the target is her, the woman he absolutely does not want to be rude to again.

Besides, more importantly, Qin Hao couldn't understand this woman. He can be said to be completely clueless about the origin of this woman. After having a relationship with Su Yanran, he once asked Erwa to check the woman, but found that there was nothing except the identity of the adopted daughter of the eldest son of the Qin family. .

To be more specific, this woman is the adoptive daughter brought back by the disillusioned long-wife daughter-in-law Ye's family after Qin's grandson was taken away and the eldest son disappeared. Except for this, everything in life seems to be very ordinary. It is because it is too ordinary, but it looks more suspicious.

Seeing Su Yanran again now, Qin Hao became more certain about the thought in his heart, a super genius in the scientific world, a real national treasure scientist, would he be an ordinary person?

When the woman came to him, she knew his situation well, no matter how she looked at it, she would not be an ordinary person, even now Qin Hao didn't understand what she was thinking, he would not naively think that his charm was really great When Su Yanran wanted to devote herself to falling in love with him, what was the purpose? So that she can just surrender her virginity?

Thinking of this, the flame of desire in Qin Hao's heart gradually extinguished. He subconsciously forced himself to look at Su Yanran, and said with a smile: "Since you know that I am a married man, you took the room card and entered my room alone. Miss Su wants to send meat from thousands of miles away again? Although Miss Su is indeed very beautiful, my wife seems to be not bad either.

Su Yanran's face changed suddenly, and she changed into a cold face almost instantly: "You are really vicious enough to take away a woman's virginity forcibly and compare it with others!"

"Sure enough!" Qin Hao looked at the other party with a smile, "I knew you were acting, although I don't know why you keep showing that you want to spend your life with me, but I know you are not really like you You acted like you liked me and needed me, but on the contrary, you hated and hated me more, even if you and I met on the train that day, even when we were dating, I could feel your love for me Disgusting. I'm curious, why on earth are you acting like me, what you do always makes me feel like you're accomplishing some mission, I don't understand who in your capacity can make such unreasonable demands on you , I don’t even understand why you are willing to give me your precious virginity. Can you tell me the answer?”

Speaking of the latter, Qin Hao's expression was very serious. He really wanted to find out what happened to him, why a woman who clearly hated him would be willing to use something as important as chastity to save him, and let him be like that. Rough ~ unreasonable and even inhumane crazy venting...

Su Yanran's expression was indifferent, and there was an extremely cold chill all over her body. Unlike Mu Qianxue's coldness on the outside and heat on the inside, Qin Hao could clearly feel the indifference of a woman from the bottom of her heart, just like a robot,

No emotion, just pure coldness.

"Am I pretty?" Su Yanran asked indifferently, as if she was not the one who asked the question, without any embarrassment or disobedience, it felt like she was explaining a fact, a truth objectively and fairly.

Qin Hao didn't understand why, and nodded in a matter-of-fact way: "Beautiful."

"Do you enjoy having sex with me?"


"Aren't men all lustful? Isn't it enough to give a beautiful woman like me to you for the first time to help you vent your physical desire? You can just enjoy yourself. What's the use of going after the root cause? It's all the same, but the purpose is different, the means are different, what's the difference? If you really want to know, then just treat it as I love you, I am your woman, and I was born to be destined."

Su Yanran said calmly, it was obviously a kind of words similar to a confession, but when it came out of a woman's mouth, it was so disobedient, Qin Hao couldn't feel a trace of love, on the contrary, he felt a little unbearable fear and uneasiness, He has always felt that the physical enjoyment will only come when the relationship comes naturally. Pure sensuality is not what he pursues. He can't imagine having sex with a disgusting and hateful woman, just like Su Yanran having sex with him who he obviously hates~ Same.

"How can there be such a reason! You are talking nonsense!" Qin Hao exclaimed with a headache, "Don't you have someone you like? Don't you have your own ideas? You are still a genius with a super high IQ, so you don't have any. Self-awareness? You have never thought about why you want to do this, you should decide the future path according to your own preferences, you should pursue freedom, not bondage!"

Su Yanran's face was cloudy and uncertain, her eyes were full of hatred for Qin Hao's words, she looked coldly at the excited Qin Hao in front of her, as if she was watching a monkey show, there was almost nothing emotionally Too much fluctuation, after Qin Hao finished speaking, he said lightly: "For me, living is freedom. My future and my life have already been set up. If you find it incomprehensible, then be I just wrote the program and started running. I didn’t intend to let you see me like this today. I still want to use the original me to get along with you, but it seems that you are very sensitive. It’s okay for me to weigh it and tell you. Relationship, so, I hope that when I walk out of this room, you will still be you, and I will still be me before. No matter how you treat me, my program has already run, and it will not change! It cannot be changed!"

"Su Yanran, are you sick? Do you think you are a robot?!" Qin Hao shouted angrily. People don't cherish themselves at all. When they compare their thoughts and behaviors to robot programs, they are very angry, annoyed, and there is a touch of pity hidden in the depths of their eyes.

Su Yanran didn't respond, and just walked out of the room. The moment she opened the door and stepped out, all the coldness disappeared in an instant, and the girl with ponytail seemed to be back.

The closed door completely closed Qin Hao's eyes, and he leaned weakly on the sofa. He actually didn't want to become like this with Su Yanran, but he didn't know why he developed like this unknowingly, he still felt This line is a mess, no matter how hard it is to sort it out, I'm afraid he can only understand all this when he understands why Su Yanran in his bones is like that.

The sense of guilt seemed to deepen again in his heart. Even though Su Yanran tried her best to express that everything was yours, and there was no need for guilt, but he was not a ruthless and indifferent person after all.

The reception banquet was set up in the banquet hall of the auditorium of the base, Qin Hao and Su Yanran did not evade and chose to attend, saying it was a reception banquet, but it should actually be a carnival. After all, this place is isolated from the outside world. In the vast sea, there are only the same faces all day long, and the atmosphere of being tense and ready for battle seems to be a luxury for the people here.

Drinking alcohol in disguise, eating meat recklessly, and even dancing and celebrating with the female soldiers and girls you like to drive away the tense and serious atmosphere seems to be very good.

Cao Hong also knew this very well, and he didn't say too many official formulas, but expressed his welcome to Qin Hao. After a brief introduction, it was the climax of the banquet.

Qin Hao was caught and fed by several people, including the top leaders of the base and ordinary soldiers. For this newcomer, everyone welcomed this newcomer in the purest way of a man.

Since he came out of the army, he has encountered such things before, and his drinking capacity is not in vain. He soon fought with a group of people and drank to his heart's content.

The same is true for Su Yanran, she was also frequently approached by people, and she soon got a little drunk, and suddenly stood up and picked up~ The rough guys who surrounded Qin Hao and fought for wine rushed into Qin Hao In Hao's arms, she knelt on the ground, leaning limply on Qin Hao's thigh, the blush on her face caused by alcohol was still spreading, she didn't shy away from everyone's eyes at all, just clinging to Qin Hao Together.

"Oh oh oh (three long tones respectively)..." Everyone smiled and pointed at Qin Hao, as if to show that they had discovered some new land, implying that Qin Hao actually got involved with Su Yanran because of alcohol , I am not surprised or weird about this kind of ambiguous behavior that should not be in public.

"Bad guy, scumbag..."

Su Yanran was coquettishly in Qin Hao's arms~huh, at the same time, two small hands were playing with Qin Hao's shirt buttons, and after a while, she untied the opening in the middle of Qin Hao's lower abdomen, and at the same time, her hands slipped in like water snakes Wandering around Qin Hao's abdominal muscles and mermaid lines.

For Qin Hao, it was too difficult to knock him down after drinking. Maybe the people present were a little slow to react because of alcohol, but he knew very well that no matter whether Su Yanran was pretending or really drunk by alcohol, If she went on like this, he might be stripped naked in public.

He picked up the woman by the waist, and amidst the cheers of everyone, Qin Hao said sorry and strode away from the auditorium.

The author Mo Wangchuxin said: Let’s make two updates today, more than 6,000 words, and the ones that are owed will definitely be made up in the next few days. . . . . . . . . . . .

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