My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1165 Here is

"I don't know, but the giant tree in front of me is really inexplicable. And, don't you find it strange? Looking closely at the mythology systems of various countries, each country is different, but one of them is very similar, that is, all of them once There have been figures about the World Tree. No matter the Nordic mythology, or the myths and legends of our Huaguo, or Greek mythology or even Roman mythology, they have all appeared, and most of them are world-building and life-giving energy."

Su Yanran said carefully: "If the so-called myths are half-truths and half-false, then the world tree that appeared in every myth is very likely to be true, and the myths of every country cannot be written the same. Isn’t it a thing? Besides, this giant tree is so big that it is almost outrageous. The fruit is the planet, the branches and leaves are the world, and there is a galaxy in the middle, as if this giant tree constitutes the whole world. Up."

"What you said seems to be the case." Qin Hao nodded, he was obviously convinced by Su Yanran's deduction, "In Western European mythology, the artifact of the eternal spear used by the main god Odin, the handle of which is It is made of the branches of the world tree, so Xuanyuan sword is likely to be the same as the gun of eternity. So when I touch the surface of the stone egg, I will have a feeling of flesh and blood, because the branches of the world tree are In my soul."

Moreover, it is precisely because it is the World Tree, the sacred tree that nurtures the world and the life of all things, that it has such a terrifying and strong life energy, and it is precisely because of this thing that it will lead to the recovery of spiritual energy on the earth. Just explained the reason for all this.

However, this is only speculation for the time being and cannot be confirmed.

Qin Hao thought to himself, if this is really the world tree in the legend and myth, then there should be no danger, on the contrary, there may be adventures, so much life energy, if it can be absorbed by Qin Hao, that is also right. The improvement of his cultivation base has infinite benefits!

"Let's go up together!" Qin Hao suggested to Su Yanran, "I don't feel relieved to leave you here alone, besides, maybe this road can lead to our world, in case I go up and leave If I leave here and leave you alone, then there will be a big problem, and I don’t know how to come here to pick you up again.”

Su Yanran thinks about it, no one knows where this road leads, if they miss the way home, it will be really funny.

The two decided to go on the road together, walking hand in hand, but just after walking up a few steps, Qin Hao felt a strange pressure coming. The pressure was very huge, as if he was carrying a mountain forward, it was almost unnerving. I couldn't bear it, but fortunately, as the steps went up, the pressure didn't increase, it just kept a constant force.

On the other hand, Su Yanran didn't seem to feel any strange feeling at all, as if she was walking on flat ground, she asked the other party repeatedly, and when she found out that she really didn't feel any pressure, and it was as easy as going up the stairs, Qin Hao was so angry that she wanted to scold her again .

What does it mean? Bullying me for being handsome? Or is it that even this world tree has gender distinctions, it is a male tree, so it is especially kind to beautiful girls, and it is trying to suppress handsome boys like him?

Qin Hao was very upset, but he had no choice. He had already reached the top of the stairs. Every time he took a step, the steps behind him would dissipate automatically. He climbed up the thief tree, and the back road was cut off. He couldn't even go back the same way. Can go up with one effort.

The only thing to be thankful for is that under the condition that the pressure will not increase evenly, his flesh~body is strong enough to withstand the burden of that pressure. Although it will affect the speed slightly, it is still much faster than going up the stairs normally. Furthermore, if it is faster,

Su Yanran might not be able to keep up, could she?

The two of them kept walking upwards, looking at the planets on the branches, the galaxy between the trunks, and the world on the branches and leaves along the way, as if they were in a virtual universe of pure 3D projection. It was a feast for the eyes, and it even opened Su Yanran's eyes, and she kept coming up with some strange ideas, saying that if she went out, she must try to study it.

I don't know how long I walked, it might be one day, it might be two days, it might be three days, anyway, at the end, even Su Yanran, whose body has been cleansed by the magic medicine, felt a little tired and couldn't move anymore At that moment, the two finally stopped. It was not that the two had successfully climbed to the top, but that the ladder to the sky had completely disappeared, and this was the highest level.

Looking up at the top, they may not have even reached half of the whole tree, and they still can't see the edge at a glance. Looking down, they can't see the altar and the burial ground. It's chaotic, as if time and space are constantly flowing. Mixed together, it is really difficult to distinguish.

And on the tree trunk directly in front of them, a tree hole with a height of two or three meters appeared in front of them. The two looked at each other and stepped into it.

The inside of the tree hole is not as dark as imagined, on the contrary, it is extremely bright, and the surroundings are full of chaos seen under various giant trees, and it seems to be distributed in time and space. There is only one room that is spacious enough for two or three people Paths that pass side by side.

Qin Hao tried to reach out to touch it, but found that half of his palm was directly engulfed by the turbulent flow of time and space, and he felt a huge pulling force, which made him withdraw quickly, but even so, the extremely terrifying twisting force still squeezed The half of his palm was squeezed out of shape, his fingers were almost twisted, and the palm surface was even flattened almost into a layer of paper.

However, this is not a problem for Qin Hao. The self-repairing ability of the bloodline was activated, and it quickly returned to its original state. However, after this, he became much more honest, and did not dare to touch it casually.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the two finally reached the end of the tree hole. The outside was filled with milky white chaotic air, and the edge could not be seen at all. Qin Hao tried to step on it, and found that there was a solid ground ahead, so he turned towards Su Yanran. Nodding their heads, the two walked again.

As soon as they walked out of the tree hole, before they had time to take a closer look at the space environment around Primal Chaos Qi, the two of them suddenly felt empty under their feet, and then their bodies fell weightlessly. Qin Hao was shocked and just grabbed Su Yanran He stabilized his figure, but he didn't expect the scene in front of him to change suddenly, and he was actually in the vast sea, surrounded by blue water, wrapping the two of them.

Qin Hao pulled Su Yanran who was a little unresponsive and almost choked on the water, and at the same time used energy to separate the seawater, so as not to cause Su Yanran to be choked by the seawater and unable to breathe for a long time. After a while, the two swam out of the water, looked up Then I saw the blue sky, the white clouds, and the warm sunshine.

This scene is so familiar, just looking at it will make you feel refreshed, the air is so fresh, just take a breath, you will feel completely exhausted physically and mentally!

"It seems that we have returned to the earth?" Qin Hao looked at the scene in front of him and said in surprise.

But then, he frowned slightly and said, "No, the aura here is so abundant, it doesn't seem like the earth. Even if the aura on the earth recovered before, it was not as strong as here. Could it be that we have entered an unknown world again?"

It’s no wonder that Qin Hao doubted it. After all, if the world tree is real, it means that it is connected to almost every planet and world in the universe. When they walk out of the tree hole, they might come to a world similar to the earth. uncertain.

Carrying Su Yanran on his back, Qin Hao soared into the sky, his spiritual consciousness instantly spread out, covering an area of ​​20 to 30 nautical miles, and flew towards the north continuously. Soon, his spiritual consciousness sensed a ship, He quickly flew towards the direction of the ship.

A minute later, Qin Hao rushed to the top of the boat, and seeing the five-star red flag fluttering in the wind, he was overjoyed and fell down.

Lin Sen is a crew member on the Forest cruise ship. He was originally a journalist. Because he was committed to the bottom line in his heart, he refused to report false news and lead public opinion to be suppressed by his superiors, but it was also because he was seeking truth from facts. His reporting style has attracted a large number of fans for him.

The depression at work brought him great pressure, and the heart yearning for freedom was restless all day long. Finally, one day, he couldn't bear the pain in his heart and decided to resign. He who loved the sea and yearned for freedom became a crew member. And part-time as a network anchor.

On this day, the wind was sunny and cloudless, and the mild sunlight shone on the deck, which made people feel warm and comfortable. There was a blue sea in front of them, calm, beautiful and clear. Lin Sen couldn't help but turn on the live broadcast and wanted to chat with fans. Let's share the beautiful scenery we saw while drifting on the sea.

The main reason is that various strange phenomena seem to have appeared in various parts of the world recently, and many strange and messy remarks and rumors have spread everywhere, which has brought a lot of pressure to people. Lin Sen is just an ordinary person, unable to do anything. A public figure, but he feels that he should do something.

Therefore, it is his purpose to bring you the beautiful scenery that can make you feel calm, so that everyone can have a Buddhist heart.

But just as he turned on the live broadcast and fans entered the live broadcast room one after another, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. This man was only in his early twenties, shirtless, wearing a white coat that looked like a doctor's , a little tattered, behind the young man, there is a woman on his back, not to mention beautiful looks, the key point is where did these two come from?

Looking around the environment on the deck, there was no one there when he came out to bask in the sun before, but now there are two more people suddenly, and their clothes don't look like guests on the ship, so who are they? How did it appear here again?

Lin Sen was terrified and took a step back in a panic. Just as he was about to speak, he heard the young man in front of him ask, "Excuse me, is this the Earth? Are you a ship from China?"

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