My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 1167 The Age Comes

At this time, both Qin Hao and Su Yanran had taken a shower and changed their clothes again. Long Jiu wanted to take the two of them to eat first, but they were forced to know the current situation very urgently, so they gave up.

Seeing these two people, Zhao Guohua stood up abruptly from his seat, his face was as happy as Long Jiu's, and he walked up to them in a few steps, and gave Qin Hao and Su Yanran a big hug. It's hard to imagine, always Showing a cold face, full of hostility, and never having close contact with others, it seems that Zhao Guohua, a male god of abstinence, would make such a move, which shows his inner happiness and excitement.

Indeed, he thought that the entire Skynet base was wiped out, but he didn't expect the two most important people to come back alive.

After a long time, the two of them were released, and Zhao Guohua returned to his original appearance again. He sighed and said, "Seeing that you have returned safe and sound, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. This should be the best thing I have heard in the recent period." news."

The two of Qin and Hao had already learned from Long Jiu that it had been more than two months since they disappeared, so it was Su Yanran who couldn't help asking first, "Uncle Zhao, are there any survivors in Skynet Base?"

Zhao Guohua shook his head: "They all died, and the small island where the base is located was also wiped off the earth by an inexplicable force, and there was no trace of it ever existed. Instead, I need you to tell me what happened at that time .”

Qin Hao and Su Yanran took Cao Hong and Xu Fanghua to attack the Skynet base in collaboration with the Holy Gate gangsters, and wanted to seize the astrolabe. Xiao Feng's true identity and details such as the magic medicine Qin Hao collected.

Anyway, what Zhao Guohua needs is just a process, and the details are not important to him.

"What a Xu family!" After hearing the narration of the two, Zhao Guohua snorted coldly, "These people in power who betrayed the country, betrayed the people, and put their bodies on the table are really damned! Let the Xu family pay the due price, remove them from the top ten families, and never tolerate it!"

Qin Hao shook his head slightly: "That's unnecessary. The Xu family is a traitor to you, but it is a sworn enemy to me. Just getting rid of the name can't solve the hatred in my heart. I will come to my house personally Brothers who died in vain seek justice!"

Zhao Guohua nodded: "This kind of traitor, greedy for power, and using the blood of heroes and martyrs to satisfy his selfish desires should be killed! You can do this matter freely, and my dragon guards will never stand idly by!"

Qin Hao nodded and said yes, this is the biggest difference between Zhao Guohua and Jiangnan. Although they are brothers, Jiangnan is insidious and cunning, and uses everything to the extreme. Such a guy is too smooth and cares about gains and losses. Zhao Guohua, even with a cold face and no good looks, went straight and did not make any falsehoods.

When Su Yanran said that they saw a giant tree, guessed it was the World Tree, and returned to the earth by climbing the tree and walking through the tree hole, Zhao Guohua's eyes flashed with astonishment, he turned around and took out a paper from the table and handed it to the earth. for two.

The two took a look, and saw several photos clearly printed on the document. On it was a gigantic towering tree that broke through the sky. Just a single branch almost covered the entire earth, like the earth. It is like the fruit on the branches of this giant tree, which is extremely shocking.

"This is?" Qin Hao raised his head and glanced at Zhao Guohua, the surprise and shock in his eyes overflowed the surface.

"This is the photo taken by the satellites of various countries when they looked down on the earth in space, and the time happened to be the period after you disappeared.

This giant tree did not exist for a long time, and it disappeared without a trace even 24 hours a day, and it disappeared out of thin air under the monitoring of satellites from various countries. There was no trace of its existence at all, let alone how it disappeared. If it weren't for the photos to prove it, we might not be able to believe that this thing ever existed.

According to our investigation and speculation, the cause of the great changes in the world and the revival of spiritual energy is due to this giant tree. Now hearing your experience during this period of time, it is undoubtedly confirmed this statement. Not surprisingly, this thing should be the World Tree, and only this kind of fetish can have such a terrifying and huge life essence that can revive all things and start to evolve. It seems that times are really about to change! "

Zhao Guohua sighed and said, but Qin Hao didn't feel the slightest bit of dissatisfaction from his words, on the contrary, he was mostly excited.

"According to this, you have been troubled by the recovery of spiritual energy recently?" Qin Hao asked aloud.

Zhao Guohua nodded, beckoned the two to come forward, and turned the computer screen on the desk to face the two: "This is the system of the Internet Surveillance Department. It has been taken over by us since the recovery of the spiritual energy. You can take a look at the above. Posts and remarks, you can know what the world has become now."

In today's era of information explosion, China has a population of more than one billion people, hundreds of millions of them are netizens. Naturally, the number of posts is not small, and many of them have evidence such as videos and photos, as well as a lot of text descriptions. They all have one thing in common, that is, they are all related to the recovery of spiritual energy.

For example, in a video shot by a certain little brother, this little brother is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and looks like a high school student, but he has colorful rainbow hair dyed, a typical Shamate nobleman, of course, his Image is not the key to video.

After a self-introduction and a mess of actions that he thought were very cool, a ray of flames burst out of his palm for no reason. It was not too much, and it was not strong enough, just enough to cover the entire palm.

However, this is a fire made out of thin air by hand! To Qin Hao, it may not be a big deal, but to ordinary people, this is too exaggerated!

According to my brother’s own introduction in the video, he was just climbing the mountain in his own city. He was a little thirsty in the middle and was reluctant to buy water. He picked a wild fruit on the mountain wall and ate it. When he woke up the next day, he found that his body It can release flames without feeling the temperature of normal flames, that is, it is not afraid of fire.

For another example, another young lady said in the video that she found that her strength had suddenly increased a lot, and she could easily lift objects weighing nearly a thousand catties. Like the little brother before, she also woke up after sleeping. She found herself changing, but the difference was that she didn't eat anything weird.

There are also messy photos and stories, all of which are about the changes that have occurred in oneself, the abilities that have been acquired, or the flowers and plants planted at home, and the changes in some of the pets at home, etc. , and even some supernatural events appeared, anyway, it was a messy mess.

After reading a whole page of posts, Qin Hao understood why Zhao Guohua exclaimed that the world had changed, because he did the same.

After the spiritual energy revived, the world seemed to be really different from before. Many ordinary human beings have acquired all kinds of strange abilities, even flowers, plants, animals and livestock are the same.

Peach trees grow peaches as big as a human head, a grape as big as a baseball, domesticated cats and dogs more than double in size, even pigs and sheep.

"As soon as these posts are sent out, we will immediately block them in time, but after all, this is a change that is happening in the whole world. Even if we try to do 404 or ban something, we still can't keep up with the speed of these netizens. What's more, even if we It seems that foreign countries do not have such an idea of ​​being able to completely block news. As long as they can bypass the wall and go to foreign forums and webpages, they can still see it. Therefore, the changes in the world cannot be hidden. Now we can only take one step at a time and barely block it Some news, let the public slowly accept it, so that there will be no social panic."

Zhao Guohua continued: "As for those people who suddenly have the ability to awaken, we immediately locked the IP address when they posted, brought them back, and took care of them reasonably. But there must be many awakened among them. There are people with abilities but no posts. We don’t know who these people are, where they are, and what kind of character and disposition they are. Ordinary people who suddenly acquire powerful abilities may feel very new at first, but we The most worrying thing is that they will use this ability to misbehave and disrupt social order.

You should know that if practitioners commit crimes in the secular world, it will be difficult for ordinary police and soldiers to play a role. We must suppress these things. Therefore, we had to distribute the Dragon Team, Jin Yiwei, and Dragon Guards to various cities across the country to prevent these capable people from committing crimes. Originally, we practitioners were short of manpower, and now we have to be transferred to various cities across the country to set up branches. One can imagine how much pressure there is.

Moreover, now that the era of spiritual energy recovery has come, the spiritual energy is growing every day. I don’t know when it will be. In this way, there will definitely be more and more ordinary people with abilities. If you admit defeat, it will be more difficult to manage. The stability of social order is a huge security risk. Moreover, there are also those hermit practice families and Jianghu sects. The recovery of aura has a great effect on the speed of practice. If they are not well managed and restrained, there will be very big hidden problems. "

Qin Hao roughly understood Zhao Guohua's complaints. After all, the recovery of spiritual energy led to the evolution of species including humans. This sudden power made the government uneasy, worried that it would pose a threat to the country and ordinary people, but it could not change the world if it wanted to stop it. With insufficient manpower, it is difficult to do everything.

As for why the changes in humans are greater than those in other races of animals and plants, it is probably because humans are inherently higher creatures, standing at the top of the biological chain, the level of natural evolution will be higher. However, according to Zhao Guohua, some scientific research workers said that as the spiritual energy recovers faster and faster, it cannot be ruled out that there are other biological races that evolve faster than humans. At that time, it will be the critical moment for the real survival of human beings!

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